what DVD to get?


Active Member
I am looking to add a couple of Cathe DVDs to my collection. I already have 4DS, BodyMax and a bunch of Cathe workouts recorded from FitTV. I was looking at CTX because it's hard for me to do workouts longer than an hour since I have to do them in the morning. What DVD's would you guys suggest? Thanks for your help!!
Are you looking for more cardio or weights? Split routines or total body??

CTX is a complete program but pricey and the cardio is more high impact. So if that's a concern keep that in mind. However I love the CTX Upper Body workout included in the set!

The Timesaver dvd is an option but in general not much different than 4DS and CTX, ie. it's a short cardio plus an upper body segment.

Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance is a great dvd. PushPull/Supersets is good as well b/c it's a bit shorter than her other total body workouts and has many premixes. Gym Styles are great as well and I often do the shorter timesaver premixes of each and pair it with 30 minutes of cardio. Honestly with Cathe's newer workouts that include premixes you can make any workout work for you.

I'm really just looking to find some DVDs that I can use in various ways. I love cardio & weights so it really doesn't matter but a variety would be nice.

I have Muscle Endurance & Bootcamp recorded from FitTV and I will say they are some of my favs! I know the DVDs are more complete than FitTV so I will definietly keep those in mind. Thanks!
My suggestions are: High Step Challenge and Drill Max.

These are cardio/weight workouts. These workouts will give you more bang for your buck if you are short on time. They also have a variety of premixes that are 60 minutes and under.
I love Body Max 2. The premixes are awesome. You can cater it for just about any type of workout you want.

KPC is just simply one of my favorites for cardio, and Drill Max is a great one too. All sorts of options.
Great video - The Terminator

Hi -
I love The Terminator!!!! I burned almost 900 calories with the Gauntlet. All 3 workouts on there are serious business, but really fun!
so much to choose from!

thanks for all the ideas. I do also have Body Max2 which I really like, I think I just need to utilize the pre-mixes on it more. I think I'm definietly going to get Drill Max, it seems to have a lot of differnt pre-mixes. I've been doing the FivTV cathe workouts for so long I think I'm kind of in a rut which is why I'm looking to increase my DVD collection.
I was just about to ask if you had the older or newer Body Max. BM2 is one of my most used dvds b/c of all the premixes and workout options. The Bootcamp/ME dvd also has a 60-70 min Bonus workout that combines the two which I do quite often. KPC/Legs&Glutes is another good one to check out with many premix options.
Just get all of them. There's a 98% chance you'll end up owning them all anyway. :D

(I know...not helpful. But true nonetheless.)

Have you been talking to my husband tonight? That's what he was asking me! LOL

I would like some opinions on a couple of dvds also. I am looking at Drill Max, Boot camp (with ME), Imax 2, or Timesaver or even 4 day split. I really want something to break through a plateau, and I don't care much for cardio, but do find that I like Cathe's for a longer period than most. I don't want to spend much money right now unless it's really going to be worth it (and even then will have to budget it in due to a drop in our business) so could I get some opinions?
I have B&G and LOVE it! My thighs have totally reshaped and I'm proud to wear shorts now! I also have Kick Max, which I do like, MM which I love, and the limited versions of Basic step, Low impact step, and body fusion that came with my step when I bought it.
I absolutely love weights, and am seeing changes from Cathe's that I haven't seen from others that I've done, and I've done some extreme ones.
Thanks for your opinions!!

Lori, don't scare off hubby, I figure if I add them slowly I can still get quite a few and not break the (more like HIS ) bank! LOL Although he did get me Muscle Max for Valentines Day!! Now that's the best gift!!

Just get all of them. There's a 98% chance you'll end up owning them all anyway. :D

(I know...not helpful. But true nonetheless.)

Same thing. I love all Cathe workouts. Imax 1, 2, 3 are great I also like Kick Max, Kick,Punch & Crunch, Drill Max, Butts and Guts (love this one), Body Max 2, Max. Int. Cardio.

I would like some opinions on a couple of dvds also. I am looking at Drill Max, Boot camp (with ME), Imax 2, or Timesaver or even 4 day split. I really want something to break through a plateau, and I don't care much for cardio, but do find that I like Cathe's for a longer period than most. I don't want to spend much money right now unless it's really going to be worth it (and even then will have to budget it in due to a drop in our business) so could I get some opinions?
I have B&G and LOVE it! My thighs have totally reshaped and I'm proud to wear shorts now! I also have Kick Max, which I do like, MM which I love, and the limited versions of Basic step, Low impact step, and body fusion that came with my step when I bought it.
I absolutely love weights, and am seeing changes from Cathe's that I haven't seen from others that I've done, and I've done some extreme ones.
Thanks for your opinions!!


Hi Liberty,

I have Drill Max, Boot Camp/ME, and 4 Day Split workouts. I love all of them so it's going to be hard to pick just one.

Drill Max is super tough and has some great premixes. I like the Ultra Cardio Premix for super sweaty fun but the workout in it's original form is fantastic.

