
Well Good Morning America...
Couldn't resist... It's windy and cloudy here, so typical weather for Luxembourg. The night was not too bad, only one spasm early this morning. A clue to still be careful and not push it too hard. I will probably go for a long walk and try to gather some speed and get some hills to workout a little.
Nicole; I hope you feel better ;) I had migraines in the past and it's anything but fun... Takes so much out of you as you are miserable all the time. Take care of yourself
Jeanette; Great for your Christmas decorations (and all the others that also put those away...LOL). I have not done Christmas decorations for the last 2 years as we are in constant movement betweeen here in Luxembourg, our house in Michigan and we usually drive to Pittsburgh for the 24-25th since our daughter is a professional ballerina and does the Nutcracker up to the 23rd and back again the 26th! Europe is great but quite different in mentality. I hope you have the chance to get here some time. It's a wonderful experience.
Kim; Welcome to P90X. It's tough but well worth it. And please be careful on the ice... I got a sciatic nerve pinch years back trying to be careful not to slip! ;(
Tracy; I have been subbing for plyo. 3 years ago I had a very serious herniation of L-5,S-1 and went through 12 weeks of sciatic nerve pinch. Managed to get back without surgery, but I have to listen to my body and jumping all over the place is not the smartest thing to do, so I usually do one of Cathe's 60min+ step workout. OK ladies it does seem like I'm full of little "malaise", but when you get older (I'm 52) your body talks to you in different ways...LOL
I'll check later tonight with you girls. Now I have to decide if I want to go back to the US next Sunday so I can see DH a little. He's traveling almost the whole month of January and this could be a week we could be together... Hate those 12 hours in planes and airport...Just came back...
Christiane :+
Hi all,

Christiane, thanks for starting us off:)

Today will be either S&A and yoga or core and yoga. No legs for me today because they are feeling very heavy. Tomorrow is a run for sure. It is supposed to be 65-70 today and tomorrow. Today will probably be a Costco run instead.

Nicole - Oh no! You sound even worse. I didn't realize that you get migranes too. I'm so sorry. I'm sending {{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}. I hope you get better or get to the dr.

Kim - I hope the calf is feeling better. Be sure to massage it. The increased blood flow will help the healing process. Did you all win last night?

Christiane - About this time last year I also had a very serious herniation of L-5, S-1, and one of them was exuded, I can't remember which. I too struggled with serious pain and rehab for about 6 months. I didn't get surgery, nor the coritisone epidurals that were suggested, but I had to work really hard to get back to where I am today. Actually Amy's Hi/Lo is higher impact than plyox, so I'm feeling pretty good that I've gotten myself to that point. A strong core has really helped my back.

I'd better get myself in gear and get off to work.

Happy Monday to all who follow,

Hi Xers
Back from bay...rough weekend for me- I'm off balance & need to find my footing today so I'll be back tomorrow to post. Got all my workouts in as planned so am starting Rd 2: Phase 2: Week 2
Maybe I should play the lottery today with 2's.

Welcome to Christiane
Traci - Glad you are back. Sorry it was a rough weekend. Try to eat the right stuff; that at least helps.


I hope to see a zippidy in your post tomorrow!:)

Hi all! Popping on before I head to take the diva to school. I still haven't figured out what she does in the bathroom for so long in the morning. I hear her up there talking right now...to whom, I have no idea. Finished SH back and bis yesterday plus Billy's boot camp abs (just the floor section) plus the planks from SH. Today will either be cardio or yoga....I will make that determination later.

I was going to ask Traci what day of the cycle it is for us...since yesterday I got mad with a bottle of Elmer's glue and threw it halfway across the house...I guess I was a little edgy...LOL!

{{{{{{{HUGGERS}}}}}} and meditating vibes to you!

Thanks for getting us started today! You are the world traveler, hunh? What is the time difference from Luxembourg to the East Coast of the US? My XDH lives in Moscow...it is 8 hours for him.

