Cathe, a "breathing" suggestion for future workouts


I know this might sound ridiculous, but I often don't know when I should be inhaling or exhaling on many exercises (weights obviously....not cardio). Maybe it seems obvious to most people when they should take their inhalation, but I guess I'm "breathing challenged." Therefore, would it be possible in your next series of workouts to make it "obvious." I wouldn't expect you to always verbally say, "Inhale" "Exhale." but maybe you or one of the crew could "Show" us with your mouths in an more exaggerated way.
RE: Cathe, a

Hi Paula, I'm not Cathe but a good rule of thumb is to always exhale on the exertion part of a move. Like when you're lifting dumbbells for a bicep curl or pressing the weights away like during a chest press. Usually the exertion is when you're moving away from gravity, if that helps.

RE: Cathe, a

I have noticed in some workouts (can't remember which) that she's very obvious when she's breathing out - helps me know she's working hard too!
RE: Cathe, a

I am fine with breathing in most of the workouts, but the one I have trouble with is Slow and Heavy. I can't exhale for 6 counts! And it feels weird to do a long exhale, and a 2 count inhale. I've been trying to exhale for a couple of counts, then briefly inhale, then exhale again toward the end of the exertion, then inhale for the negative 2 counts. I'm not sure I'm explaining this very well.

Any thoughts on the best way to breathe for S&H?

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