I love Boot Camp/ME. It was my first Cathe workout. Boot Camp is a fast and fun workout. The time flies and ME is fantastic.

The 4 Day Split is pricey but it has so many premixes that your workout choices are endless. I believe the cardio sessions are only 30 minutes so if you aren't a fan of cardio, this might be great for you. I absolutely love the weight portions of this workout. They are very challenging and fun.

I don't know if I can say one is better than the other because they are all different and unique. You need to find the one that will suit your needs. I would view the clips and look at the premixes in order to make the best decision.

Hi Liberty,

I have Drill Max, Boot Camp/ME, and 4 Day Split workouts. I love all of them so it's going to be hard to pick just one.

Drill Max is super tough and has some great premixes. I like the Ultra Cardio Premix for super sweaty fun but the workout in it's original form is fantastic.

I love Boot Camp/ME. It was my first Cathe workout. Boot Camp is a fast and fun workout. The time flies and ME is fantastic.

The 4 Day Split is pricey but it has so many premixes that your workout choices are endless. I believe the cardio sessions are only 30 minutes so if you aren't a fan of cardio, this might be great for you. I absolutely love the weight portions of this workout. They are very challenging and fun.

I don't know if I can say one is better than the other because they are all different and unique. You need to find the one that will suit your needs. I would view the clips and look at the premixes in order to make the best decision.


Oh that does help! I really want 4 day split because it would give me quite a choice, but the price is a little scary right now. I talked to someone about it and she says she's didnt care for it much and thought I would be better off with boot camp, but I love that 4 DS would have so many premixes. And when you consider it's 4 workouts for that price, its not that bad!

Thanks for the more info on the Boot Camp and Drill Max. They both look intense, and great! There is weights in Drill max too right? I kind of like interval workouts, as it breaks up the cardio for me some. My problem on cardio is just doing it, once I get into it I really enjoy it LOL I know I'm nuts!!

Do you have any opinions on Timesaver ? It's also a 4 workout thing, like 4 day split, but I've read and heard it's kind of choppy, I could get past that if it's really good, and it's one of the lower priced ones LOL

Thanks again!
Oh that does help! I really want 4 day split because it would give me quite a choice, but the price is a little scary right now. I talked to someone about it and she says she's didnt care for it much and thought I would be better off with boot camp, but I love that 4 DS would have so many premixes. And when you consider it's 4 workouts for that price, its not that bad!

Thanks for the more info on the Boot Camp and Drill Max. They both look intense, and great! There is weights in Drill max too right? I kind of like interval workouts, as it breaks up the cardio for me some. My problem on cardio is just doing it, once I get into it I really enjoy it LOL I know I'm nuts!!

Do you have any opinions on Timesaver ? It's also a 4 workout thing, like 4 day split, but I've read and heard it's kind of choppy, I could get past that if it's really good, and it's one of the lower priced ones LOL

Thanks again!


There are weights in Drill Max so it will break up the cardio for you.

Boot Camp is 8 cycles. Each cycles consists of 1 minute each of cardio, upper body, lower body and core work. It moves very quickly and again, this workout will break up the cardio for you. I also like the Boot Camp/ME premix on this workout.

I have also heard that some people don't like 4DS. In all honesty, I bought it for the weight workouts, which I love!! I also like the kickbox and boot camp portions but I don't do step (not coordinated) so I haven't done those sections. Still, the variety of premixes make it a good choice, but I agree it's a little pricey.

I don't have the Timersaver workout so I can't comment on that. Hopefully someone else will chime in with their opinion.
wish someone would be willing to part with it then! LOL

Okay, thinking bootcamp or Drill max is my highest choices now. I want to see what my lady puts on sale tomorrow, if there's something else I really want, then may get drill max, other wise may just do bootcamp and get Drill max in a month or two.

Thanks again.

If someone has any info on Time saver, I would love to hear it!
ok I have decided to get Drill Max - but I want to get one more with more weight work. Should I get B&G or MM? I love leg work and it seems like I'm plateuing with S&H L&S, L&G and PLB. But MM also looks like it would be good for total body work. Any help would be great!
What I did was write out what order I wanted to get her dvds in. I group them to be just above 100 dollars to take advantage of the free shipping. Its silly, but I did it anyway. I allow myself one present per birthday and one per Christmas. This year I had to shift everything to get STS Cardio.
2 for sure!

Hi -
Drill Max and 4 Day Split are really good as well. Drill Max is serious cardio and 4DS is a bit of everything; you can't go wrong with either.

Although Laughingwater was right when she said you'll end up with all of them; I keep buying them up too. I bought mine on EBAY much cheaper, and a couple were used but in perfect condition.
couldn't help myself!

Ok I have no self control - I ended up going ahead and buying some DVDs - 4 to be exact! I got Butts & Guts, Drill Max, MuscleMax & KickMax (and weighted gloves of course) - I figured with all the premixes I should have a good variety!

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