Sending some healing vibes your way.....Please get to a doc if you are not feeling any better today!

I will catch up with the rest of personals in a bit!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good Morning Ladies,

I slept in this morning. We didn't get home until after 11:00. I couldn't find KPC before I left Saturday morning. I took Baron Baptiste with me instead. Unfortunately, I never got around to playing with Baron. Went to the BAR with my friend, dh, and BIL. I was good. I drank water. Oh, yeah. The bartender doctored up my coffee with some Baileys Irish Creme.:9

Read Saturday's posts. Now, I'm off to read Sunday and todays. BBL for personals.

I haven't decided which workout to do. Perhaps, KPC with the leg drills.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Classic/ Week 8/ Day 1/ YogaX (subbing with LowMax)

It's the start of my 2nd recovery week, and as with the first one, I'm doing whatever I want, short of heavy lifting. My elbows are twingy and can do with a break.

What a surprise to see Christiane starting the thread! Good morning to you! Or shall I say "Bonjour"? With your back problem, do you do ARX?

Traci....I'm sorry your weekend was so rough. (((((hugs))))). It's nice to see you!

Debra....Maybe she's pretending she's hosting a talk show? I used to pretend I was starring in a show that showed women how to take care of their skin and wash their face properly. Yeah, I was funny.

Tracy....You've made amazing progress with your back.

Wendy....I'm waiting to find out what goes on at College State, too. You go there frequently.

Time to go to LowMax. BBL for more chat.

Have a great day!
Yay!!! I had a date with Eion today and it was fantastic. Tomorrow is legs and back, which oddly enough, I am looking forward to.

School starts for the kids today, so it is back to the normal routine of waking up way to early to do workouts and then rushing around to get everyone ready for the day. I am looking forward to being busy again though.

If I don't get back today, have a great day everyone. Chat with you later.

Good morning,

Round 2, Phase 2 Lean Rotation, Week 2, Day 1 Core Synergistics

Today (surprise, surprise), I didn't do Core Syn, but subbed P90 Masters Core Cardio without the cooldown and stretch. After that, I tacked on 15 minutes of Amy Bento's Hi-Lo Dome workout. I did the 1st combo sans the blast. Previewing it last night really helped. I think this will be a really fun DVD for me.

Christiane, way to go on starting the thread!!! I'm out here on the West Coast so usually everyone else is 1/2 way thru the day before I even post. So your DD is a ballerina? Wow! How old is she? I'm guessing she's been dancing since childhood. Glad you are feeling better today. I'd take it easy for sure. I have a little bit of a owwy in my right shoulder this morning so modified the sphinx pushups today. I've noticed getting older (I'm 49) that I take a little more time to recover from hard efforts or longer bike rides.

Tracy, I'm envious of your nice weather! No bike ride for me this weekend. First one in a while due to snow/ice on the roads. I bought Costco cards in December and have yet to go for the first time. Just didn't want to battle the crowds there.

Traci, sorry your weekend was not too good. We missed you on here. Is it TTOM for you yet? I'm about done I think. I woke up yesterday feeling and looking really lean. I got on the scales this morning (first time since before Christmas Day) and I was way, way up!! Could have been the cornbread and beans for dinner just sopping up all the water I was drinking. I feel like I'm a camel and can sure store the water. I'd make it for a few days out on the desert for sure LOL! I posted a couple pictures of Tillie in her candy can sweater on my Picture Trail under My Pets.

Debra, LOL about your DD talking to someone while getting ready for school! That's so funny! How was the spaghetti and CB last night? Did his team win? Maybe he wasn't even paying attention to that }( ;-)

Wendy, glad you are back. I like Bailey's but haven't had it in years.

Sandra, wow, we are almost to the 2nd recovery week? I think I have 2 more before mine. The face washing show? You guys are cracking me up today! Enjoy Lowmax.

