Has anyone done STS 6X per wk for 7 wks?


I was wondering about this...if anyone has ever done this with maybe a week break after 3 weeks??? Wondering what happened, what were the results?
Yes, Fit mommy, this is what I am asking. Where you do one disk per day, for a total of six per week, so that you do each body part 2x per week.

I was just wondering if anyone had ever done this, or maybe even thought of doing this... if it would be detrimental or what.
I have done it, but not for the entire rotation. It is not for the faint of heart :)

This from a woman who just completed Ironman Texas 2011....
Yay woman!

This is an awesome idea! Hmmm, now I am thinking I'm on disc 5 of Meso 1. Maybe I should do this!

My STS banner is still not working..dang
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meowracer and dirtdiva: I am thinking I might like to do this...the only drawback is...YEAH it would be tough and I might not get as much cardio in...maybe 2X per week if I am lucky.

I am currently in Meso 2 Wk2. So I think I might want to get to my goal weight first, but idk, idk. I only have a bit more to go...and I like my cardio...just thinking!

Dirtdiva!! let us know if you do this!
meowracer and dirtdiva: I am thinking I might like to do this...the only drawback is...YEAH it would be tough and I might not get as much cardio in...maybe 2X per week if I am lucky.

I am currently in Meso 2 Wk2. So I think I might want to get to my goal weight first, but idk, idk. I only have a bit more to go...and I like my cardio...just thinking!

Dirtdiva!! let us know if you do this!

You know what...I am going to do this! I was thinking about placing the legs workout inbetween the two upper body workouts, but that complicates the 6 day layout. I am going to continue on with disc 6 tomorrow instead of resting and run this puppy through as long as I can. If I feel its not working out, I will post up on my reasons why. What a great suggestion.
The first time I did STS, I finished M1 in just over 2 wks ( I had a big beach anniversary trip planned & wanted my rest week to line up w/it). It took a little tweaking to make sure I wasn't working body parts back to back (which is extremely hard in M1, where the muscle pairings are a bit less unconventional) but I did it. And I gotta admit...I WAS SMOKIN HOT for that trip ( if I do say so myself :eek: ). My results of doing it "right" the 2nd time around were nowhere near how they were on that trip. But it was all good, I really wasn't about to do it again ( unless the motivation factor was right, lol) ;)

I think it basically worked out to doing a disc every other day? Sometimes legs/chest day were back to back, but never chest/back, or legs/back.

ETA: also wanted to add, I didn't do as much cardio when I did it that way, and I hardly did any ab work. I think the nature of M1 is so cardio/core heavy that I was able to get away with doing this and still have completely flat abs for the trip ;) ....I also didnt do the other meso's that way, for fear of overtraining - and to see how the program was meant to be done.
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This is what I'm finding, the doubling up on some muscle groups is making me really work on perfect form and its tough and I'm fighting not to lower my weight. I think with Meso 2 it should be easier to double on. So far I am following the discs as designed, but 6 discs per week instead of 3. I am happy about the rest week coming up! I have Friday and Saturday and then I will not lift for a week. Although I am going to swing my bells :eek:.
dirtdiva: thanks for the update!:) I want to know how it goes...I am still thinking about it, but have not taken the plunge.
Whew...okay so this week is done! I have an entire week to rest until Meso 2 starts. I am wondering if I should go 3 days on, one day off if that would ruin the 6 day sequence.

I am focusing on good sleep, and really paying attention to what and when I eat, especially before the workout and 30 to 45 minutes after. So far so good, no issues anywhere, no lingering doms. My weights are right on the mark, but I am not aggressively adding either There are some moves that I know I could go heavier on like squats. I am right at 105 for them and could go up.

I can't put the weight loss of 1.5 pounds on this, because I am riding, but the last couple of days its been raining outside and I am riding my indoor trainer.

I think the rest periods are going to be godsend and really important.
even though this post a bit of a late response...thanks for the update Dirtdiva. How do you feel being a guinea pig?:p:);) I am still thinking of doing this... I just finished M2 and am now on my rest week...Actually, I am probably leaning more to doing M3 in 3 weeks, by doing 4 a week just so that I can have more time for cardio. And that way...I will be done in time for our vacation!
even though this post a bit of a late response...thanks for the update Dirtdiva. How do you feel being a guinea pig?:p:);) I am still thinking of doing this... I just finished M2 and am now on my rest week...Actually, I am probably leaning more to doing M3 in 3 weeks, by doing 4 a week just so that I can have more time for cardio. And that way...I will be done in time for our vacation!

