Slim Fast



What do you guys think of slim fast?? Have you ever used it? Did it work well for you..

Thanks Jennifer
As a trainer, I would NEVER recommend this to my clients. There is absolutely no substitute for real unprocessed food. It is the old boring stuff again but fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean quality protein, etc. is the ONLY way to go. SlimFast will never help you establish a healthy relationship to food. You can't drink the stuff forever. Sooner or later--probably sooner--you will start eating real food again and you'll be exactly where you are now. We all have to deal with the fact that we are bombarded with food. The sooner we learn to balance our cravings and indulgences with good nutrition the better. I wanted to make one last comment. We cannot trick our bodies. Our body is not fooled with artificial sweeteners, diet shakes, etc. Studies have shown that Nutrasweet can really increase a person's cravings for food, making it more difficult to control the amount of calories you consume. Slimfast may do the same. I would reconsider and perhaps go see a registered dietician to help you make sound choices.

All my best, Cyndie (By the way, I myself have struggled with compulsive eating and over-exercising. I speak from experience.)
I couldn't have said it better! BRAVO!! SlimFast is nothing but fortified sugar water also. There simply is no quick fix (not that you are asking for one.)

Learn to love the taste of fruits, veggies, whole grains (compared to all that refined white stuff), legumes and/or lean meat. You really can change what you like to eat and feel so much better than you have ever felt in your life.

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-01 AT 03:57AM (Est)[/font][p]I've been there, done that. All it did was make me gassy. Try holding THAT in the office all day.

It contains lots of sugar and can actually make you hungrier.

P.S. Have you ever read the disclaimer for the SlimFast "success stories" ads?: "Results NOT typical." Oh, really?
RE: Slim Fast slims your wallet fast

Have to say "Ditto" (or, perhaps, "Tritto") to the three previous responses. Jennifer, save your money, save your health, and eat good nutritious foods in sensible amounts while maintaining a sound, consistent exercise program that develops cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength/endurance, and flexibility - as Cyndie implied, the same old boring, mundane advice which happens to WORK!

I found that as I brought consistent, focused strength training more and more into my program over the past 3-4 years while maintaining good cardio, my body has "demanded" the good foods that it needs, and my appetite for whole grains, whole fruits and vegetables, better proteins, and less sugar, fat and salt has really developed. When they say "Listen to your body" they ain't whistlin' Dixie . . .

Good luck!

I agree with the above posts, but will add another opinion....

I also get totally bloated and gassy with slimfast, so I'm not a big fan. And I also agree that it's pretty high in sugar and not a great meal replacement.

Another side, though....A friend of mine tried it to lose weight and did lose the weight -- but found that b/c she didn't really learn good eating habits that the weight didn't stay off. I'm happy to say that she's on the right track now. But, what she does do, is have a shake in the morning for breakfast. She knows herself well enough to know that if she can't quickly grab something for breakfast that she can eat in the car, that she won't eat breakfast at all and then ends up eating more during the rest of the day. And she figures with all of the added vitamins/minerals, it's probably one of the best things that she'll ACTUALLY eat in the morning. Yes, I think there are better, more nutritious things out there for breakfast, but in certain situations, maybe it's not the worst option out there.

Lucy K
may I add a suggestion for your friend?

I also don't like to eat a lot in the morning so what I do is make a smoothie. I combine strawberries, blueberries, bananas, rice milk or juice and sometimes protien powder along with flax oil (you can not taste it). This will give your friend the convience of a shake in the morning with real food and better nutritonal content. Just a suggestion

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002
I was tempted to try Slim fast since they came out with a soy formula (as a quick breakfast), but when I saw ingredient #1 was sugar, I passed. If you want a quick but nutritious liquid breakfast, I recommend a smoothie with soy protein powder added (I've taken to using Essential Soy Protein, as it is from soy protein concentrate--a real food---rather than soy protein isolate--part of a real food! It's tasteless, and just adds a bit of body--and protein--to the mix).
Forget Slim Fast. Expensive. Too high in sugar.

However, I love a shake in the morning for breakfast. I use Myoplex Lite which comes in lots of great flavors, some ice and water, whip it all in the blender for a few seconds and that's it. I can take it with me in the car and it has all the vitamins and minerals I could ask for.

If you can't find it locally, check out this website:

Prices are terrific (if anyone can find it cheaper please let me know...I could not) and shipping is free over $75.
Low Fat Vegan Diet

You could probably have a glass of lowfat chocolate milk and take a vitamin and have the same thing. Also, it doesn't teach you maintenance without using the shake. Here's what I do, take it or leave it. It is pretty much a lowfat vegan diet.

Double serving of cream of wheat or scottish oatmeal
(flavor with extracts)
1 cup of Sun Soy plain soymilk blended with 1 scoop of Source of Life shake mix and ice. (says use 2 scoops but its too thick. don't let the green color scare you - it tastes good!)

couple of baked potatoes topped with your choice of:
1 can of Lowfat Vegan Chili
Bearitos sloppy joe mix made with TVP
1 can Amy's vegetarian Soups (I've tried lentil - its good)
1 piece of fruit (i.e. one apple, banana, 1/2 cantelope, etc.)

