Suggestions for incorporating Circuit Max


Active Member
Does anyone use Circuit Max regularly in their rotations? And if so, would you please tell me how you work it in.
For instance, do you use it as a main weight training workout in your rotation, or do you use it as more of a "cardio w/umph!"
I've searched the archives for past questions, etc., but really didn't hit on anything that said, "too light weight for a main workout" or how to incorporate with the heavier workouts like S&H, or PS.
I'd like to hear how you guys work it in your rotation to get the jist of how it may work best for me. Thanks, Anne
Hi Anne,
I use Circuit Max in different ways. Sometimes I leave out the upper body work, and do leg circuits and use heavier weights. I like to do this before a leg strength workout to pre-fatigue my legs.
Otherwise, I use it as a very light total body workout. For example, I would do each PS or S&H workout one time in a week and then add in Circuit Max one day.
For example:
Sunday: S&H chest/biceps
Tuesday: S&H legs/shoulders
Thursday: S&H triceps/biceps
Saturday: Circuit Max

This is a great bang for your buck tape! I use it for a cardio workout and a leg workout since I do no upper body work with it, and do it like Power Circuit with all leg work.
I use it to jumpstart myself the day after a rest day. It really doesn't overwork any muscle, so you can follow it with either heavy weight work or heavy cardio.
Like many others, I usually do not do the upper body lifting in Circuit Max; I'm such a klutz that compound movements don't really cut it for me.

What I like to do on Fridays is:

I-Max warm up
Body Max power circuit segment
Circuit Max step circuits, doing weighted one-legged squats for one circuit and barbell squats + plie squats for the other circuit
Do-Em-Myself abs
Mini personal upper body set

I do love how I feel after that!

I love circuit max. I usually do it once a week. I've been doing Power Hour twice a week and cardio four times a week. I typically use circuit max on one of my cardio days that will not be followed the next day by my weight workout. One week I only had time to do one Power Hour workout, so I used circuit max as my other weight training day and went just a little heavier than normal(10 and 8 lbs as opposed to 5 and 8).

I would love to have another circuit training video similar in intensity to circuit max. I might try Mindy Mylrea's energy action circuit.

Have fun working out!!
Hey! I like that....combining Bodymax with Circuit Max! Great suggestion!

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