2 things,does this happen to anyone else?


I have two things that I have been meaning to ask everyone.
1)THEY say,(whoever they are) that people who work out tend to sweat faster b/c they are healthier and their body cools them off faster.Correct? Well, this drives me nuts! I can't do anything anymore with out sweating .I am working away at work and sweating,Clean my floor and I am sweating.I am sure that it doesn't help that it is summer and I am cleaning my floor with a bucket of hot water, but still! Does this happen to everyone?
2)I have been in this mood lately where I don't want to finish a full workout.Yesterday I wanted to stop power hour when it was time to do the lunges.I forced myself to do them and then I was fine again.There use to be a point in time where I would do a workout and then I would be tempted to put in another one.Not no more..anyone else going thru this?
I am going through so many things lately.Please tell me I am not alone!:eek:
You are so not alone! You could be my soul sister. I have been dealing with the same things lately, too. I'll tell you what I've been doing (and I know this is probably cheating!). When I get up to the parts I hate to do (those second and third sets of leg press on ME!!!), I turn off the tape and watch something on tv that I like and holds my attention while I do the reps on my own. It's the only way I can get through some moves, and then I turn the VCR back on and all is well. I'm always happy and proud when I finish the workout when I'm in a mood like this.
Hi Lori~
Regarding #2, you're not alone! I'm sure this happens to everyone at some point. There are times when I just stare at my exercise video library with glazed eyes, sometimes because I think I don't have enough energy to do a whole video, or because I'm under more stress for whatever reason, or because none of the workouts seem to interest me that day. The good thing is it's usually temporary.

To help avoid that from happening, I make sure I get outside for cardio 1-3x per week, weather-permitting. Bicycling, jogging, walking, hiking, etc. During winter a few years back, I snowshoed once a week and that really helped curb the winter workout blahs (and, boy, what great exercise that was!) I'm an instructor so I get a dose of group exercise workouts at the club, too.

When I think I might be approaching a burn out on weight training videos, I'll join my husband at the gym 3 days in one week once a month to use the machines. Variety in activity really helps prevent video burn out for me as well as rejuvenate my motivation!

In regards to the sweating, my pores are small and I haven't noticed that I sweat any more now than before I started exercising on a regular basis (which has been about 18 years now!).
Take care! Diana
No matter what they say, I think sweating has a lot to do with how much water you drink too. I drink tons of water and sweat tons. The poeple I know that drink little water sweat little.
I really don't think sweating is a predictor of fitness level, IMHO.

As far as the burnout goes....all the time!!! Especially with Cathe. You need to branch out, find something new to motivate you. Sometimes i get burnt out not only from exercising too much, but THINKING about working out (rotations, weights, pace, running....blah blah blah) can be exhausting in and of itself. If you take a week off usually you are chomping at the bit to come back to something...anything......

Lori, very appropriate timing for me. I just went through severe burnout about 2-3 weeks ago. I've never had a problem with motivation, but I hit rock bottom. I too would stare at the videos and not feel like doing ANY of them, I JUST COULDN'T, can't explain it any other way. Like someone above said, go do something completely different for a while. I went biking one morning and I did the tread mill and some walking and finally I pulled through it (pretty much scrapped lifting for almost 2 weeks). Aquajock helped give some alternatives and I hope she knows how much I appreciated this. I was sooo sick of LL and instead did the IMAX with leg work in between each blast right after recovery. I was just in need of a change and my motivation has returned again.

(Weird thing is I did CTX upper body and PS with heavy weights and I expected to be really sore after my break, but I felt nothing...now I'm wondering if I'm at the pregnancy stage where relaxin is released into the system and I'm just not feeling the nice sore feeling that comes from these workouts. Don't know if this is related of not?)

Sometimes I believe we have to break out of the normal routine and get creative with our workouts just to get through the times of burn out or maybe just take a week break and get right back at it!! :) :) :) YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT!!!


what you say about burnout with Cathe is so true! I feel I could have written this post myself! I have had trouble for 3 weeks now, with enormous stress, and just when I need the exercise to take my mind of academic anxieties, I am soooo burned out with my workouts, I can't find much that I can be bothered to get all sweaty over. And these are workouts that I normally love!

And you hit the nail on the head with the description of the mental fatigue that goes with the exercise blahs.....I find it can take an enormous amount of mental energy thinking about my next rotation, keeping myself on track, tracking my weights, etc, etc. Mix that with kids on Summer holidays and writing proto-chapters of my dissertation and I just don't have the mental space to spare sometimes for thinking about a workout. Sometimes you need to switch it all off, and just pick a workout purely for the fun factor, or the music, and who cares whether this is the third time this week you have done Rhythmic Step (in my case!)if you at least got off your butt and moved!

Heading outside, humidity permitting, can be an excellent pick-me-up. And so can trying something radically different that you wouldn't normally sacrifice a Cathe workout for, like, me I am going to try yoga (very soon now!) because I have constantly scorned it in favour of PLB: maybe it'll help shake the blahs!