Lea, nice to be back on a schedule again, huh? I see so many of the schools are still closed up around Reno due to snow and ice. I think our town schools are going to be in session.

Oooh, just noticed the time!

Morning Xers,

Round 3/Phase 2/Week 2/Day 1
Workout: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps / ARX / and some type of 30 min KB.

Was able to get CST in before I had to get ready for work. ARX is in store for later tonight and maybe a KB workout. Will see how I feel when I get home from dance class with youngest. Didn't sleep that well last night. DH was called into work, and I just couldn't seem to find that dead tired sleep without him there. :D Or it was just worry about the dang thick as pea soup fog we have around here. All the snow we had is melting away. But don't worry, we are suppose to have more snow by the end of the week. :7 :7 :7

We had a good time at our party on Saturday. This was for all the faire people. And yesterday we celebrated Christmas with DH's family. Ate more than I should have, but then didn't have anything for dinner. I stepped out of my house at 7:20 in the morning, and didn't get to plant my foot down in the house until after 5pm that night. We didn't get home from DH's uncles house until after then, so StretchX did not happen.

Christiane, I am impressed that you are getting the P90X workouts done with all the travelling you do. Way to go. I know what you mean about push-ups, they are my favorite exercise for chest now. Hated doing the dang things before I started the X. :D My DD's would love to meet your DD. Their favorite ballet is the Nutcracker. We didn't go see the performance this Christmas, but hope to for the '08 season. Welcome, you will have a good time chatting with this great group of women.

Tracy, How is the arm feeling today? They built the first Cosco's here in WI just recently. Only problem, it is a really long hike for me to get there.

Traci, Sorry to hear that you had a rough weekend. Did you see that I was able to post at least once this weekend. :7 :7

Debra, I had to LOL at your DD talking in the bathroom. My youngest does the same thing. I think that mine is talking to herself in the mirror. This morning her BF was dropped off, because her Mom had to go to some classes. It was funny to see her talking about school work with her GF, she sounded so grown up.

Wendy, The doctored coffee sounds really nummy :9 . At our party's this weekend I didn't drink anything either. It was so foggy out that DH and I both wanted clear heads.

Sandra, Have a great time with LowMax. I have to remember to get the LM blasts into my workout schedule for this round. Had to LOL at you and your talk show host days. I used to sing with the hair brush, and forced my younger brother to do it too. I will be dating myself, but I would sing Georgie Girl into that poor hairbrush all day long. I don't know how my Mom could stand it. :7 :7

Lea, Your post made my happy for some reason. Maybe it was your date with Eion. I still need to initiate myself to Eion. Maybe I will have a chance on Thursday.

Jeanette, LOL about not doing CS today. Getting sick of that workout are you. :D Tillie is so cute in her sweater. :D At the party on Saturday they had a mini. I think the mini would make Tillie feel like a giant. :7

Have to get going to a meeting in about 3 minutes,

Good morning! Workout done! A good one, as always. I'm looking forward to some fresh stuff, though. Come oooooon, Amy B!

Tracy....I meant to mention: the Advanced Workouts website I ordered from is a small business run by someone named Jen. In her description of Step Challenge 2 (I think?), she states that she was in the weight workouts for that series. She watched the filming of the cardios. I thought that was interesting. When I watched one of the previews on Amy's websites, the credits at the end included Janis Saffel and Sharon Twombly. Looks like Amy's packing some influence in the fitness world. I don't think we so much get used to the cold as learn how to live with it. We plug in our cars when they aren't being used, buy heavy coats and long underwear, wear balaklavas (sp?), drink lots of hot liquids, budget for high heating bills from Sept-April, etc. Edmonton's downtown is fully connected via underground walkways or above-ground tubes. We call it the Pedway, and you can walk anywhere you want without ever having to go outside. Every year they hold the Santa Claus parade in the Pedway.

Debra....I hope you have a GREAT first day at school!!! Looking forward to the report!

