Keeping it simple


I am sorry I barely have time to get my workouts in and watch my little one (hopefully two soon). I have tried to read all the info. on this, and I am sure it is me, but it sounds complicated. Can I get these DVD's and throw them into my rotation somewere? Or do I have to do the 3.5 month training and track my progress.:)
Actually, STS is not complicated at all. Instead of having to figure out what workout to do each day, all you have to do is start with disc #1. We’ve done all the work for you. Your next workout will be disc #2 and so forth. It’s just like having your own personal trainer at home.

We designed STS for people like you who don’t have a lot of spare time. This is why we encourage everyone to invest a little in the beginning performing a 1RM test. If you’re going to spend the time to work out you should do it right and use a weight that will give you the maximum result.

You certainly could do the workouts in STS randomly, but why would you? With STS the sum of all the workouts is greater than the individual workouts by themselves. We have carefully followed the rules of periodization to create a workout program that is unparalleled in its scope. If you want to be successful with a workout program three things are necessary: #1 a good plan, #2 hard work and #3 consistency. We can provide you with a good plan, but the other two things are up to you.
It really does sound like a very good system for you and it only takes a few minutes to write down the weights you used to keep track of your workouts and progress, just like you write a daily to-do list or a weekly shopping list. Also SNM has repeatedly said that you are only committing to three workouts a week with them if you follow the STS plan all the way through, basically 3 hours a week. It couldn't be easier to schedule! Try not to worry about it. Right now there are a zillion different questions flying around these forums about the new STS, but the concept is quite easy to follow and most of the questions people are asking are largely irrelevant and make things seem more complicated than they really are.

If you really want to keep it simple, than having a plan where someone else has already done all the thinking for you and you just have to focus your mind, put the DVD in and pick up those weights: well, seems like having your cake and eating it! Or should I not mention cake aroud here?!?!?!

I did a program just like this before....and I got into the best shape of my life. I only dropped a few pounds on the scale, but the inches just melted off and dropped down over two sizes and dropped my bodyfat percentage. My legs, hips and stomach really slimmed down. I didn't have that bra pudge anymore, either. The first time in my life when I felt thin and so healthy.

After doing this type of program, I find it very hard for me to go back and do any type of endurance training for more than for a workout or two. This works. It's simple, really.

I maxed out at home for legs, which was part of the reason I needed to join a gym. I didn't want to invest in a squat rack or take up the room with one, but I might now since there actually a workout to go with it. I use to put a Cathe DVD and do my own workout while she kept me company. Now, I can just hang out and do what she does.

I'm very excited, so I hope this series is what I've been waiting for Cathe to do. I kept hoping the past few series would, but it didn' least for legs or back.


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