Workout Warriors Unite April 26-May 2


Good Morning Warriors!

Okay, for the third week in a row I am going to say that I am starting my undulating rotation this week finally. Lets hope third time is the charm because I have not been happy with myself this last 6 weeks or so and need to get focused again on my workouts and my health.

So this morning to start out I did step moves and medicine ball abs. Will do something else tonight, walk, play tennis, something depending on the weather.

Need to catch back up on last weeks thread to see how everyone is doing. Hope all is well with all of you.

Need to get back to work. Check back later.

Oh yeah, the car is great and no I havent been spending all my time in it. lol

This morning I did Disk 16 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Finished at 7:30 and jumped in the shower, grabbed a quick breakfast and left at 8:00 for the dentist. Hopefully, more workout in the afternoon, but I have a list of things to accomplish, so I'll have to be focused and not get distracted!

MJ enjoy your undulating rotation! Go forth and conquer everyone!
Hey Everyone

Today I slept in and it was well needed after my girls sleepover... In the end that's what it was. Lots of fun. This morning I did my usual run and did it in 30min!!!! I was super excited a couple weeks ago when I did just under 32! So that was good. Then a little later I did 15 min of a rotation of 20 prisoner squats with a standing crunch, 5 chin-ups (assisted of course) and 15 swings. I finished 7 rounds. So there you go!

Now I am off to take my youngest to the dentists! and a couple errands.

Cathy - Glad things are working out with your puppy. He sounds really well behaved! Congrats on getting your rotation started tooo!
I need to AS again, your post reminded me!

MJ - Glad to hear your not stuck in your car! Let us know how things go with your rotation!

Janis - Any luck with finding a running partner??? Maybe a shorter route that you do twice might appease your hubby?

Tara - How are you doing out there?
Talk to you soon
Happy Beginning of the Week Warriors!

My goodness, where does the time go?

Sunday I took a rest day, and today I did the leg workout I would have done on Sunday, Meso1Wk2Disc 6, I followed that up with LIC Cardio only, I don't have a clue how many calories that workout burns, all I know is I was drenched in sweat! My oh my!

Heather - Your girls-only strawberry dacquari slumber party sounded like HEAVEN. Yeah, I bet you had to sleep in! LOL! Great job on your run! Isn't it encouraging and inspiring to best your times?! On Saturday I did Lauren's second dvd. I really really enjoyed it. My triceps are still sore! I'd love to have you as a running partner...wonder if we could do it virtually! The technology is sure to be in development as we speak.

Cathy - Congrats on finding the perfect dog on your first visit. How did you come up with "Sparty"? Way to go on starting your STS rotation and getting it DONE before you had to run out. Truly impressive. It takes me at least an hour to wake up before I can even consider working out!

MJ - You'll do it! You have accomplished a lot. I know I keep saying this, but you have accomplished a lot in a year, a six week set-back is nothing, water off a duck's back. Getting back on track is the easy part, staying on track is the work of a Warrior and you are our Supreme Warrior Queen. ;)

Tara - how was your week? As brutal as you anticipated? Here's sending you Happy California vibes. :D:D:D

This week, for me, is strength splits. I am going to do Cathe's Pure Strength.
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Hey Warriors

So I just finished Vol 1 of Kettlebells and then I tacked on MMA Fusion Abs. It was a good workout! I could not get up this morning after yesterdays workouts. I was beat. I listened though and slept in... it probably didn't help that both boys got up last night with bad dreams. My Dh decided that while I was away that the X-men was a good movie for a 6 year old... So let's just say bad dreams are a little badder than they usually are.

Anyways, the shower is calling!

Janis - We have to figure out this virtual run... I am not sure though that we want to see each other run while running but if we could talk that would be cool! The safety thing would still be an virtual running partner is going to kick you butt if you don't leave me alone does not sound very scary! :p

Cathy - How was your morning?

Tara - Are you out there???

MJ - Did you get out again last night to do something?

Talk to you all soon
Hey Warriors

It is winter again, at least for today and tomorrow. I am counting down the days until May. Surely May will bring Spring?