Christiane....I'm so impressed your DD's a professional ballet dancer. What troupe does she perform with (they're usually part of a troupe, aren't they?). Do you have a career of your own? You're the oldest member of our group, but we have 3 or 4 members (who's admitting it?) that are in their 40s. Heck, even Tony is 45 going on 47 in every workout LOL!

Traci....I miss you. I hope you're only mourning Sandy, and nothing else has happened. We're here if you need us.

Lea....Nice date! I'm with you on being thrilled to be back to the routine. I had a poor sleep last night, but still woke up happy. Happy happy happy!

Jeanette....Your dinner last night sounded deeeeeelicious! How'd it turn out? I imagine all that fiber would cause you to retain some water. How does Core Cardio compare to CardioX, and Core Syn? We didn't get that one when we ordered the P90 series. If you're liking Amy's hi/lo dome, then I'm sure I will, too. I'm glad you're enjoying Christi's hi/lo 9801 workout. You're making me want it back LOL! Just kidding! Have you even previewed the step workout yet? I'm glad you're seeing the flatter stomach results that you liked so much from Round 1. Are you doing ARX each time, or subbing it? Yup, get thee to the garage!! Spin spin!! Wow. We have to deal with bears occasionally, but never lions. That's freaky. Do they prey on local pets? Chewing tobacco is a nasty habit. I'm so glad DS and DH are done with it. DH hasn't mentioned any cycling goals, but I imagine he'll want to do the Tour de l'Alberta, as usual. Do you have any?

Nicole....I'm hoping your migraine is gone by now. I don't get those, but my mother does. I don't wish them on anyone, nevermind someone who's trying to look after 3 small children. Take care of yourself.

Kim....I have to say I love having someone else around who speaks Canadian LOL! I don't have to convert the temperature or describe the restaurants. Is this what it feels like to be American? :) And I imagine you have to plug in your car, too, right? I added the KM Blast Challenge to the end of KenpoX for Phase 3 of my first round. They really work nicely together. DH and his boss are taking a taxi to the Oiler's game tonight. They've got some kind of vip seating; there's no ticket, you give the guy your name at the door. He swears it's legit :D He's rather excited. How'd DS's team do last night?

It's nice to see everyone got their decorations put away this weekend. That can be such an odious chore. We went to Ikea yesterday and bought a couple more bookcases for the basement. I believe I've almost finished unpacking from our move, 1 1/2 years ago!! Actually, I'm unpacking boxes that haven't seen the light of day since we moved from London to Kingston, in 1993! Gosh, do you think I really need what's inside? One of the things I came across was a letter written to me from my late great-grandmother. I was 12 (1982). Stuff like that you just got to keep.

Have a great day,
Hi Laurie! I missed your post as I was writing. Singing with the hair brush is a universal childhood thing, isn't it? I've seen my own DD do it. On the weekend I picked up High School Musical: Sing It for the Wii. We haven't tried it yet, but I figure it will appeal to DD when she hits her popstar days. Ooooh, hurry and give Eion a try! You'll like it, I swear! Keep your eyes peeled for the red thong and the dog. And focus your Ghandi-lazer.

Enjoy your kickbox and arx tonight!
Doubles/Phase II/week 5/day 1

Hi everyone

I had a nice pleasant and relaxing weekend. I'm starting too feel like my ole self again. I'm taking iron pills and vitamins, must say I'm looking better too.

I wish you guys could see my hair it’s coming along nicely and some of my hair is starting too lock. I brought lots of head bands to wear, while my hair is short, it look so cute, by June I should have a good 3 too 4 inches.

