Cofused about Weight Training


New Member
Could you please tell me which of your weight tapes will cause me to burn fat and tone flabby muscles? (I have them all) All that I read that the weight tapes do is build strength and endurance. I may have got this whole thing wrong, but to be really honest I don't care about being strong or having endurance, I just want to loose a layer of fat and tone. I mostly do have clean eating habits, just a few mishaps here and there, but overall I try to eat well!

Thank you for your comments and advise.
Only cardio will burn fat. BUT, more muscle mass burns more fat at rest! It takes more calories to maintain a pound of muscle than a pound of fat.:-cool
I am still in the process of losing fat, so I can tell you from experience that weight training, whether you choose endurance style like PowerHour or strength style like PS Series or S&H, it will enhance your efforts 110%! At 225lbs, I've lost the first 100lbs with Cathe's strength training videos and aerobics too of course, it's the cardio that will burn fat, but as just posted, increasing your muscle will burn more fat as well. People cannot believe I weigh 225lbs because I am so solid, and that comes from the weight training, and even at this weight, with clean eating, I am almost entirely cellulite free! (my inner thighs are an issue all their own!), but you will benefit from weight training for sure! :)
P.S. the more fat you lose, the better you will see the muscle/tone you're gaining. Add the weights, but don't neglect the cardio :)

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