Finding Time to Workout - My Sister Needs Advice


I know this question has come up before but I'm asking this question for my sister, Sherryl, who is one busy lady and just joined Weight Watchers. I gave her some advice but I'm not a fitness professional so I wanted Cathe and the "educated crowd" to give their valuable opinions also. In case you're wondering, she is a beginner exerciser and owns no Cathe tapes but a stepper, 2.5 & 5 pound dumbbells. She is considering buying more equipment though or asking for it for Christmas. Here's her question:

"I have a hard time fitting time in for exercise. If I sit down when I get home, I'm done. Can't seem to bring myself to get up off the couch once I sit down, unless I'm baking. If I have an evening meeting, I like to come home and relax awhile before going to bed. Maybe the best time but then it takes awhile to fall asleep...."

"Or, can get up early at 5AM or 5:15 this works, but I can only seem to do that a few times a week. Usually have to stop at 5:50 to get things done in the morning. Gives me 35-50 minutes. Maybe this enough??"

"It's a challenge, but I am committed to finding a way to make this all work."
I workout when I get home from work. First I have a little snack, check voicemail, relax a little, but I don't plop on the couch at all. After an hour or so of "outgassing" the unmitigated horror of being at work :) I start my workout. I'm usually done by 7 or 7:30, then I eat, shower and plop! Sometimes I do some active housework, like vacuuming or rug-shaking, to overcome inertia. Maybe some of this will help your sister. I absolutely cannot workout in the morning, even on a weekend. It is simply not going to happen.
Hi! I have a very tight schedule too. Here is what I do - When I don't have time for a long workout I commit myself to do atleast 15 minutes of something - it can be cardio - maybe strength training - upper body or lower, just abs, maybe 15 minutes of stretching - whatever I need. The key is the 15 minutes must count - do areobics at training rate - really challenge yourself with the weights - don't just sleep through the stretches. Anyone can find 15 minutes a day! And, you really can't fail because 15 minutes of consistent exercise is better than no exercise of only 1 day a week of a long workout!

Good luck!
I have found morning exercise on an empty stomach the best for me. After work is too difficult to do because I am tired and my husband is usually in front of the television in my workout space.

However, morning workouts are optimal because:

1. It jump kicks your body for the rest of the day
2. You get it over with and done because if you wait until later you will find excuses and other things to do
3. You don't get interrupted by the telephone ringing, the kid wanting something, etc.

I set my alarm early enough so that I have time to have a cup of coffee and glance at the paper, put on my exercise stuff and get started. I usually get up at least an hour and a half to two hours before I have to actually start preparing for the day ahead. My workout time can range from as little as 45 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on what I am doing that morning.

I have found that consistent workouts have increased my energy level to the point that waking up so early is not such a chore and I fairly leap out of bed at the sound of the alarm because I actually look forward to my workout. It is MY time for myself and I want it. Plus, the results have been remarkable and I want to continue my awesome progress.

I suggest that your sister try my method and the evening method recommended above to determine what works best for her.

Your sister might want to start with Step Heat on a four inch platform and work up higher when she is ready. The steps are not too complicated and there is an ab section at the end that is very useful. I also think the Pure Strength series is excellent even for beginners because they can adjust the weights to their own level of strength and build from there.

Tell your sister to join us here for inspiration and motivation.

Yes, I think if I had to deal with husbands and little kids I would be forced to go to a gym or run outside or something. I have no husband (for this I am grateful) and my daughter is 17, so she is self-sufficient and leaves me alone. She does prefer to plop in front of the TV and do her homework, so by working out and preventing her, I actually feel virtuous. I don't think I could work out in the morning if my life depended on it. On the weekends, I work out around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. And I cook big portions of stuff on the weekend so Logan can feed herself during the week and not eat junk food until I'm ready to cook. We eat simple and healthy, don't have to deal with lots of people. This makes it easier for me. I wasn't able to work out at home until she was old enough to leave me alone for an hour. I could never do what Marlene123 does!! Kudos to her!
Hi Everyone,

It is so interesting to read posts on how everybody finds time to exercise. It definitely can be a challenge, especially at this time of year, with shopping, holiday parties, etc!!

I work out after work. I come in and have a little something to munch on (pretzels or twizzlers or something) and then go straight upstairs to put on my workout clothes. I have no husband (also grateful for that) but I do have a 12 year old daughter who sometimes likes to make me feel guilty for working out "on her time" (according to her)... But the way I look at it is that working out makes me feel happy, which in turn makes me a happier Mom! And it's only 3 nights a week. Some days (only once in a while), if I have something to do in the evening on one of my workout nights, I'll get up at 5 a.m. to exercise. I consider this almost unbearable, but it's necessary sometimes.

I think it all comes down to making exercise a priority.


I am exactly the same as you. I can only work after midday and since I am at work that means I do it when I get home. I cannot work out in the morning very often because it requires expedning too much energy too suddenly.

I prefer to work out at home because I like to 'shake off' the office life and maybe eat a little something to give me energy before I work out.

After I eat and watch TV and then sleep and that is the end of my days. This is the pattern for most of the days of the week.
Hi Linda!
In my experience, is all about the commitment. She has to *make* time to workout. A block of time isn't going to magically open up. It's an effort. But on the more practical side, many people find that if they pick one time each day, the same time, every day, whether it be 5:30 am, 12 pm, or 12 am (eeek! though personally, I wouldn't recommend this one :) ),where they can block out all distractions at that time, and concentrate purely on the task at hand, that is most successful for long term fitness.
Good luck to your sister, and how great that she has a caring sister like you trying to help her. She can do it! Focus, determination and commitment.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-02 AT 08:34AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Catheites!

We have to convince ourselves that fitness is important enough for us to make it a part of our whatever time -- morning or evening -- we can. Being fit is fun.

Blessings from our home to yours, Runathon
No one has time to workout. You have to make it happen. Like others with small kids, I get up early and take an hr or so just for myself. I've NEVER been a morning person, but the habit is established and I LOVE IT!! The trick for me was to get rid of cable. I go to bed EARLY!!! 9-10pm and get up at 4:45-5:15am, depending on the workout that I have planned. This sets the tone for the rest of my day. My workout is done. The blood is flowing and I feel energized.

I remember a long time ago, I heard Robin Williams say that when he was having trouble quitting smoking, he realized that there are 2 kinds of people in the world. Smokers and Non-smokers. He had to pick one and BE THAT! I think that applies to exercise also. I've *chosen* to be an exerciser. Now, I just have to BE THAT! It's hard to change habits, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

You are so right! Nothing that is worth having comes for free. You work for the things you want in life whether it's going out to earn a living or exercise to keep yourself fit, trim and healthy.

Some days exercise is hard and, when you don't see results you expected, very demoralising. I sometimes don't know why I bother as I am still the same weight after so many months. I keep thinking it will happen.....someday.... I think this is what keeps me motivated - the 'someday, my dream will come'

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