Just curious - advertising


I'm just curious how the STS word will get out to the masses.

Will there be infomercials or ads in magazines? It's such a crazy large project, I am sure there will be marketing beyond these boards and it would be a shame to keep this project hidden.

Are there any plans to have test groups of regular people do the program and track the results for success stories? Or maybe a contest, where the winners win a free road trip or something?

Again, just been curious about how people not currently aware of Cathe will find out about STS.
That's a great question! I have never seen any infomercials or advertisements for anything "Cathe" (but I'm a relative newbie here so maybe I just missed them). That would be a great idea to have a contest with the prize being a free road trip!
Thanks Mary, I found out about Cathe a year ago, but truly stumbled on the site looking for step risers. I never see Cathe advertise. I would think QVC or infomercials would create a lot of orders.
I'm just curious how the STS word will get out to the masses.

Will there be infomercials or ads in magazines? It's such a crazy large project, I am sure there will be marketing beyond these boards and it would be a shame to keep this project hidden.

Are there any plans to have test groups of regular people do the program and track the results for success stories? Or maybe a contest, where the winners win a free road trip or something?

Again, just been curious about how people not currently aware of Cathe will find out about STS.

Well, hopefully the word about STS will be spread by some very happy customers all over the internet. Certainly, we have had some discussions internally about expanding the marketing of STS, but these are only internal discussions and not something we have any current plans on doing.

With fitness DVDs there really are not very many options when it comes to advertising. The response rate is just too low. About the only things that really work on a mass marketing level that we have observed through the years are Infomercials, QVC and some well placed PR.

STS does have a lot of things that it takes to make a successful infomercial and we will have to see if we go in this direction one day. The problem with infomercials is they have a failure rate of over 90% and require a huge investment to make and to the buy the advertising. Infomercials also require a lot of research and planning if you wish to be successful and though we have never made an infomercial, we are very familiar with the process.

As of now our only thoughts are of getting STS to our presale customers. We will just have to see what happens after that.

Our website and Workout Manager software is where we hope and plan to get our feedback and success stories for STS. If we were to ever conduct a study on STS we would want it to be done by an independent research facility or University so that there would be no doubt about the legitimacy of the study.
Thanks for taking the time to reply SNM! That's a very interesting stat about the infomercial failure rate, 90%, wow!!
A dedicated PR effort would work wonders for STS. I'm a bit biased as I have been doing PR for seven years now (high tech companies, though fitness PR would be a DREAM!) a a PR manager myself, but I can't tell you how many times I see other fitness instructors with big fitness how to's and Q&A type pieces in various fitness magazines and always say "that should be Cathe!" Same with "top 10 workout DVD" type features - never a Cathe DVD among the bunch, which floors me. I could go on and on about all sorts of ideas from a PR perspective, but this probably isn't the most appropriate forum for that, but would be happy to share other thoughts, if interested ;-)
I just got a Collage Video catalogue in the mail today, and STS is in there! They even printed it on the back too.
I have to agree with my sister Jolene on this one - forget about the infomercials and advertising, a very targeted PR effort would work wonders for STS, I am sure of it! I, too, am biased, but on two levels - one as a PR pro (or PR Goddess, ha!) and two as a die-hard Cathe fan of course. :) Just food for thought Cathe and crew!
Yeah, I'd think a PR campaign (as compared to advertising) would be perfect! The right articles, correctly placed can do wonders (and not be as expensive as infomercials etc...) It is all about generating a buzz, right? :)
Quote from SNM Video: Our website and Workout Manager software is where we hope and plan to get our feedback and success stories for STS. If we were to ever conduct a study on STS we would want it to be done by an independent research facility or University so that there would be no doubt about the legitimacy of the study.[/QUOTE]

I am getting my masters in exercise physiology. I have to conduct a research project in order to graduate. I was having a hard time coming up with an idea. Right now the only idea I have is on the Wii Fit.
The wheels in my head are spinning.
Is this something I would need permission to do? ...if I could pull it off?
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Jolene, I specialize in PR for tech companies too - and you echo my thoughts exactly. Well placed PR is the key. DM me sometime, okay? We could probably share some interesting notes.

And every time I see an article about a fitness leader/icon, I think it should be Cathe instead :)
..... of course the best way we can advertise STS is by becoming shining STS examples and spreading the word. Nothing impressed me more than going to the RT in August and seeing how Cedie and Jai looked - both of whom I didn't think could BE any more fit.

Very stunning results.

We will all be the best PR and advertisement of all, yes? :)

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