Personally Lori, I always suffer from denial when I get to the lunges in Power Hour, it's the worst exercise in all of Cathe's videos for me. Loathe it with a passion, and I think it's the reason why I hardly ever do PH anymore, I have a mental block over it, so I understand you completely.

But you know, Cathe can't actually see what any of us does in the privacy of our own homes, so....if you hate the lunges, skip them or do them at your own pace. Who cares?!?!?!?! ;)

Re: sweating, I only drink water when working out, and I still sweat very readily, by the end of the warm up in Summer, the sweat's already dripping....so I am not convinced water consumption rates tally with sweating rates...

See ya

The burn out probably has a little bit to do with the fact that I was in Cuba for 1 week and I didn't do ONE SINGLE THING.Then I got back from there and I had to go for trianing so I was away from home for 3 weeks.I exercised off and on but not like I normally do.Just running.Then I started work, two different jobs.Somedays it feels like I am working all day.
Its good to know that I am not alone.I usually don't give into burn out.I keep going until I get over it.But of course I am REALLY moody when I am working out b/c I don't want to be doing it.And then I am moody if I am not doing it, b/c I feel like I should.Either way I am just one big grumpy girl!
I wanted to check with everyone else b/c I have been doing videos and I will get to the 8th interval and I will think I should stop this now.This is good enough, I did 8 intervals...hmmm, I believe my ankles are sore.Yeah, I should stop, its not good for my ankles}( What a loser I am!:eek:
The only thing that keeps me going sometimes (not always) is the anticipation of something new from Cathe or some other source of fitness workouts... plus occasionally doing something else. I did a pilates class for 6 months and loved it... and it kept things from getting into too much of a rut. Still have those weeks myself, though...
I'm enjoying reading the wonderful responses to your post, but just had to put my two cents in about the Power Hour lunges: Frankly, I could never get through them until some nice person on these forums suggested I wait a minute or two between legs. The little rests help enormously. I sit down and wait for the muscle failure to go away, and then go back to it. Since the barbell is inconvenient for this, I just use dumbbells (if I use weight at all).

Also, there is nothing wrong with splitting PH into two days. It's much easier to give your all if you know from the beginning that you are only doing half of it. I'd rather give everything I have to each exercise then try to hold back to save energy to get through the whole workout.

the sweating thing I do not know I have heard that also I drink 2to 3 gallons water daily and sweat lots when working out I try not to scrub the floor ever but If I do I probably would not sweat cuz I keep the house feezing according to all guests but I like chilly as opposed to stuffy hot. The mood thing I can relate to I owrkout monday thru friday I work 12 hour shifts on the weekend get done at noon on sunday i am so crabby due to being tired everything aches especially the shoulder neck area fav place to store stress! What I should do is nap but oh no I must stay up I feel I should od this I should do that but I get through it then Monday comes and I love my workout it feels so good to move tuesdays is actually better cuz it takes a couple days to catch up on the sleep. I Know some days I wonder do I really want to workout then I throw in that tape and just move or hop on that treadmill and watch my fav shows I recently have started doing less time on cardio and more intense thanks to Trevors suggestion and then I have more time for weights which I love and definitely see a difference. I can tell you when you are stressed it is so hard to workout but from my personal opinion it helps to do something even just stretch and breath Believe me you are not alone
Hi, Lori and gang!

Here's a link to a FAQ about sweating:

When I am a sweathog, LOL!, I visualize myself as a glowing goddess. Ok, the rest of the world may see a sopping wet, rather yucky creature but as long as I hold my visualization, I feel pretty. And my son likes to lick me when I am salty! He always has, since he was a toddler. (I swear that child has nutritional deficiencies!) Seriously, love it, it means you are healthy and there's nothing gross or horrible about it! It's not unladylike, and it's probably even sexy, since you are putting out scents that attract a mate under the right circumstances! My husband finds me very alluring when I am sweaty, of course, he'd probably be thinking about my, shall we say, animal magnetism, grrrrrr, if I was unconscious!

I wish I could say that I never get unmotivated, and like you, Lori, there was a time when it rare. . But I've been doing this fitness stuff a long while and motivation is cyclical like so many things. Judging from your posts, you are a lady with a lot on her mind and you are busy too! I think that a lot of the energy you are expending is being channeled to worries about your boss and whether or not your friends are true and all the stuff life throws your way. Things that are emotional drains can make you physically tired too. You have lots of option though!

It could be time for a small break or it could be time to overhaul your whole program and try something new. There are some great suggestion in this thread. The important thing is to tune in to your feelings and never beat yourself up. If I am really unmotivated, I will pull out that oldie but goody, just do ten minutes of a workout and if it doesn't feel right, quit. Usually, even if I am not thrilled, I'll stick it out and I am always glad I did when my endorphins kick in!

