Which Strength Videos to start with??


I bought the Cardio Hits a while ago and just recently incorporated it into my routine. WOW!! Cathe is such a WONDERFUL instructor!! and the choreography/intensity is AWESOME.

Now I'm interested in purchasing a strength tape (DVD if available). I need some advice on which to start with.
I am currently using an old buns of steel for lower body and Cory Eversons get hard for upper body. After seeing what a wonderful instructor Cathe was in Cardio Hits I just HAVE to try some of her weight training series.

Which do you think would be a good one (or ones) to start out with?? I definately want to BUILD MUSCLE. I'm not worried about getting big at all. I just want definition. Is that possible ??

Thank you.
Hi, Spidermom! (Love the screen name!) If you already have some strength training under your belt, and you're interested in a Cathe video, you may want to get Maximum Intensity Strength. It provides a complete, 1-hour total body workout; you can do the whole taco in one workout, or break it out and do individual segments on different days along with your cardio work.

WARNING: Cathe videos are like peanuts - one is never enough! Especially if you're interested in ongoing progressive strength building - you'll probably start itching to bring in different routines (as in Power Hour) or different protocols (as in split sets - the Pure Strength series, the Slow and Heavy series).

Good luck at limiting yourself to just one tape! You're gonna need it! :) :) :)

Right now Cathe has her Pure strength series available of DVD. If you wait a couple of weeks, all of her strength workouts will be available on DVD (minus the section from The Wedding Video).
I would almost suggest getting the MIS, Bodymax, and PowerHour to start with. This DVD would give you 3 total body workouts on one DVD. Plus Bodymax has some cardio. Disclaimer "I have not done Bodymax, or Powerhour, but have heard great things about both". But you can go with any of them really since eventually you'll get them all anyway ;-)

Dawn W
I think Dawn's suggestion is great. I have done Body Max and I love the upper body strength work. It's very thorough and only about 30 minutes. Great ab work. I tried Power Hour for the first time today and it was great. Very different from MIS. With those 3, you'll be busy for months.

Now, if you want 2 DVDs, I would also add the Pure Strength Series. I only recently started doing split routines but this series is fabulous. I actually look forward to strength workouts! And this would be great to rotate with Cathe's total body videos. You could either do each of the PS workouts and a total body once a week, or have rotations of PS series once a week for several weeks then the total body videos. The possibilities are endless. I think the Slow & Heavy series (which I am still waiting for) would be better for later on, if you decide that you want to build serious strength, since they are not traditional weight lifting workouts.



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