A true 100% low-impact step video by Cathe? Suggestions appreciated!


New Member
I love Low Impact Step (LIS) except for all the hops, pendulums, little leaps and lifts - my post-surgical knee can't handle that stuff, and none of the followers in the video provide a low impact modification to follow. I end up just doing knees/basics/repeaters during those parts :eek: ... any recommendations for a true all low impact, both-feet-never-leave-the-ground-simultaneously Cathe step video? - or one that includes demonstrated low-impact modifications at least? Thanks to all for any suggestions!!
Hoping for responses as I broke my ankle (tibia) in October, the day after I got all the new Cathe's. I am over 50 so will have to be very careful about jumping, plyo, etc for a while. Luckily, no surgery, just boot and crutches, which come off Friday. I will get 6 physical therapy sessions. Good luck with your knee!!!
You might like Low Max better. I haven't done it in a while, but I was able to master that one much quicker than LIS. It is all step.

I did Low Impact Circuit today. It is pretty true to low impact. I can't remember any jumping. I did it on a 6" step (Cathe and crew do it on 8") and my knees felt fine afterwards, but I'm not post surgery or anything. I think with any workout, I always have to be diligent to look for moves that might torque my knees or put too much impact on them and modify, modify, modify. Personalizing the workout to your impact tolerance is do-able but does require vigilance. Good luck and I hope you both heal well.

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