prework out snack

dear cathe,

i work out in the morning about 5 am. (that is the only time i have for it) is it ok to just get up and work out? sometimes i will eat a samll portion of an energy bar, sometimes i just don't want anything. what is a good preworkout snack?
I workout at 5am as well and simply cannot stomach food before my w/o. I think the thinking is that its fine (and could be actually a good thing) as long as you feel strong enough to get through your workout... has never been an issue for me in 10 years.
Do what feels good for your body... if you feel you need a little something I know people talk about a glass of juice or a small banana before an AM workout.
I agree with Traci. I work out at 5:30 and just get up and work out. The few times I've been hungry I ate a banana and waited about 10-15 min and then worked out.
I read somewhere that 1/2 banana is all you need to fuel your body and sustain your energy through a Cathe type workout. If I am working out first thing in the morning, I will eat this pre-workout, then I am ready to eat a more substantial breakfast post-workout. I am not an expert but it has seemed to work great for me- keeps me going and doesn't cramp me up or bog me down.
The only workouts in the morning that I do are bike rides. I sometimes leave the house at 7:30 to ride 40-60 miles, so it's not too hot. I take a power bar to eat at around 25 or 30 miles, but before I leave, I can't stomach any real food. I do real well with a small handful of raisins and some water.

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