I am surprisingly tired and sore after my workout. I did SC-CCC and then Cathe's Pure Strength - Chest, Shoulder's Tri's. Does anyone else, by any chance, have this dvd? It is one of Cathe's early dvds, she is so much more muscular and lean now. I did enjoy the workout, it was brief, but there was some good information included and some variations I have never seen before. Overall - a worthy workout, one I might do a couple of times a year. I followed that up with some KB swings.

Heather - there must be a way to do a virtual run. NO, I agree, I don't think you would want to see me run either! LOL - on your virtual threat! I haven't been threatened or accosted - but the potential is there. I do need to solve this. I have asked my dh and ds's if they would like to run with me. No go on that front. I hear you about the poor movie choices and bad dreams, that used to happen a lot when my two oldest were young. When they got older they would look out for my youngest...and advise my Dh, "no, he shouldn't watch xyz movie..." I did teach the older two, when they wake up from bad dreams, or feel agitated in the night, to say out loud "that is not true" and if necessary, with conviction. It helped discharge and dissipate the negative feelings left over from media or external stimuli impressions.

How is everyone else? We have been quiet warriors of late. :)

Tomorrow I am going to run. And if weather is permitting it will be either a two lap loop along a known forest route (per heather's suggestion) or a hill run at the vineyard, it will be muddy out there regardless. Ick.

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I just realized I forgot to check in yesterday. Actually, I really thought I did, but maybe it was all in my head! :p

My shoulders weren't all that sore when I woke up, so I did MMA Boxing as it was what was up for the day and yikes! by evening my shoulders were really stiff. Still a bit today, but not bad. The boys had yoga class, and now they are supposed to do their warm-up and 8 times through Sun Salutation every day, so I'll do that with them, too.

This morning was Disk 17 legs. My knees not real happy at the moment, so for some things I used the vest for part of the weight to distribute things better. Especially for lunges which is the main thing that bothers it.

After a very rainy weekend, the week has been very spring like with temps around 50 and sunny all the spring flowering trees are in full bloom and it's beautiful everywhere! Janis I sure hope your weather gets nice and stays nice soon. Is that typical weather for you this time of year?

I used to have the PS series on video, but back then doing straight weights didn't thrill me so I got rid of it on eBay. My husband told me at the time it was ok since they were mine, but he's grumbled on and off about not having them anymore.

Hope you all have a great day!
Good Morning Warriors

This morning I did another BodyRockTv workout that was pretty brutal. It took me 37 minutes and it had pistols (I did them assisted) and my legs are crying now. I tried to go for my run after but that was a NO WAY from my legs. I just went for 15 min. I think I might try to run tonight during the boys baseball practice...
The thing I really don't like about the Bodyrock stuff is there is no set warm-up and cooldown. I find myself forgetting and not doing as much as I should.

Cathy - That's great that your boys are doing yoga! Did they like it? Great job on yesterday's workout. I have been focussing on doing lots of lunges and squats and trying to go slower and keep my form right on (that seems particularly hard) in hopes that I can strengthen my knees and make them hurt less in the long term... We'll see how that goes!

Janis - Hopefully your double loop isn't too boring. Too bad you couldn't convince your fam to join in on your runs, especially if they are going to say where you can't run! Now that the weather is warming up I am totally not interested in running on the treadmill... Although my dh fixed it and tightened the belt so now I won't slide forward sometimes. When I stepped on it I smashed 4 or the 6 fan blades. We have them glued on for now but it looks like we need to get a new fan blade so I don't burn out the motor...

MJ and Tara - Hope all is well!
Talk to you soon
Hi Ladies

I ran this morning, but not outside. It was snowing and hailing. It isn't sticking, it is slightly too warm. It is very pretty though...all the spring green and blooms juxtaposed against white confetti floating down from the sky.

I ran to Cardio Coach Press Play, then I did a few rounds of MMA-kickbox. My knee was starting to feel jammed up - not from the kickbox - I think from the last hill interval on the workout, so I switched to stretching.

My lack of safe running locations was confirmed for me today. An armed home invasion robbery occurred adjacent to the school my son attends, they locked down the school. Later the sheriff's dept escorted children to the bus. As it was a scheduled minimum day at the school, I had already picked up my son, I only found out about the events when the school did an automated all call.

