Trying To Fit Yoga In for Tuesday April 22


Morning Ladies -

This morning workout was a bit short, as I overslept a bit. I did Katina Hunter's Vertical Step party. Workout was 44" and I burned 390 calories. This was a decent steady state step workout. My HR hovered around 80% of max. I thought this was easier to follow than it turned out. I was always on the wrong foot and wrong side of the step...but it was okay anyway! I'm not too perfect with that stuff.....just need to workout!

Yesterday's workout turned out to be a hit with my muscles. I'm feeling some soreness in my core, sides and different places in my body. Therefore, I'll probably try this circuit again and perhaps play around and try a couple of her other circuits. It wasn't the most fun workout yesterday....cuz it seemed hard and long! Maybe I just missed the visual stimulation? My inner thighs are sore too.

I really need to get a grip on my eating. I feel so fat and bloated. This job is killing my diet. All day, I do good....just eat breakfast and lunch and then when I come home from work, I'm starving (since I can't eat snacks at work or drink water) and I eat too big of a dinner late at night. My portion control is out of control cuz I worry I'll be too hungry since I can't snack! Also, need to try to get to bed earlier! This 4-5 hours is not cutting it.

My job continues to be stressful. I work under such pressure every day. Yesterday, the office manager wanted me to get the checks in right away, as she needed to run a report on the computer....but we were seeing patients and the phone was ringing like crazy. She kept calling out there asking me if I had them done yet....every 2 minutes! Ugh! Why does work have to suck so bad?

Jen - are things getting any better on your job? Also, do you have a "friend" there that you confide in about stuff or are you all alone? I was just thinking you have so much going on right now and it would be nice if you had someone to vent to daily! I've loved Jeannette Jenkins since her Hollywood Trainer series. She's a little goofy and likes to have fun working out. I'll have to pull out Supercharged Kickbox Party again. I don't think it's very maybe I'll do it on my "recovery" day....although, I've been trying to force myself to take a "real rest day" more often. I can understand what you are saying about the pregnancy tests. I hope you find out good news soon. Poor Lenny having to stay all day at the Vets. Is he getting used to it though? Brookie was so scared the day we had to leave her to have her surgery. She's such a baby. She was sure glad to be back home in her environment after it was all over. There's nothing like home!!

Better go get ready for my job ............another day in freakin' Paradise!! NOT!!

Have a great day everyone.
Hi ladies! Tonight's WO was LIS from 4DS. I just love that workout! It has been a couple of months since I have picked it up and I forgot some of the choreography, but I still had a great time.

Lora-I can understand why you would be so hungry in the evenings without snacks and water during the day. x( If I can say one good thing about working out in the evenings, it is that it makes a great appetite suppressant. I rarely feel like eating dinner anymore and when I do it is something very small. My job is still pretty stressful right now with no real end in sight, but to be fair, it's my 10th year there and I am probably going through another burnout phase. I have them every now and then and then somehow come out of them. Sometimes I feel bad that Lenny is at the vet all day, but my work is not very flexible about time off so I don't have much choice. My husband and I work pretty far apart and Lenny's vet is on my side of town so I end up taking him and picking him just doesn't make sense any other way with gas prices the way they are. I do think that they take good care of him there, though. He is not a particularly friendly dog, but is really starting to warm up to the vet techs....they love to tell me about his progress and who he let pet him each time I go in. They all say hi to him and call his name when they walk by him in the morning when I am waiting for the chemo technician to come get him. How is Brookie doing? Will she go back for follow-up soon? Have you noticed any changes in her behavior yet?

Have a great night everyone!

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