New Catheist joining this forum


Hi everyone,
and here's a new Cathe-fan joining this forum! Familiar story... I started out with a few DVD:s (Cardio Hits, power hour +), and I've ended up getting almost all of them:) I didn't think that was going to happen to me... Anyway, been doing them for about 3-4 months now, and I absolutely love the results! I can see and feel them, and working out has become such a natural and FUN part of everyday life. I never thought THAT would happen to me either (I've never been one of those naturally sports-oriented types to whom all exercising seems to come naturally). Anyway, a great big thanks to Cathe for that!!! It's really changed my life!

I've really enjoyed this forum, I've found that most people don't really know what home exercising and especialle Cathe-workouts can be about(!!!), so it's nice to exchange opinions here.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi to ya all before joining the conversation!

Hi! Welcome to the forum.. Cathe is the greatest! A lot of people don't realize you can get a workout at home as good or better than at the gym.

Keep it up!

Have a great day! :)

Regarding people not understanding about home workouts and especially Cathe. I was speaking with a girl at work and we got into a discussion about diet and exercise. We are both following Weight Watchers and I was telling her how if I am really strict during the week I can pretty much eat what I want on the weekend and still lose. Then I said, but I workout pretty intensely and she asked me what I do. So I went into the whole Cathe Friedrich thing and how if you have DVD's she gives you these premixes and how you can create new workouts and how I want to get a weighted vest so I can squat heavier b/c her weight workouts are amazing and how I get as good if not a better workout than when I was a member of a local gym...blah, blah,'s like shut up already Angela! She was really sweet about it and like that's great and I'm thinking she has no idea what I'm talking about and thinks okay nuts can one be about home exercise? Tee hee!

Anyway, welcome!
Isn't she awsome!! Anyway welcome to the world of Catheholic, LOL. I found her about a year ago and never love excerise this much!! She makes it so much fun. I also have every dvd and preorder her latest.
Hee, I know exactly what you mean! I really have to watch it so I don't get into the whole thing, just like you described:) people just don't get it. Thank god I can at least rave about it to my husband, who by this point knows pretty well what it's all about ...

Maria S
Welcome, MariaS! Cathe's workouts are the best (as you have already discovered!) It is hard to not buy everything Cathe comes out with, don't you agree?!
Welcome Maria S! I know exactly what you mean about home workouts. People who haven't explored out it still think it is Jane Fonda (no insult meant to her workouts at all!) They just have no idea that it isn't all floor cardio or they think it is easy.

I love Cathe workouts and am kind of new myself - I have been exercising consistently since June 2002 and love it, I have been doing some Cathe workouts now for about 6 months. I love it. I started with the Firm and have been venturing out and I have created a pretty well rounded fitness program for myself.

Sorry for rambling but glad you are here!
Welcome Maria! It is great to have others to talk to who share your passion! Sounds like you have a great attitude toward exercise. Please post often! :D
Welcome Maria! This forum is a lovely place to share home exercising strategies. I check-in on it daily,and look forward to reading your posts and sharing tips with you and the rest of us Cathe fanatics.
Thanks everybody,

it's great to have found this forum, and the whole "Cathe-world":) . What a great place to scoop some extra motivation and encouragement for one of those days, or just otherwise! It's been said before, but there's such and educated and encouraging crowd here, it's great!

My own journey into the whole world of fitness and health has been a long one, and it's included every other crash-diet, spurts at some form of exercise (which in itself wasn't all bad, except for the feelings of guilt and lack of self-discipline when quitting them) and dislike towards my own body in general. The very typical phenomena today, I guess... Now, finally at 34 (yes, it's taken me that long) I'm starting to find peace with myself and my body. As so many of you have written, I too have found that focusing on being healthy and keeping your body vital instead of staring at the scales and focusing on every bit of flab that you can find in your body, is where to go. Now, after having two kids (the younger one being just a month and a half!) I feel healthier and happier than ever. And most importantly, being healthy has become something to enjoy instead of a "must do", which we all have too many anyway.

Anyway, enough rambling, thanks for all your replies, I'm happy to be here, and enjoy the week everybody!

Maria S
Good for you! Plenty of people never find peace with their bodies, so having accomplished it by age 34 is great. And good for you for bouncing back so quickly from having your baby! I for one would love to hear about your experiences, and particularly how you found the Cathe workouts and these forums..

Either a Catheite or Catheist, depending upon who you are talking to :+

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