I'm celebrating the little things!!


Ok, everyone probably knows by now that I've been off track from an eating standpoint for a few weeks now. But today I'm feeling so good because (drum roll) I can wear a size 18 jeans!!

Now I know that doesn't seem like much. But I started out as a size 24. A size 24 is morbidly obese. A size 24 is almost freakisly fat. At a size 24, your size is the first thing people notice about you!

Now 18W is still pretty chubby, I know! But still it feels great that I am closer to normal looking. I don't feel as embarrassed to go places because of my appearance.

So today I'm celebrating the little things. Right now I'm having a hard time of it. But I am still committed to changing my life FOR GOOD. I don't ever want to go back!!

So if you're feeling down this week too, join in with me in celebrating life's little victories. It will make me feel better. :)

Hi Kay!
Good for you. Congrats on your success. These little victories add up you know?!
More power to you.
Hi Kay! That is wonderful!! Congratulations! :) Certainly a great accomplishment, and you ought to be very happy about it!

And you should celebrate! :)

You know I know how good it feels to leave the "20's" behind and actually be in the "teens!" You should be on cloud 9! :)

I am tickled for you, and yes I will join you in celebrating the "little things" this week! :)

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
OMG, Kay :-jumpy :7 :-jumpy :7

That is brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I am so pleased for you :)

I can remember something very similar happenning to me this time last year, I hadn't been able to get into an old pair of LEVI 501's, and i was having a particularly hormonal weepy kind of a day. And I thought, OK why don't I try on those bloody jeans that I can't do up, I can't feel any more miserable than I already do, so I got them out, tried them on, and managed to do them up !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so shocked :)o) that I sat down and wept for another 10 minutes, this time through sheer joy !!!!

Keep up your good work

Anna :)
Thats so great!! My size 20s are getting pretty loose also. You beat me to the 18s!! I'm hoping in the next 2 or 3 weeks to make the switch.

I SO know how excited you are. It is definately something to celebrate- concrete PROOF that you are shrinking!!

Good going :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-02 AT 03:15PM (Est)[/font][p]Kay!

This is great news! It's important to celebrate these NSVs.

Interesting that you, Marci and I are around the same size! Lets plan on getting into our tankinis this summer :):)

Like you, I also wore a size 24--for 13 years, in my case. I was so excited when I finally, after two years, got down to a size 18! Do you realize that we can now shop in REGULAR STORES! Now our Xs come before the size, as in XL, not after, as in 2X, 3X, or (weeping) 4X. Yippee! No more fat lady stores for these kids! Yeah, I might have to shop at the other end of the rack, but at least now I can shop in the same stores with my best friend (a size 6, drat her!). And this summer, I found I could wear a size 16 with ease and can squeeze into (but not wear and breathe at the same time) a 14. This isn't a small thing for us--this is huge! We deserve to celebrate! Congratulations!
Bravo Kay! You are on the right track! Your attitude sounds excellent, keep focused on your goal and you'll soon be there. We're all behind you 100%! Heather
Way to go Kay!!!!!

Kay, that is so fabulous!!!!! :-jumpy I am so fired up for you !! That is a great accomplishment and you outta be really proud of all your hard work :)I know when i got into my 18's i was soo excited for all the same reasons you are! Keep it up and you will be in a 16 in no time flat

Candy :)
Congratulations Kay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours sounds like rather a big victory to me, but I'd be happy to help you celebrate the little things. I've always wanted to take the time to cook because I thought it would be fun, and I cooked my first dinner today. Okay, it was a little overdone and we all got stomach aches, but, hey, you gotta start somewhere :)
How's that for a (very) little victory?

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