As much as I needed that week break, I was done *resting* by Wednesday and I'm chomping at the bit to get back to it on Monday. I took an entire week off doing nothing but ab work and jumping like a maniac on my rebounder. I am really looking forward to Meso 2 which has always been my favorite. We'll see how this goes down if I can hang with it.
I took an entire week off doing nothing but ab work and jumping like a maniac on my rebounder. I am really looking forward to Meso 2 which has always been my favorite. We'll see how this goes down if I can hang with it.

LOL at the picture of jumping like a maniac on the rebounder :p. Funny, Meso 2 was not my flavorite! I preferred 1...we'll see about 3 in a week...because next week is my rest week. Thank goodness I don't have a rebounder!!! I might be tempted to take the maniac route ;):D:p and my DH has me busy enough since we started cycling together!
This is an interesting thread. I wanted to know when and how much cardio you all are getting in with this rotation?
This is an interesting thread. I wanted to know when and how much cardio you all are getting in with this rotation?

My cardio is coming in about 4 to 5 days a week in the form of mountainbiking in the evening. So far doubling up has been working amazingly well for me. For Meso 2, I'm putting a rest in after the 3rd workout, but still ends up as 6 a week. I definitely have doms after yesterday's leg workout, plus riding. Its taking one day to lose the doms from muscle groups.
this is a good idea that I will use. Originally I was going to blast through 6 workouts 6 days in a row...but this make more sense.

The 6 days in a row worked well on Meso 1, because the lifting was lighter, faster and changed up with each exercise. On Meso 2, the lifting is heavier, and its focused more on sets. I got vicious doms after the first workout in Meso 2. Thankfully, the legs workout is sandwiched inbetween the two upper body workouts. I am impressed with the results, I really am! Possibly its a combo of riding in the afternoon and losing weight from that, but I like what I am seeing and I am not suffering (yet) . I'm staying away from anything refined, and mostly eating close to the ground, lots of protein also.

So far so good, I like it!
I just started Meso 3 this week and so far I have done disk 25, 26, and 27, on Mon., Tues, Wed., respectively. So far, so good. I have done cardio also on all 3 days, some longer than others. Tomorrow, I am going to do the accompanying Squat Rack Legs for week 1 of Meso 3 and then disk 28 on Friday. So all in all, I will be doing STS for 5 days a week, making it 3 weeks for STS this month. We will see how this goes and I will be reporting in, in case anyone is interested :):confused: ???

So I am not doing STS 6X per week, but am doing it 5X per week. I already feel like it is making a difference.
I just started Meso 3 this week and so far I have done disk 25, 26, and 27, on Mon., Tues, Wed., respectively. So far, so good. I have done cardio also on all 3 days, some longer than others. Tomorrow, I am going to do the accompanying Squat Rack Legs for week 1 of Meso 3 and then disk 28 on Friday. So all in all, I will be doing STS for 5 days a week, making it 3 weeks for STS this month. We will see how this goes and I will be reporting in, in case anyone is interested :):confused: ???

So I am not doing STS 6X per week, but am doing it 5X per week. I already feel like it is making a difference.

I am VERY interested!!! So nice to have company in this arena :D.

I am having absolutely zero issues with a daily STS workout. The only problem I am running into is scheduling since the 4th of July caused me to miss a day and then today I will be going on a daylong group ride and no chance to workout. I am very excited at my results also. My muscle is sticking around even through the cycling and I'm eating like a horse because I have to for fueling. I'm probably close to 2600 calories a day and steady in weight, but still down 3 pounds. Yesterday was Legs, and today I was a little worried since that is my main focus for today. Lots of climbing today, but my quads are in awesome shape. I'm not reducing my weights either, squats are now at 113 without struggling, that is usually my benchmark for seeing if everything is alright.

Keep at it! Pay close attention to your protein/carb ratio and hydrate. Don't forget about those precious 7-8 hours of sleep. Mega-important! Let me know how it works for you :)

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