Last night, I went too bed late, I spend my entire day washing clothes and cleaning my appartment, I HAD to get my appartment clean. Any who, I may do a workout when I get home, I'll see but if not:( there’s always tomorrow, right :(

Tomorrow's workout should be CS&T but going to start with legs & cardio. Oh by the way, Sat, I did CC# 5 and X 30 minute jog on TM
Sunday: Clean Max (that had to count for something) :+
Okay...I have 30 minutes to chat until I have to start my yoga so that I will be ready to pick up the diva from school....So let's see how far I get! I got some errands and phone calls made this morning. And I am currently working on laundry. I am trying to get myself caught up before I start school on Wednesday. I also took a quick nap...LOL...since I figured I wouldn't have time to do that in a few days! CB and I had a great time together last night. Carolina won...in OT!! Fun game to watch. He also helped get the last of my Xmas upstairs for me and put my new license plate on my car. It is so nice to have a man around who is willing to help out.


I was just thinking about your dreads on Saturday...I saw this server with short dreads and a headband and it looked so cute. I told CB about you and your hair...LOL! And yes, clean max always counts! Glad you are feeling better.

What kind of work does your husband do that keeps him traveling so much (if you don't mind me asking)? My XDH is in retail management in Moscow...but he travels all over Russia.

SA is always a good one. I know, I know...no more naps for me! I will have it even tougher when I start my observation time...LOL! I am sure it will take me a while to get back into the swing of having that sort of schedule, but I know it is the right thing to do. My class is about 15 minutes from DD's school...so I can drop her off and head that way. It is from 9-10:50. I've got to check to see how long the semester is...I think since it is a technical school they work on a shorter schedule. It is super warm here today...I guess you guys are having the same weather.

Just another balancing {{{{{{hug}}}}}for you. Did you throw any glue across the room yet?? I actually felt better once I did that. You should have seen the way DD looked at me when I did....she just kind of shook her head....LOL! Kisses to you!!

Waving as you breeze by...I guess you guys are getting back into the homeschooling swing??

I guess I need to sneak up the stairs to hear what DD is saying....She is always singing and talking to herself...Just the world of an only child! Have fun with your recovery week...getting to pick all of your own workouts!! Hope the elbow heals a bit this week. We should definitely connect the girls online...my DD is always looking to make new friends! She gets so excited when she gets a message from someone she knows. I don't know why you couldn't figure out that I have been doing a slow and heavy rotation...since my rotations are so strict...LOL! I actually did 2 weeks of Slo Mo, then a week of SH, then a week of Slo Mo, and now onto my last week of SH before recovery. I have definitely seen some strength gains...and if I can get rid of a couple of pounds of fat, I am sure my arms will look awesome...LOL! I will have to look at love your belly....because I certainly don't!!

Hope you told Eoin I will be with him soon!

Spaghetti was good...and yes, CB was paying attention to the game...So was I, since it is my alma mater...I am a huge ACC basketball fan. I can't believe you didn't do Core Syn...don't you love Dreya anymore...LOL! I will have to take a peek at Tillie in her sweater after I post....I bet she is adorable! Are you sure your husband isn't from the South...That sure sounded like a Southern meal yesterday!

Okay...gotta run to visit with Eoin for a while before I get the diva and take her to dance. I will bbl to catch up with the rest of personals.

Kisses to all!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Debra: Glad you had a nice evening, Ooh la la la x(x( What did you decide to major in?::) ) Okay who is CB? Enough questions, huh. I miss you guys seen like I missed out on a lot by not having a computer at home and then getting sick argh……I’m back and ready to bring it.


If you didn't have either of these, like me,:D which would you order first, Cathe 4 day split or P90X plus?
Evening ladies... Last post for me. It's almost 11pm here. DH is finishing up StretchX. Today I managed to do Low Max- Premix step only 1-7, just to get some cardio while recovering. Then I followed by a short 20 Pilates workout. The neck was not too bad. Still quite stiff so I'll give it some time. I might take until Saturday then start Phase 2 again or keep on going Phase 2, Week 2, haven't decided yet. DH husband asked me to join him Sunday to the US. What bothers me is that it's only for 4 days, but that's the only way we can see eachother. He's traveling almost all of January. I just came back! :p

Tracy- 65-70degrees, WOW. Enjoy your run tomorrow.

