<---who's doing chinups with us--->


OK, no chinups to report, but wanted to get us going again!!

I have been lazy today. Recovering from the RT and traveling. I had an awesome time!! I am not one to write pages about my experiences so we'll leave it at that. Except it was great to see Joanne again (she's as cute as a button) and to get to meet Linda!!!!

Anybody chinning or pulling??
Anyone out there???

I think I will be doing B&Gs this evening and chins tomorrow. Notice that I think that's what I will be doing :p
Looks like I am a loner again :(

Never made it around to B&Gs yesterday. Just way to tired. Did SZ and weighted chins this evening. Chinups were with 10#s-I did 4 sets of 4 and 2 sets of 3. Now my butt is kicked and I am ready for beddy bye :eek:
Okay I'm here, I'm here! This thread must of went to page two fast because I never saw it and I kept checking. The business is going good, still in the paperwork phase setting fees, determining training options, deveolping a marketing plan..... But I did just return from an interview about signing on as a PT at a local gym. Since I am so new the pay sucks, but I am thinking it may be a great way to gain some experience and knowledge.

Oh, and I have been chining, here's what yesterday looked like:

Superset A
Chest Press
8/8/8 - 97 1/2#

Superset B
Elbow out One Arm Rows
8/8/8 - 42#
Low incline DB Chest Press
8/8/8 - 37's

Superset C
Decline Pushups
15/15/15 *started the first to sets on perfect pushups, but was too hard.
Incline DB Curls]
8/8/8 - 22's

Then cardio at 30/90 ratio for 6 rounds, did suicides and forward bounding.

This morning I did Amy's ASC without the power ups. I can't believe that what is suppose to be a steady state cardio workout gets me huffing and puffing so much. I really have to get her other ones.

- Glad to hear you had a great time on the roadtrip. It was great meeting you as well. maybe next year we can do it together!
Linda, great workouts!! You are making me feel lazy :eek: I have worked out only twice this week :( I will be doing a workout today probably B&G then tomorrow will be upper body. I have just been exhausted this week. Wednesday's workout just about did me in :confused: So I am respecting my body's need for rest.

I am getting a massage today- so hopefully I will feel like a new lady!!​
Catherine - You are allowed to be lazy this week, because how many times did you workout this weekend??? But do hope you get your energy back soon.

Here is this morning workout:

Superset A
8/8/8 - 119 *don't how much higher I can go*
Side Planks
30 sec hold X 3

Superset B
Forward Lunge
8/8/8 - 37's *this was hard*
Stability Ball Jackknifes

Superset C
Step ups
8/8/8 - 22's
Hamstring curl ins

Somehow I got mixed up and screwed up sets A & B :confused:, the lunges were suppose to be first with the planks then the RDL's with the jackknifes. Oh well. Also I will be surprised if I can walk at all tomorrow if not later tonight, I was on this morning and really hit my legs hard.

Then I did cardio 6 rounds at 60/60 ratio using Bootcamp drills 3 x 2, 7 X 2 and 3 x 2 again.
Hi Chinsters-

I've been getting a chin in everyday before I start my workout. I really want to work up to two.

Catherine-it was soooo great to see you. And, very motivating to see you whip out all those chins. Can't wait to see you again on the next RT.

Linda-I wish I could of met with you on Thursday evening. Hopefully, next time.

Hey girls!! Finally got a workout in. I just did ME- did I ever mention I loathe endurance :confused: But with Meso1 being endurance, I thought I'd better get ready. It actually felt good. I am not exhausted like I was the other night after my workout. That truly tells me my body needed the rest.

Linda, how did your knee do with those lunges? hope you are able to walk tomorrow :eek::eek:

Joanne, WTG on your chin!! Just keep at it you'll make it to 2!!!

Now, I am heading out for a massage-ahhhhhhhhhhh!!
Hey Ill do chins with you :)

..you are referring to chinups yes? Im still trying to figure out a where I can put a bar in the house.. I feel like Ill mess it up and ill fall downs when I try to use it hee :p

But I started them at the gym four weeks ago, I do them only on back day (is this what you guys do or do you do them more often??).. so its really only about every 4-6 days.
But Im up to about 5 on my first set, 3 on my second.. I do the easier palms-in ones and they're not really assisted.
Im still proud :)
Welcome Pebblesus!! It sounds like you are doing great!! I try to do chinups once a week and pullups 1-2x per week. I spread them out. I actually have found doing them with lower body works for me. But sometimes I'll do them on my cardio days. It just varies. Keep up the good work. Did you order STS??
Hmm.. I did not get STS.. (almost posted to that thread hehe).. I don't have the funds right now.. but Im hopin gto get it by years end.. Im looking foraward to it!

Currently im working on a little squat rack and maybe a chinup bar for the house :)
Hmm.. I did not get STS.. (almost posted to that thread hehe).. I don't have the funds right now.. but Im hopin gto get it by years end.. Im looking foraward to it!

Currently im working on a little squat rack and maybe a chinup bar for the house :)

I understand about the $$ thing. There's so many fitness related things that I want. I have to pace my spending :eek::eek:
Yesterday I did 4ds power cardio premix. Then later I did yoga for stress relief SI Joint premix. Today I will try to get in some pullups.
Well, I was a bit of a weenie today. I did LM this morning and planned pullups this afternoon. Just was lazy today :eek: Couldn't muster up the mental strength to do pullups. So I did assisted wide grip pullups with my lightest band. These were actually hard because I went as wide as I could for the first several sets (these bars were made for men ya know ;) ) I did 6 sets of 5. At least I did something:)
Hey I did chins today!:p

Catherine - I find on the lunges if I don't step to far out the knee does pretty good. I didn't end up with the DOMS I thought I was going get though. :(

Joanne - Really wish I could have met you too! Maybe next year!

Pebblesus - I haven't order STS either.

Anyway, here's what my morning looked like:

Superset A
Chest Press
8/8/8 - 97#

Superset B
Elbow Out Rows
8/8/8 - 43's
Low-Incline DB Press
8/8/8 - 38's

Superset C
Decline Pushups
Incline Curls
8/8/8 - 23

I was toast by the end, but then did cardio at 30/90 ratio for 6 rounds did suicides and high kee runs. By then I was totally wiped.

I have resolved to clean up my eating and finally lean out. I am at my highest weight in a long time and all my close are getting snug and I hate it! Whay am I telling you this because I need to be held accountable. So if I don't come back with reports of losing weight, I need for you to knock me upside my head. Thank you very much! :p
Hey Catherine - maybe I need to start that no sweets thread up again!:eek:
Linda, I know what you mean about the eating. I feel like such a pig sometimes :eek:
great work out :eek::eek:

I am planning GS BSB and C&T premixes this evening. I hope I can muster up some more energy before workout time :confused:
Catherine - When you plan your workouts for the evenings, are you doing these after work? If I didn't get up and do my workout first thing in the morning it would never get done!!!
Yep, during the week I workout after work. I can not get my butt out of bed early enough to workout before work :eek: Actually, strength wise, I feel stronger in the evening. So for lifting it's actually better.
Catherine - I've heard that about lifting that you are stronger in the evening, but with the kids and DH I would never be able to just disappear and go workout for an hour. They can't function without me! :rolleyes: Right now I work out before the kids get out of bed. Which will soon be earlier because kids will be going back to school!:eek:
I know that I am lucky to only have the doggies and DH to worry with. If I had kids I don't know if I'd be working out at all :confused:

Even on the weekends, I lounge around for a couple of hours, drink coffee and finally get up and get moving. I am not a morning person :mad:

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