1 Boca burger (buy at costco, cheaper)
2 slices Alvarado Street Bakery bread (your choice, I toast it)
nonfat Nayonaise or mayonaise
mustard, pickle, tomatoe, red leaf lettuce
As much vegtables as you can eat (try steamed spinach with vinegar)

Snacks, add all below as desired during the day:
1 Cliff bar or Luna bar (costco, or you're paying too much)
1 additional piece of fruit
all the vegtables you want (baby carrots, zucchini sticks, etc)

This is just an example. I am not a nutritionist. If anyone reading this is, I'd appreciate input. My goal is too avoid refined products, flours, sugars, oils. I allow the Cliff or Luna bar to satisfy my sweet tooth with minimal damage. I limit fruits to two a day and try to focus on vegtables. I try to avoid cooking with or adding fats to my meals. Believe it or not, you get used to eating this way after a week or two. You might have gas due to large quantities of fiber but you will adjust. Good luck, whatever you do.
RE: Low Fat Vegan Diet

I like the SOurce of Life shake, too, but I blend mine with OJ (the green color doesn't seem so bizarre when it comes with a fruit flavor!). Of course, since it's supposed to be "granola" flavor, that might sound just as weird!
It's nice to see another vegan on this forum!
RE: Low Fat Vegan Diet

I use regular Nayonaise but have been too scared to try the fat free. How much different is it from the regular?

Also Esikel(sp?) Bread (sprouted bread) is very good for you. It's the closest unrefined bread you can buy...I've heard.

I'm trying to incorporate more of a vegan diet. Of course, this pregnancy has made that next to impossible since I'm craving meat and dairy. I was doing really well before though :)

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002
RE: Low Fat Vegan Diet

I've tried the low=fat (or is it fat free?) Nayonnaise, and I don't think there is much of a difference. OF course, I use it mixed in with mustard, and lettuce and all other sorts of sandwich toppings(I also like to add dulse seaweed, not typical, but tasty!), so I haven't really had it "full strength".
RE: Low Fat Vegan Diet

Thanks, I just might try fruit juice one of these days. I've always used soymilk but have added a banana or strawberries, which is wonderful! It's good to hear options.
RE: Low Fat Vegan Diet

I haven't tried regular Nayonaise. I won't lie and tell you that the fat free version is delicious because it is not, but it adds moisture to the sprouted bread without adding fat. Veganaise is the all time best tasting mayonaise in the world, which is what I was using until I decided to loose 10 pounds. I have seen Ezekele bread in the store but haven't tried it yet. I like the Alvarado Street sprouted sourdough and the Rye version. It has no oil or flour added, just whole grains. I just might try Ezekele bread someday, after I've learned how to spell it :). Congrats on your upcoming little one!
Hi Jennifer,
I'm no expert at anything but I did have an experience with Slim Fast. I used it for 2 years, breakfast, lunch, ate a lean meat and vegetable dinner and 2 Slim Fast snacks a day. I worked out 5-6 days a week (the Firm) and I actually GAINED weight...especially in the abs.It wasn't muscle either..just plain ol fat. Slim Fast not only has sugar, it is High Frutose Corn Syrup.You would think by the sound of the name that it would be good for you.
From what I have read on the subject, when you eat HFCS, the body can't digest it like other sugars, and it immediately goes to fat. While this may not bother some people as much, on me it sure did. There were huge fat deposits on my whole mid section.

In February of this year,I quit Slim Fast, started eliminating everything I found that had HFCS in it...(it is gobs of stuff, even breads because it is cheaper to make) used the suggestions from the educated crowd on this website and started doing Cathe videos. I've lost 23 pounds and now I can see the muscles in my abs.
Maybe I stayed with Slim Fast too long, because at first I did lose some weight...but just like the girls on this thread have already said, there is no substitution for eating a clean diet, especially one without the High Frutose Corn Syrup.
This is just MHO and my experience. Just like Cathe says.."Take it or leave it, right?" :)
Yours in fitness,
I use a powdered nutritional meal replacement called Reliv Ultrim Plus which I order thru the mail. It contains soy protein and tons of vitamins and minerals, and also contains fat burners such as L-Carnitine. I have a Reliv shake every morning for breakfast because I don't feel like fixing and chewing "real" food in the morning, I just love sipping a shake.:) They are delicious and healthy.
Instead of mayo I use this bean spread for my sandwiches.I drain and rinse 1 can of white beans.In a food processor,I blend the beans with approximately 1-2 TBLS. of extra virgin olive oil,the juice of half a lemon and half a clove of garlic.Process til smooth.It is delicious and all ingredients can be adjusted to taste.You can also add veggies for flavor.I sometimes add roasted red pepper and blend away.

Thanks so much for all the responses....I know slim fast was not the way to go the whole time, but just needed your support!!! I think I am just getting so busy (I have 3 little ones running around) and too lazy to really fix healthy things, so I thought it would just be easier to have those shakes. I just need motivation. Thanks so much for all your responses.


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