Drama drama.

Heather - wow you really did a number on your treadmill! I wonder how long the fan blades will hold up? With my knee issues, I have discovered I have to alternate Hiit weeks with low impact weeks otherwise I wipe out my knees. Doing two leg workouts a week has helped their strength a lot, slow and controlled is the way to go. I don't do any of the plie jumps when they come up in a Cathe leg workout, nor any of the pulses.

Cathy - We do have late storms into the latter weeks of April. It isn't unusual, just tiresome. Funny, though, no one seems to remember that we had hail in late April any of the previous years. I've used the vest for leg workouts on occasions when I don't want to load up the barbell, for example when my shoulder first started hurting, I like the freedom and mobility it provides while distributing the weight to make the work challenging, but not painful. How are your knees doing now?

This seems to be the week for weak knees.

Tomorrow I am going to do Cathe's leg/abs workout on Pure Strength and do MMA-Boxing.

Tara and MJ - I miss you both, check in soon. 'k? :)
My legs were sore from yesterday, but not too much to keep me from working out. I had 40/20 on the rotation for today and realized after I started that it was the Hiit that I haven't done yet. I've actually done 30/30 before. I think all the baseball has turned my brain to mush. :rolleyes: I managed to do it with no extra breaks, but I did do the modifications for a fair number of the moves and I had my step at 6" and 8", too.

I followed that up with AC Pilates. I'm supposed to do Step Moves later and since there's a glitch in the Workout Manager it's already marked it done, so I guess I'm committed. :p

Heather I wouldn't say the boys are the least bit thrilled about yoga, but at least after the second class I didn't hear about it as much. Nicholas is at least more cooperative. Derek carried on a running comedy routine when we went through it yesterday. I really can see him headlining someday. He truly is hilarious and he knows that he can get to me, so he tends to use it to his advantage and Nicholas encourages him because if he can get me laughing and distracted it at least delays whatever it is they are supposed to be doing!

Yikes Janis on the lock down. I sure hope you find a way to get your running in safely. Out here the only thing to worry about are dogs and too fast drivers at least. And major yuck to the snow and hail. Though I do know it can be pretty. I have pics from a few years ago of my tulips surrounded by snow in April. Thankfully, it's supposed to be 70 today and near 80 tomorrow.

My knee issues go way back to my high school cheerleading days. I finally had surgery when I was 27, but my right quad never regained it's full strength and so it gives me issues every now and then. I had it checked out thoroughly a few years ago by my sports med doctor and he said it's all just weakness in the quad, the knee is structurally ok.

I'm afraid Sparty has kennel cough. :( I was up with him in the middle of the night surfing the web for info. We already had an appt for him tonight with our vet to have him get a basic exam as a follow up to his adoption, so hopefully they can give him something to make him more comfortable. He's still eating and drinking and somewhat active still so hopefully it won't be too bad. They gave him the vaccine at the shelter, but it's certainly possible he was exposed before they gave it to him or too soon afterwards for it to have been effective.

Tara and MJ how are things?
Hi Ladies!

I'm sorry I have been MIA for so long. Work, Work & more Work! We got through the exercise, but now have a big inspection coming in mid-May. I guess everyone is feeling like it's crunch time! I got tasked with several projects & just have been swamped.

I haven't had much time to exercise, but hoping to squeeze some in this weekend. I did have a great session with the running coach. He was wonderful! He did a short run with me & gave me some good form points and breathing techniques. He says if I practice consistently, I should be able to shorten my running time & build up my endurance to do longer runs fairly quickly. I plan to continue to practice with him even once I pass my fitness test. He wants me to do a 5K sometime this summer!

I'll probably catch up on reading this week's & last week's posts this weekend. I may not be able to check in as often as I'd like to until things settle down at work, but I'll peep in here & there. I miss hanging out with you all!

Hope Friday & the weekend will be good for you. See ya soon!