Since I have had so many injuries to my feet, I have had to come to terms with the fact that running is out and a lot of jumping too. At first, that was so devastating and I was depressed but now I like doing less cardio and getting in a little yoga ( the brain food, soul food of exercise for me)doing more strength. Don't get me wrong, I'd give that up for good feet any day :) but that's not a choice! So try to relax, it ALWAYS comes back but it tends to be a gradual thing.

When it happens, it's ok to lower your expectations! Sometimes the worst thing we can do to ourselves is to expect too much. I can be really great at many things, but life has a way of throwing too many things (at women in particular) all at once. And when something's got to give, it is often our self-care, our mental energy because god forbid we allow our lows to affect the people who need us. Do you find that? A dollar says you are still on top of it at work and with your husband! So, never give up!!! but ease up on yourself. Make a mini-plan to change what you've been doing for a little break. Buy yourself some flowers. You are not alone and we love you!

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks rule!
Hi Lori,
I'm not sure about your sweating question--maybe you just have a hot thermostat in your body, and it doesn't take much to set it off? Although it may be annoying, my guess is that it is healthy.
As far as your not wanting to finish a workout--sometimes I have to make myself START one. There are days when I absolutely DREAD it--especially certain Cathe ones when I know that certain "pain" is involved. I too have Power Hour and those lunges make me cringe...even on a good day. I just chalk it up to possible boredom, being tired, or just having an off day. I do find that once I get thru the part of the workout I'm fighting, I do feel better. I also find that if I REALLY don't feel like doing a certain exercise, there must be a reason. By not forcing myself to workout hard all the time (in other words, give yourself a break) I look forward to doing the tapes/DVDs that are on the more challenging side. So, don't worry! You're normal...;-) in my opinion! :)
PS: It's so amusing to me that avid exercisers worry about not having a good work-out day when I know so many people that NEVER exercise. I think we're the lucky ones!:D
I was just reading your post about Cathe's Power Hour lunges and I had to laugh--my feelings EXACTLY. I really like Power Hour, but those lunges....ugh. Sometimes I do them with no weight just to get the form better, and it's more comfortable too. Why don't you try weightless lunges and see if that doesn't help you? They are still tough, believe me. :p
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to share my experience. About a month ago I fell into a deep depression. Not sure why. I just felt miserable and nothing anyone said or did helped. But somewhere in my mind I knew that if I stopped exercising I would never come out of it. So some days I would not exercise until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. It would take me all day to get up the energy to put in a tape and do it. I was sleeping in and sitting around watching television most of the time. I didn't even want to eat. Now for me that is not normal. I have 6 children, 3 which I am homeschooling at the moment, so this was not normal or healthy for any of us.
I just kept telling myself that as long as I did my Cathe workout today I would be alright. And somehow the depression lifted and I was alright. I was a pretty sad sight for about 2 weeks, but now I feel great. I feel like my old happy self. And I didn't have to start working out again and feel sore and rotten about my body.
I don't know if it was the working out every day that got me through it or if it was just a mental thing. I just know that if I quit doing my workouts I think I would still be depressed.
So I hope my story helps someone else. I am not sure how. But I just wanted to share. Thanks for listening.
Mother of Six
I realized the other day that I have had Leaner Legs for almost 2 years now and haven't done it in...I don't know when. I cannot finish the lunges in Power Hour because my legs burn so bad I cannot physically finish them. I stop for a few seconds, and the try again. But I have fast forwarded through them at times. I've experienced depression and weight gain and burn out this year. But, I'm still here and kicking (literally with kickboxing). Give yourself a break and take a break if you need it. There are so many aspects to what makes up "us". Body, soul, and spirit. Take time to nourish each aspect of yourself. Don't go overboard in one area, as I tend to do, then the others suffer.
My thoughts and prayers are with ya!
I realized the other day that I have had Leaner Legs for almost 2 years now and haven't done it in...I don't know when. I cannot finish the lunges in Power Hour because my legs burn so bad I cannot physically finish them. I stop for a few seconds, and the try again. But I have fast forwarded through them at times. I've experienced depression and weight gain and burn out this year. But, I'm still here and kicking (literally with kickboxing). Give yourself a break and take a break if you need it. There are so many aspects to what makes up "us". Body, soul, and spirit. Take time to nourish each aspect of yourself. Don't go overboard in one area, as I tend to do, then the others suffer.
My thoughts and prayers are with ya!
I realized the other day that I have had Leaner Legs for almost 2 years now and haven't done it in...I don't know when. I cannot finish the lunges in Power Hour because my legs burn so bad I cannot physically finish them. I stop for a few seconds, and the try again. But I have fast forwarded through them at times. I've experienced depression and weight gain and burn out this year. But, I'm still here and kicking (literally with kickboxing). Give yourself a break and take a break if you need it. There are so many aspects to what makes up "us". Body, soul, and spirit. Take time to nourish each aspect of yourself. Don't go overboard in one area, as I tend to do, then the others suffer.
My thoughts and prayers are with ya!

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