
Hi Everyone,

I have a question regarding Kick-boxing Certification. I love kick-boxing and have been thinking about how cool it would be to become certified in it. I would like to try teaching, maybe at a women's gym. I had been interested in a particular kick-box type certification, (I won't say which one), but have since decided against it. Certain things discouraged me from it, one of which being that I'd have to go for re-cert every year, and it can get expensive. Especially if I don't end up teaching. Is this the norm? Do all certifications require recert every year?

Do any of you know anything about Fitour? I receive emails form them now and then and they offer certifications at very reasonable prices, but I get the feeling it is for someone who is already certified to teach, and just want to add something else like kick-boxing, pilates etc.

Any advise those of you who are certified can offer would be greatly appreciated, especially since I have no idea where to begin.

Thanks in advance.
Hey, Iris, I just PM'd you about FiTour, that's who my certification is with, it's a very basic group kickbox certification that you can do online, they send you a detailed manual. When I spoke with Miracles Fitness they asked who my certification is with, they knew of FiTour.

I want to get in on the bottom rung and work my way up, and FiTour has different levels of certifications, as I am sure that I'll want to expand my education in time.

For now, the main objective is to show people they can have a safe, fun (my classes will be nothing if not fun!!) and effective KB workout without having to cry "Uncle" at the end of it.

You know my story, Iris, and how I view exercise as an antidepressant, I need to pass these benefits on to others!!

You know where to find me...and since you're in NJ...I fully expect you to come take one of my classes once I am established!!
I am certified for group aerobics through AFFA and it lasts for 2yrs. I am kickbox certified through I forgot the name ISSA? That one also is good for 2 years. All you have to do to stay certified is get a specific amount of CEU's or CEC's and pass them in at the end of the term. I suggest you look into it. They are well known and teaching is soo much fun! It doesn't pay the best but it something.

Thank you soo much for your advise Jerry & Bridget. This is something I've been thinking about, but had no idea where to start. Now I have something to work with.
Jerry - FiTour has really intrigued me for getting certified in different areas. So, if you wouldn't mind - how does it all work? You order the manual online, study that and take an online test? Are their DVD's along with it so you can see the moves or just pics in the manual? I'm very excited to look into this a little more, so any help or insight would be great.

Thanks, Marcia.

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