Did Disk 18 Back & Biceps. Those scary new 1RM's are starting to haunt me already. :eek: My 75% weight for dumbbell curls is only 1 lb less than the heaviest weight I used last time and I was really having to work to get through the barbell rows. My upper legs are still rather sore from Disk 17 and my calves are sore from 40/20. I've got two more cardios to do for the week and I'm hoping to get in one today and one tomorrow morning. Then the only thing that I won't have done like I was supposed to was some of the stretching. Big shock there. :rolleyes:

Tara that's great that you were able to find time to work with the running coach! Sounds like he's going to be a big plus for your workouts. :D Hope you get to pop in and share how you're doing with us.

Enjoy your day everyone. DH is off today, but he's gone birding, so hopefully I can at least get through my morning cleaning routine and school with the boys before he gets back. Getting them to do anything when he's here is rather impossible!
Hey Everyone.... Wow Janis you sounded so calm in your post about the armed robbery and school lock down! That is just so crazy! I don't think I would be able to send the boys to school after hearing that!

Okay back to workouts... Yesterday I didn't post because I didn't get my morning workout in and then I went to a Kettlebell clinic in the city... Well, my kettlebell was much lighter than it should be and I learned alot. It was really cool. The reason that the instructor was putting on a free clinic was because he is looking for people (regular people) to be in his next workout video. The really crazy thing is that he thought my form was excellent and wants me to come to the tryouts! The tryouts are 1.5 hours away this Sunday and it is a kettlebell workout class and he is going to see how everyone does and then you might get invited to the finals. My thoughts are that there isn't a chance that I would actually make it but another free class sounds good to me.

This morning I again got up late (went to bed late) and did my run 30min and then did the short bodyweight circuit using the boys swing set again. It is about 80 here today so I wanted to be outside before I went into work.

Cathy - Isn't it crazy just how much you can actually lift! Stick with your larger weights and I bet you will see some dramatic changes! Hope you get your cardio in! and the stretching!

Janis - I will let you know if I think this guys videos are any good. It was really great to have someone critiquing you as you were doing the swings and presses etc! There were a wide range of people there and some very odd looking swings. He trained with Pavel but likes to move the kettlebell without being ridgid. I had a 20lb bell before (9Kg) and he sent me home with a 16Kg and thought would want the 20Kg shortly. It was crazy how much harder you have to work to swing the heavier bell!

Tara - That is so great that you were able to get some runs in even with your crazy schedule! It is amazing that something as basic as running can have so many little unknowns that can make it better! Hope work isn't too crazy!

MJ - Hope all is well with you! Did you get to start your rotation this week?

Talk to everyone soon!
Happy Friday Warriors!

Surprisingly enough, except for Wednesday, I have kept up with my rotation. Since Saturday is my free day, I have switched Wed workouts to Saturday so I dont skip anything. So since tuesday I have played tennis, did disc 1, lic cardio only, abs premix from the original bootcamp, disc 2 and this morning I was on the treadmill doing walking hill intervals. Its a start..

Heather - Thats so great about the kettlebell video. Just go enjoy the class, you never know what could happen. You have just as good of a chance as anyone else there, you may surprise yourself. :) The circuit on the swingset sounds pretty fun by the way. lol

Cathy - Way to go with the heavier weights! I am right there with you on the soreness factor and the skimping on the stretching.

Janis - Drama, drams is right. Although I think you left out the part of the story where you took down the armed robber with your warrior mma moves lol ;) I hope you figure out your running situation soon. It would be a shame to not do something you love to do.

Tara - Glad you found time for the running coach. Hang in there with work, it can be ridiculous I know.

Alright, guess I should get back to work. I am playing tennis in the morning tomorrow, will check back in sometime on Saturday. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Just popping in to say that I did Step Moves this afternoon - as in I actually worked out in the afternoon. ;) My calves were much too sore to do anything yesterday, but were thankfully better today.

Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!
Hey Everyone

I had a rest day today but it really wasn't as I did alot of yard work and moved alot of mulch. It started off as a terrible day and then turned gorgeous

So here is a mother question. I have totally over booked the boys but I knew that my youngest would not like something. He really did not like soccer today, he is shy and doesn't seem to have self confidence to go after the ball. He really didn't enjoy himself (it was raining too) and I had to bribe him with chocolate to get him to play and tell him he just had to try it once and then he could quite it he wanted. My Dh says that quitting is not a solution. I have suggested that he do another day of karate instead of doing nothing. What do you think. I love soccer and think that someday he will like it. Dh thinks that if we keep him in it he will like it. I don't want to push. Ahhh. Sorry that was way too long! What would you do? He doesn't want to do baseball now either so he would be doing gymnastics (he loves it) and karate( really likes it but is still a little shy and grumpy with the instructor).

Okay -
Cathy - Great job on getting SM in! sometimes our calves just say Nooo!

MJ - Glad to here that you have been able to keep your workouts up! Thanks for the vote of confidence! I am going to go tomorrow! I'll let you know how it goes.

Janis - How are things!

Tara - Hope you are having a great weekend!

Talk to you all soon
Hi Warriors!

I can't even remember what workouts I have done. I did take a rest day on Friday. Yesterday I did Pure Strength Back and Biceps. Today I am going to do Meso1 disc 9 legs workout and run on the treadmill.

The event at the school was dramatic, what a show of force from the Sheriff's department. The armed suspect was long gone by the time the Sheriff's arrived, response time to the school is at least 10 -15 minutes. But - better to keep the children safe.

Heather - Your KB work shop sounded great, I hope you learn a lot today and that he uses you in his dvd. I bet your form was awesome. How do you like the heavier KB? I am really enjoying Steve Cotter's style of instruction. Check him out on youtube. As for your son - your youngest is still so young. He is just learning how to socialize. His shyness will dissolve as he develops more confidence and the responses he receives from people outside of the family become consistent and match his expectations. At his age it is all about testing and seeing the results. In terms of overbooking him, team sports etc... it is too early to tell. It is good that he is expressing interest in gymnastics and karate -both give him bodily confidence, and will keep him engaged and interested. Soccer at six years old is bunch ball. They aren't learning skills so much as running around in a crowd. This can be unnerving to less aggressive children. He may come to LOVE the sport as he grows. Six year old's still have one foot in being a little kid and the other foot taking a stride into being a big boy. This cusp is unnerving to some kids too - at times, it literally is one step forward and two steps back. If it were my boy, I'd encourage him to go to six practices. (Six bites of 'new' food he may not like, six soccer practices, six attempts at tying shoes, six minutes in "dead pose" when he needs a time-out, six trips to the car to help with groceries... and seven of the same when he turns seven. You get the idea.) Then re-visit soccer after six practices. By then he may have found a buddy he likes to hang with on the field...or he may have discovered he likes how the ball sounds when he kicks it. BUT if you and he decide to drop soccer make the agreement that he will give soccer two more tries - next year and one other year - before he gives up altogether. Once kids at his school start talking about soccer practice, soccer jerseys, soccer cleats, soccer games, and snacks after soccer matches - he may catch the fever and drop his resistance.

Cathy - How is Sparty? Your STS rotation sounds like it is really challenging you! Way to go with the increased weights. I can't wait to hear about how it works out for you. Do you take vitamin supplements? I take a magnesium/calcium combo that helps with muscle soreness cramping. The ratio is 1000mg magnesium to 500mg calcium, when my calves are sore this does the trick.

MJ - Hey! Too funny - I don't think my MMA moves would have scared the dude with a weapon, but yelling at him probably would've! Glad to hear you are getting some workouts in. What is your rotation?

Tara - Whoa! work sounds tough. I am impressed with how much you accomplish being a full time mom and working full time. Having a running coach is fabulous! Maybe that's how I'll solve my no-safe-place to run issue, I could hire a running coach to run with me!

One bit of good news I'll share - if you are still reading that is ! - we received news on Friday that our oldest son was accepted to UC Berkeley! We are so pleased. He'll transfer as a junior into a BA program, probably at the school of theatre and performing arts and dance.

Happy Sunday every one. We have sunshine today. :D I planted tomatoes and peppers yesterday, life is good. :D
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For the second day in a row I did an afternoon cardio! Today is was SJP Step and then Step Blast combos 2 & 3. I must say that while overall I really like Step Moves, I think combo 3 from Step Blast is still my fave combo.

