Got them! Cross Train XPress


I got my cross train xpress videos from the po box yesterday! I did the aerobics from both Power Circuit and 10-10-10. It was a lot of cardio,(I drank so much water!) but I couldn't resist! I really enjoyed them both. I don't have quite enough room for some of the routines, but over the years I've gotten fairly good at modifying. For instance instead of 4 step touches to right I just do 2 in place/side to side and then 2 to the right. Cathe is great at keeping the pace going and no letting in any room for boredom!

Oh, I also did the planks,lower back and abs from Power Circuit. I've done planks before, but never lifting up one leg and holding it. So I was pleased with this new twist. I was a little disappointed to just see 2 sets of rows for upper back exercises, but I suppose this should have been expected--the purposes of the videos are not weight training exclusively. And I did buy them for some new cardio. So all in all, I am pleased! I will buy Slow and Heavy in the future for more emphasis on weights!


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