Trying To Fit Yoga In for Monday May 21


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did Cathe's Gymstyle Chest & Tri's followed by Shape Bikini Boot Camp Interval Cardio. Total weights and cardio took 1 hour 25" and I burned 430 calories. I then did Shape Abs 5" and Gravity & Grace Yoga with Peter Sterios 75". I pretty much matched Cathe's weights in the weight workout. The pushups irritated my cervical disc injury which is common.

Jen - My Mom's getting antsy to get out of there...especially since she found out they don't have normal therapy on Saturdays and none on Sundays or Holidays and this weekend is a holiday. She just told me if she's going to let them know she wants to go home on Friday and if they won't let her, she is walking out. She said she'll go for outpatient therapy. She got in and out of bed by herself all she needs to learn now is steps (a few) and working in the kitchen, as well as what necessary equipment she needs for her bed, shower, etc. She still can't lift her bad leg very high (which may create a problem for the steps), but heck, I can't blame her for wanting to do outpatient therpy....and if we need to -we can rent a wheelchair and at least she'd be home. She can't eat the food at this place, as she has many stomach problems and is even pickier with food than me. I'm glad she's thinking this way. I hate that place too. Thanks for asking and sorry for typing so much!!

Your rotation sounds like CTX. CTX is one body part a day with 30" cardio. Don't know how many abs it has though. I'm still following that Jan Cathe rotation...since I don't have time to think these days. I may add a bit of extra cardio in this week if I can fit any since I did less cardio last week. I'm trying to shock my body a bit....but I really need to lose weight. I can't seem to get my eating under control. So.......does going hungry get easier after you do it for a while? I get so darned grumpy when I'm hungry and I have quite an appetite. I'll PM you later -- when I get a free moment.

Have a great day ladies.

Kel & Yve -- where is everyone??
Hi Lora & all who follow.

This morning, I did L&G, plus the abs from KPC. Since I didn't get any "real" cardio in (although I do consider some of the exercises in L&G at least a little cardio-oriented), I did a 30 minute power walk during lunch instead of doing any yoga. It was nice & I felt really invigorated when I finished. Tomorrow morning, I have cardio planned (not sure what exactly & it will likely depend on how my legs are feeling when I get up but I plan to workout out for about an hour) so I plan to fit in a yoga session during lunch. I think yoga will be a much better choice than a walk outside since it's supposed to be almost 90 degrees here tomorrow!:eek:

Lora - Sorry I'm not around in the evenings or during the weekends but my DH tends to hog the computer & I really just don't get the chance to use it the way I'd like to. Sometimes, I try to check in but I rarely have the time to post anything. I hope your mom is able to get out of the nursing home before this weekend. Maybe it will help her to recover more quickly if she has something to work toward, rather than feeling cooped up & only doing what somebody else wants her to do? Like you said, at least she'll be at home, in a place that's more familiar & where she's comfortable. Please continue to keep us updated & know that we're here & thinking of you. Great workout again! You always amaze me with your marathon workouts!

Jen - Sounds like you enjoyed a nice rest day on Saturday & got in a great workout yesterday! I have all of Jari Love's DVDs but I've got to confess that I've never even done one of them. I found them all at Ross for $4.99 each so I couldn't pass them up. When I get done with this second week of upper/lower body split routines, I plan to get back to circuit & total body routines so maybe I'll pull hers out (although it has been a really long time since I've done Boot Camp so I'll probably do that next Monday instead). Like I told Lora, sorry I'm MIA in the evenings & on weekends but I just can't seem to get control of the computer while my DH is home. It's sorta like the TV remote control - LOL!:7

I'm a little late checking in today so I'm going to look around & see what else is going on here but I'll be sure to check back in before I leave today. Oh! Thanks so much to both of you for answering my question about poses & instructors. It sounds like all of us tend to enjoy many of the same poses but you've given me some names of instructors I'll need to look into. I've thought about Bryan Kest but since I've heard that his yoga is so fast paced & I tend to enjoy moving more slowly & holding the poses longer, I'm afraid I won't like his DVDs. I have a few DVDs from Rainbeau Mars & I'm interested in Eionn Finn & Eric Schiffman, as well as all the others you ladies mentioned. Have you tried any of the new Sarah Ivanhoe DVDs? I think the series is called 20 minute yoga makeover. They're nice, short & fun workouts that I can fit in whenever I find 15-20 minutes.

Well, I hope you ladies have a nice day & evening & I'll check back in later.

Take care!
Kel - Eion is really great. I love him. His practices are usually done on the beach. He's from Vancouver, BC. His website is if you want to check him out. You don't have any Shiva either? Every household should have some Shiva & Eion in it. No need to apologize for not being able to get on the computer. I understand. Sometimes I just feel like I'm posting for nothing, but I still post since I never know who will check in for the day.

I have the 20 minute makeover set. I like to use it when I'm short on time. You'd probably like Eric Schiffman if you like to move slower. Eion tends to do his sun salutations sort of fast but I always feel stretched enough after doing his. I think he holds his poses long enough.

Bryan Kest has an audio practice that is 90 minutes called Slow & Deep. I've only done my copy once and he holds a forward bend for 10 exaggeration! Bryan usually seems to move quickly thru his Sun Salutations and he tends to be tough. He does a lot of work on one side before switching sides sometimes and really works your body.

Gravity & Grace is slower moving. It is very advanced though. I skip the parts that are over my head and still get a good practice in.
Hi ladies! Tonight's WO was Ripped Back Segment three times through plus abs and then Step Blast Premix Combos 1,2, & 3. I ran out of gas big time during Step Blast. Had to lower my step height at Combo # 3. I have no idea why I did the back segment three times-the rotation only calls for two times. I think I felt guilty because I used a 15 for the first set and it was too light, so I switched to a 20 for the second set and that was much, much more challenging. I felt like it was the appropriate weight for that exercise, so I decided to add on another set. At that point, I probably should have decided to keep the cardio right at 30 minutes and if I had I probably would have made it instead of going to 41 minutes. Can you tell this workout is still on my mind? :) Anyway, still enjoying myself, but it's only Day 2. :)

Lora-It sounds like your mom has made some good progress. I really, really hope they let her go home before the holiday. How do you like the Shape workout? I didn't like the older ones-I thought Self did a much better job (and I love Ellen Barrett anyway) of those type of workouts, but the newer ones actually look pretty good. How is the music? Who is the instructor? Re: Going hungrier-I was never successful at it. I hear it gets better, but I can't last long enough to find out. I am following BFFM and I am actually eating way more than I was before (like 1600 cals vs 2300) and I am not gaining major weight like I thought I would. I feel much better during the day and not as depraved or likely to binge. I gained a small amount last week, but it was mostly lean muscle mass.

Kel-Ugh...90 degrees. I can totally relate. It is hard to walk when the heat is that high. I would feel like I needed to take a gallon of water with me! :) My DH and I try to get all our yardwork done during the spring because we pretty much stay inside during the summer. You have to try those Jari workouts. Her personality is very flat, but I am a big fan of the workouts themselves. The music got much better in her later ones than the first one. I get very good results from hers....or at least chaging it up to hers every now and again. I wish she had more because they just don't rotate as well as Cathe's do without all the selection. $4.99 is a great deal for her DVDs! Can't wait to hear what you think about them.

Talk to you later! :7


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