Ab's video


New Member
I was wondering if you have considered doing an ab's video that could be broken down into 5 or so different workouts.

I try to do abdominals each workout and would like to have something to supplement the days I use a tape which doesn't include an ab section. The ab sections on your tapes are tougher and better than any others I've used, you challenge me and give excellent form pointers. I would love to see you make a tape like this....please, please!
Great idea

This would be awesome if you put one of these together! Currently, I use The Firms 5 Day Abs when I do your cardio workouts, but I get bored with the same ones and, to be honest, there's one of their instructors who irritates the H--- out of me! I agree that your ab sections are more intense and you never get on my nerves.
Abs Video

Hi Cathe

I feel ABSolutely sure the next vid must be an abs vid. A couple of suggestions:

I have had great success with Pilates type moves which actually trim the waist rathr than make it bulge with muscles. Most people who do your vids are probably quite fit already and the effect of providing a flat rather than rippling (actually usually sticking out!) stomach is musch more pleasing - if I can mention the excellent Method tape here I hope this won't be heresy!!

Also a Five day type approach is neat. I have the firm one (can't stand the instrucors though) and its great to chucjk it in the video and tack it on to another tape.

Take my pre-order now if you like!

I like the "flat ab" exercise idea!
Cathe, I would also like to see at least one section of the new abs tape (perhaps talking about it as if it were a reality will make it so...magic!), focus on lower abs, by doing them first in the routine. Whatever type of ab exercise I do, I try to always incorporate the lower abs, since I've read that you can't really isolate one section of the abs without working the others to some degree (it's all connected), and lower abs are, at least for me, the most troublesome area.

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