Nicholas' baseball games got rained out. Though by the time they would have played it had stopped raining, the fields were too wet to play. And the guy running the club is VERY protective of the fields. Works, too, because we pretty much have the best fields that we play on all season long. Including grass infield which few places have.

Heather my .02 is based on my own situation, but we don't do multiple sports at the same time. Nicholas' basketball overlapped with optional baseball practices, but since they were optional when we had conflicts we skipped them. With two of them playing club baseball we pretty much have 5-7 days a week tied up, so while there are a few kids who do both soccer and baseball it's really tough. We also have classes which put us on the road regularly, so it's more for my sanity that I limit them. Nicholas for sure would be in heaven to have a practice or game every day of the year! But, I couldn't do it! I just think you have to look at not just how the child is handling it, but how the overall schedule is impacting everyone. Some kids do have to work their way in gradually and for some team sports just don't work. Derek's T-ball coach was wonderful with them and I would have loved it if they could have moved on together so he could have coached with the club, but his son just didn't like it at all. He's switched to golf and loves it. Some kids love team sports and some thrive in more individual sports. It's also hard at that age, because they really don't know what they want. And yep, soccer at that age is all about everyone wanting to kick the ball, which can be really hard on kids who aren't aggressive. It's take a couple years of playing before they really seem to be willing to learn positions and stay where they are supposed to and not just follow the ball.

Janis Sparty is continuing to do really well. Our only problem is Nicholas who for some reason is very skittish with him. Our previous dog didn't care for the boys, just tolerated them and would literally bark like she wanted to rip off the head of anyone who dared ring the doorbell. She never actually hurt anyone it was all verbal, but she was a fairly intimidating dog and he NEVER acted like this around her. Still trying to puzzle it out. Sparty just wants to play and has not shown a single sign of aggression at all yet if he heads in Nicholas direction he just freezes! I got a dog training DVD, so I'm hoping that maybe starting tomorrow I can get him to start training him in hopes of getting him to relax and chill out.

That's great news about your son going to Berkley! How far is that from where you live?

MJ & Tara hope things are going well.
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Hey Everyone

My kettlebell try out was only 1.5 hours but the drive and (a short stop at IKEA) and a short stop at my sisters made it take all day. The try out went well and l learned alot more and I made it to the final try out but I am not sure that I will go. It is in Toronto next weekend. After today taking all day I am not keen to do that again but we will be at my DH's mom's so it will only be 45 min away. Still have to decide!

Thanks so much for the input on my youngest. He is definitely going through a stage. We made the deal that he can do another karate day and not do soccer. He still has baseball to try. We will also keep him at it for next year too. Very tough age for sure... Janis you defined him very well!.

Cathy - That's great that you made it through your workouts! It does seem odd that your son is skitish about the dog. Maybe they need some bonding time?

Janis - That is so great for your son and for you! What is his focus? or all of the above? I have to say that the heavier kettlebell actually makes some of the moves easier. Simply because it makes you use your hips and then you get more Ump! behind the bell and it is easier to get where you want it. There was a 65 year old there today who was doing an incredible job! It was really cool to see. I have seen some Steve Cotter in the internet and his stuff looks good too.

MJ and Tara - Hope you are having a great weekend!

Talk to you soon
Heather I vote that if you are going to be that close you definitely should go to the tryout! What a great experience and if you don't go, you'll always wonder what would have happened!

I think we've narrowed down the problem between Nicholas and Sparty. He's fine with him in the house, it's just outside. Most of the time Sparty lays around or wanders around, but a few times a day he'll decide to kick it up to high speed and play his version of chicken with whoever is out there. He runs full speed and veers off at the last moment. He's never yet bumped anyone and intellectually Nicholas understands that, but emotionally he just can't and freezes in place terrified. :( It would help if you could predict when he'll do it, but you can't. For the first week he was on leash restriction because of his surgery and Friday was the first time he had total freedom of the yard and it's only since then we've had a problem. Going to start working on it tomorrow.
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