Cathe - question from your pregnant Road Tripper!


Hi Cathe,
I know you are busy so I dont know if you will see my post. Thank you again for all your hard work and excellent quality workout videos and products.

I met you at the Road Trip in August (i had the large tattoo on my arm and was the pregnant road tripper - i was also lucky enough to be in the front row right behind you!!! for almost every workout)

Anyway, I had preordered STS before i learned I was pregnant. My baby is due in February. I have no clue when STS will be in my hands, but this is not a good workout for pregnant ladies right? I have been maintaining my fitness level but have started to gain a little weight, which is hard for me but i have to remember i'm growing a baby!

So..should I save STS until post pregnancy? It might be a good way to get back into shape after baby. Then again it might be too strenous. I was thinking I cant do it while pregnant and wanted to see your thoughts on it. Of course listen to you rbody and dont overwork/overstrain yourself.

This is also my first pregnancy, so everything is so new to me.

Thanks again for all you do.
Not Cathe (you think???) but I would suggest speaking with your ob regarding any new workout regime. You may be keeping up your current workout but from what I'm seeing from the previews STS is going to be very different than anything we've ever done.

Enjoy your pregnancy!!!
Thank you for your input. I know this is a very different training system so I'm thinking pregnant women probably shouldn't do it if one wants to do the program as intended.
I'd like to bump...and hope..that Cathe will see my question. Cathe are you out there? :)

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