Barbell question


I am new to Cathe and just bought my second DVD, push/pull and supersets. I was wondering, how many of you do not use barbells when doing her workouts? I just don't feel ready yet and I don't want to buy one in this economy if I am not going to use it for quite some time.

For those of you using the barbell, when did you start, right away, three months into it or longer?

Thanks in advance for your input!

Hi Kristin:

I have a barbell (three actually, but one is WAY to long to use in my little room, and the other one is the bent one for curls) but I really don't use them much at all... I have from 3 to 20 # dumbbells and any time a BB is used, I just pick two wieghts that do the same thing... sometimes on larger lower body muscles a BB might be useful if/when you can do squats and plies with heavier weights than you can comfortably lift in DB's... but then it becomes a safety issue on how much weight you can safely lift on a barbell over your head... So, IMHO, for now if you want to use DB's for your work, you can get the same results (and Cathe even says this in some of her DVD's) as you can by using DB's in place of a BB...

Others may feel differently, but if you have a nice variety of DB's I would think you should be pretty set for awhile...

Welcome to Cathe and I would venture to bet that it won't be long before you will want more of her workouts! I started with FitTV back in August and now have a nice little Cathe library started :) Save your money for a new workout for now! :)
It depends. I use a 65lb barbell for squats and plie squats, deadlifts and dead rows, but because of space issues, I use dumbbells for almost everything else. It might be nice to use BBs for lunges, but my space just doesn't permit it.

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