TracyX- Thanks for the welcome...and welcome back yourself! ;-)

Debra- Girls...Divas... By the way I have 6 hours difference with Michigan. DH works for an automotive supplier company and is the president for his own division worldwide, headquartered here in Europe as well as the president for the company for Europe. So lot's of travel. Usually gone almost 3 weeks of each month.

Wendy- WOW that coffee sounded good...LOL... not sure it would pass P90X criterias...:9

Sandra- Bonjour, Good morning and Guten Morgen (I'm learning German) and Moyen (in Luxemburgish. I don't have a career at this time. When in the USA I had my own business, representing a fine line of women's clothing. I still see some clients but of course not the way I was while living full time in the US.

Lea- Looking forward to L&B.. You go girl :+

Jeanette- How does P90Master Core Cardio compares to Core Syn. The latter is pretty tough. Yes indeed dear DD is a ballerina. She is 26 and dances for Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre. She has been dancing pretty much all her life and left home at 16 for Pittsburgh and been there ever since.

Laurie- CST... That's the one that got me where I am today LOL ;(
I just have to be careful not to compensate when I feel the shoulder too weak and not be so stuborn on staying on my toes for push-ups. Glad you had a good time at the party. Now it seems we can all go back to somehow normal lives.

Teddy Girl- Glad you are feeling like yourself again.

Well I'll talk to you tomorrow. Au revoir, Guten nach and Good night.

Oh Sandra, I'm so jealous IKEA and a NHL hockey team;-) Really what does Edmonton have that Winnipeg doesn't ? Why can't we have an IKEA and a hockey team }(

Please tell me that Edmonton does not really have their Christmas parade inside. What kind of Canadian spirit is that? LOL

Not much time to post. Just home from work for a few minutes and then have to head off to take dd7 to piano lessons. (I hate piano lessons!) But I am enjoying my rest day. Calf is slowly getting better. Maybe will have time for personals later.

Hi all,

Sh & Arms finished and although the arm is surely not 100% I was able to increase some weights and reps here and there. I had to modify a few moves, but overall it was a productive workout. I'm not too worried about weight increases this time like I was last time.

Finally my hips are feeling better, since that fiasco with the Slo mo legs. It has taken over 2 weeks to get over that! I did the second power yoga with Brian and it really felt good.

Not much time for personals, because I have to heat up the left overs:)

To those of you who didn't go to Costco over the holidays because of the crowd, I think they manage crowds the best of any retail business. I don't think any time over the holiday I ever waited in line behind more than one person; even when the parking lot was packed.

Sandra - I think Amy is making a mark on the fitness industry. I can't wait to see what you think of the cardio. There aren't many instructors out there who produce that kind of intense fun cardio. Cathe sure isn't anymore; but she is good with weight work.

Jeanette - I'm so glad you think you will like Amy. It really is fun. She has a nice pleasant way about her. Our weather is so up and down. We really don't know what to expect.

TG - We would love to have you around more. Is Ted still being good?

Nicole - I'm hoping you are feeling better.

Laurie - Hi.

Kim - Take care of that leg. We have IKEA here. I never go because it is just far enough to be a real PITA to get to.

Debra - How was Eion today? Are things getting back to normal? I'm sure you are enjoying the weather. It was 74 here today. Have you gotten all of your books. Sounds like you will have a lot to do. I'm sure it will be great! Going back to school was the best thing I ever did. I hated being dependent.

Christiane - Be careful with that stiffness. I'm sure you know this, but it is not worth it. Are you using any ice? I'll be getting the ice out in just a few minutes.

Traci - I hope to see you here tomorrow. If necessary, you know you can cry and complain to us. We're all friends and most of us have been somewhere similar at least at one time or another:)

Gotta go. DH and I have yet another new reality show to watch; Dance Wars.


