Should I purchase VHS or DVD videos.


I'm about to purchase a few videos. Which would you recommend VHS or DVD videos and why?? Thank you.
Go DVD hands down! There are so many more possibilities with DVD over VHS. You can mix and match workouts easier. With some DVDS you get premixes which give you more workouts for your money.(which is always a + in my book). Your workouts are endless with all the combos you can make up using a programmable DVD player and DVDS.

I just switched over back in October and it was the best thing I ever did.

:) :D :7
DVD, with some reservations. Cathe's DVD's, especially the Intensity Series, are excellent: good chaptering (except for the earlier DVD's, but the sound and picture quality makes them worth it anyway), excellent premixes in the Intensity series and BB Series.

The reservation I have is that many people seem to be having problems with the BB DVD's playing on their players. And newer players seem to have more problems than some basic players. I personally have a cheap RCA, one-disc player, and aside from a longer pause than usual when there is a layer switch (though SNM has not replied to my question about where the layer switches are, though I've asked several times), I haven't had any problems.

Do you already have a DVD player? If you're thinking of the BB series,, you might want to ask if anyone with the same player had the problems.

Cathe & crew have done a tremendous job with chaptering & premixes on the newer workouts. But even with older workouts or non-Cathe workouts that aren't organized well, it's so much easier to select what you want to do.

The only irritant I've had w/ DVD's is that you have to go through some marketing & the FBI warning without jumping to the start of the workout - you can't fast forward to the menu. So I start the DVD & get organized while it goes through it's spiel.

>The only irritant I've had w/ DVD's is that you have to go
>through some marketing & the FBI warning without jumping to
>the start of the workout - you can't fast forward to the menu.
> So I start the DVD & get organized while it goes through it's

This isn't true on Cathe's DVD's, at least not most of them. Just hit the "menu" button right away, and you can skip all the preliminary stuff.
I have most all of Cathe's Step workouts on video. I just started getting her DVD's. I am keeping my videos because my DVD/VCR player lets me go back and forth between the video and DVD's. But I would recommend DVD's for the premixes, mix & matching and the newest ones have a Workout Blender, so you can really change the workouts. I also read a couple of weeks ago that the future workouts would only be on DVD....:)...Carole
You can be sure that I've pushed "menu" to get started! It's usually futile even on Cathe's DVD's.

I just did S&H last night, and it doesn't allow me to skip right to the menu (though I can fastforward through the intro stuff). Maybe the "direct to menu" option started with the Intensity Series? (Though I thought it was earlier than that).
I have the S&H DVD and a Zenith DVD/VCR and when I use this DVD I press "title" on my remote and it takes me right to the Menu, so I can skip the other stuff. I guess they all work a bit differently...:)...Carole

Which DVD/VCR player do you have? I have been looking into getting a DVD player and when I saw the combo player I thought 'Great, now I don't have to worry about replacing all of my VHS for DVD.

The one I have been looking at is at Wal-Mart. Can't remember the brand though. :-(

Thanks for your help!
Hi Angie..I got mine at Best Buy. It's a Zenith XBV343 DVD/VCR. They had it on sale right before X-mas for 130.00. They also sell this one at Circuit City. I did some research to find one that not many people wrote complaints far so good...:)...Carole

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