I peeked - getting muscle endurance!


I've been bad! I peeked at my christmas gift from my MIL. YIPPEE! I'm going to get Bootcamp and Muscle Endurance! Been wanting this for a while ... I'm so excited! :p :eek:

Just curious how you use ME, as a total body weight workout 1-2 x's a week? Or once a week? I suppose it depends on one's rotation. Hmmm. Seems from what I've read on other posts that it's a total body workout.

Now if I can only be patient for 5 more days until Christmas when I can officially open the gift! :D
Ha, you peeked. :D My husband was at a loss as to what to get me, so I just bought Low Max and Stretch Max for myself.

I use ME with the Pyramids during a medium weight/endurance rotation, right before I start a heavy weight rotation. I use it once a week as a total body, but in the future I might try and play with the premixes.
Ha, you peeked. :D My husband was at a loss as to what to get me, so I just bought Low Max and Stretch Max for myself.

I use ME with the Pyramids during a medium weight/endurance rotation, right before I start a heavy weight rotation. I use it once a week as a total body, but in the future I might try and play with the premixes.

Laughing water - has that worked for you, doing an endurance rotation and then going heavy with another rotation?

I've started and then not finished a "Cathe" rotation and have lately just been doing a generic rotation of my own design. Typically though, is it suggested you do endurance and then heavy? If so, why? (as you can tell, I'm not too educated on the subject - haha) :D
I'm new to this as well. Prior to last April, I exercised haphazardly and didn't know what a "rotation" was. :D

I use Cathe's following explanation for STS as my guide to creating my own rotations:

MESOCYCLE #1 - Muscle Endurance (60% to 70% of 1RM)… In this phase the workouts will feel similar in nature (yet totally different format) to our other muscle endurance type workouts...working with higher reps ( 15 reps or more)....Here is where we burn calories, develop muscular endurance for long term activities, build stamina, and condition the joints, tissues, tendons for the next phase.

MESOCYCLE #2 Hypertrophy (70% to 80% of 1RM)...here is where we build LEAN muscle mass, break plateus, define our muscles, stimulate our metabolism....

MESOCYCLE # 3....Strength (80% to 90% of 1RM)…here you will do the least reps of all (6reps to 8 reps)…and really challenge the muscle to get stronger. Your body will burn more total fat, even at rest, because you have now increased your lean muscle mass, especially in Meso #2, and overall strength.

I haven't figured out my 1RM ~ I just go with whatever I can lift for the prescribed reps (so...for a muscle endurance rotation, I use a weight that I can lift relatively well for 15 reps, for strength, I pick something super heavy that only lets me eek out 6 - 8 reps)

Someone once asked here on the forum how to categorize Cathe's weight DVDs in regards to STS cycles, and this was the answer:

Meso 1: CTX, Muscle Endurance, Leaner legs, Power Hour, Legs & Glutes, Supersets & Push Pull
Meso 2: MIS, Pyramids, Pure Strength, Muscle Max, Gym Styles
Meso 3: Slow and Heavy and 4DS

*I like to use the Pyramids during an endurance rotation, before I start Gym Styles.

I think doing an endurance rotation has helped keep me from injuring myself. This is my first year with serious weight training, and I believe my joints appreciate the heads up before I go heavier in a rotation.

I can't say I've seen great definition or anything ~ I suspect I'm one of those who takes a while to see muscle. Grrr. But I feel great, I haven't hurt anything weight training, I've made strength gains (this may sound weenie to some, but I started bicep work with 5, 7 and 8 lb dumbbells, and I now use 8, 10 and 12 lbs), and I've lost some extra padding. :)
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I'm new to this as well. Prior to last April, I exercised haphazardly and didn't know what a "rotation" was. :D

I use Cathe's following explanation for STS as my guide to creating my own rotations:

MESOCYCLE #1 - Muscle Endurance (60% to 70% of 1RM)… In this phase the workouts will feel similar in nature (yet totally different format) to our other muscle endurance type workouts...working with higher reps ( 15 reps or more)....Here is where we burn calories, develop muscular endurance for long term activities, build stamina, and condition the joints, tissues, tendons for the next phase.

MESOCYCLE #2 Hypertrophy (70% to 80% of 1RM)...here is where we build LEAN muscle mass, break plateus, define our muscles, stimulate our metabolism....

MESOCYCLE # 3....Strength (80% to 90% of 1RM)…here you will do the least reps of all (6reps to 8 reps)…and really challenge the muscle to get stronger. Your body will burn more total fat, even at rest, because you have now increased your lean muscle mass, especially in Meso #2, and overall strength.

I haven't figured out my 1RM ~ I just go with whatever I can lift for the prescribed reps (so...for a muscle endurance rotation, I use a weight that I can lift relatively well for 15 reps, for strength, I pick something super heavy that only lets me eek out 6 - 8 reps)

Someone once asked here on the forum how to categorize Cathe's weight DVDs in regards to STS cycles, and this was the answer:

Meso 1: CTX, Muscle Endurance, Leaner legs, Power Hour, Legs & Glutes, Supersets & Push Pull
Meso 2: MIS, Pyramids, Pure Strength, Muscle Max, Gym Styles
Meso 3: Slow and Heavy and 4DS

*I like to use the Pyramids during an endurance rotation, before I start Gym Styles.

I think doing an endurance rotation has helped keep me from injuring myself. This is my first year with serious weight training, and I believe my joints appreciate the heads up before I go heavier in a rotation.

I can't say I've seen great definition or anything ~ I suspect I'm one of those who takes a while to see muscle. Grrr. But I feel great, I haven't hurt anything weight training, I've made strength gains (this may sound weenie to some, but I started bicep work with 5, 7 and 8 lb dumbbells, and I now use 8, 10 and 12 lbs), and I've lost some extra padding. :)

Despite being "new" as you say, you have some great info! Thank you for sharing. :p ;) I've been doing Cathe since '05 and on the forums since this summer and I haven't heard this stuff before. Thanks! ;) :D
Awesome information Lori...thanks!

BC & ME are two GREAT workouts! I love to do the BC Cardio only premix when I don't have much time but want some killer cardio to get my heart rate up in a short amount of time. I also do the Everything But Core Premix then go back and do the Core Only Premix for BC. BC is a workout that gets me everytime!!! ME is great too for a total body endurance workout. Merry Christmas to you!!!

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