Lea - Glad you are stopping by more regularly. Is everyone well?

Wendy - What workout did you end up doing? Are you getting back into the swing of being at home yet?

Carol - Hi.

Hi all!! Back once again...The diva is in bed...the dog is sleeping and the cat is meowing about something...but I have no idea what. Let's see...I ended up starting one of the Seane Corne videos....but there was a little too much instruction for what I needed today.....Although, I did think I got a lot out of the instruction she gave....but I needed to move a little faster, so I popped in Eoin's daily dose of bliss. I also got a pedicure today with Carolina blue toenail polish! Go Heels!!


It's funny what you hear your girls say to their friends, isn't it? My DD always sounds so big when she talks to her friends too. Funny about you singing into the hairbrush....My parents used to have the Billy Joel "The Stranger" album (note I said album...lol) and used to pretend the living room was my stage and I belted out all of those songs...now let me just add...I cannot carry a tune in a bucket! It must have sounded like cats screeching. Nice you are able to get some of your workouts done in the morning now...although, I don't know if I would want to dread ARX all day! I saw the forecast for all the fog your way...Hope you guys all drove safe today.

If it makes you feel any better about the unpacking of boxes that have been around for a year and a half...I have boxes in my attic that have been moved at least 3 times without ever being unpacked once. I still don't know what is in them....but not quite sure why I still have them. How nice to find the letter from your GGM! I am a pack rat when it comes to nostalgic stuff like that. My XDH got rid of everything as soon as it lost it's immediate use...Maybe that is why he is in Russia and I am in NC! So funny...I didn't realize your DH was going to a hockey game until Kim mentioned it...I just assumed it was American football...why? I have no idea!! There you go with the cross cultural thing again. Just think of how much we are learning about our North American neighbors! Now we just need someone from Mexico to join our little group!

Glad the calf is continuing to heal. Hope you had fun at those lessons...LOL! The first day back to work and school after the holiday is never fun! I almost had to drag DD out of the bed this morning. I still really like Kenpo and pull it out pretty frequently.

I am glad Costco isn't a nightmare for you...I always end up getting way more than I need...well, obviously, since it is only DD and me! I am still learning to cook for one and half. At least with CB I get to make real meals once in a while. Well, it is just one class and I looked online today and there is just one textbook, so I am headed up there tomorrow to pick it up so I can look over the first chapter. I wish there was a syllabus posted, but I haven't been able to find it online. I will feel better once I know what the semester is going to look like. It is good you are not pushing too much with the arm. As long as you are making gains and meeting your goals, the weight number doesn't matter too much. You crack me up with the reality shows...I just can't imagine you watching that...LOL!

If it were me, I would get Cathe...but I love her so much more than Tony it is probably a biased suggestion. Okay...CB is my...do I dare say it?....'boyfriend'...You can access his and my pics on my picture trail with the password 'cbandme'. I guess you have been out of touch without that computer at home! I am starting a program in physical therapy...but I just have one class this semester.

You must know all about divas with your own ballerina! Wow! What an amazing accomplishment for her. I guess your DH really enjoys what he does...The travel is tough, but it is exciting, too, I think. Would you get to see your DD while in the States...that would make it better, I guess. I am assuming that you are not currently working outside the home if you can take the time for travel. Take care of that neck!

Let's see...Missing Carol (cracking the whip on the kids? Still want to know about the online role playing thing!), Nicole (hope the head is better!) and Swifty (busily studying I am sure). Waving to Traci (and sending hugs), Wendy (you can't come back and not post!), Lea (mellow I am sure) and Jeanette (the garage boys perhaps tonight?) who I caught up with earlier today. Hope everyone is having a good evening.

I have a massage on the books tomorrow. I will either do cardio or legs...anyone care to take a guess...LOL! And I MUST get the laundry done and mop the floors!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


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