"Elevated" Yoga-Inspired Abs


Active Member
I've search the STS forum and haven't found anything about this but...

Am I the only one having the hardest time doing the "elevated" abs exercise in the Yoga abs??? Boy, I can barely budge my big old butt off the ground! I think my fingers are too weak to hold my body weight. Or maybe my arms are too short!!!!! (I'll use any excuse.)
Hey there - use yoga blocks! I'm short of limb, and that's how I do it (and how I teach it when I'm instructing yoga classes).

Hope that helps!
Nope, you're not alone. I'm also having the hardest time. I keep trying but not getting any elevation. I like the idea of using yoga blocks though. I'll try this next time. Thanks Jennifer for the suggestion.
Thanks for the yoga blocks idea. Maybe I'll run to Target and get some. But I'm still not sure I can lift my body weight. I'll just have to keep trying, I guess!

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