Trying to Fit In Yoga Check In for Sat Nov 4


Morning Ladies -

I overslept and then had computer problems, so I guess I'm taking a forced rest day from regular activites. I'm off to do some Kundalini yoga and stretching. I'll be back in a bit.

Jen - I think the Beginners & Beyond Kundalini Yoga DVD is a good starting point. It explains breath of fire and is highly recommended over at I haven't done it yet. I also bought all 12 of Ravi and Ana's only because of these nagging minor health problems I've been having and I want to see if these help. I love Rainbeau's DVDs. Dusk is my favorite one by her. She has a lot of DVDs that are only 30 minutes. If you do a search at Videofitness for Kundalini...there are lots of good threads.

I'll be back later.
---stumbles in, yawns & stretches, eyes still half-closed.....Morning, all! Awake enough to read, but not quite awake enough to write much. Will check in later on.
Have a good day and workout!


P.S. Lora, I am so glad you started this forum- I had to check back for new entries first thing this morning in my half-asleep state.
Hi guys!

Someone needs to stop me. I can't stop adding things to my yoga wish list.

Has anyone tried Yoga Radiance?

And tell me more about Total Yoga with Ganga White.


The more I look around and research, the more I want to get...
Hi Ladies -

I ended up doing Kundalini with Ravi and Ana. I did The Ultimate Stretch (about 45 minutes) and then I did Dancin' the Chakras - Sweat & Glow Premix (45 minutes). I feel much better now that I've done that. The Ultimate Stretch felt really good, except I'm a bit of a freak for twists and hip openers and they didn't have any in it, so at the end when they were doing this chanting song (which I usually skip anyway - maybe someday I'll do them....but at the moment, I can't bring myself to do them), I did a lying twist and then resting pigeon and regular pigeon and it topped it off quite nicely.

I love Dancin' the Chakras. I don't know if my chakras opened up or not, but I just know I love the way they move in this one. It feels so good to move your torso and hips and arms like she does. It is basically 2 brief yoga sets (30") followed by the dancing part. I wore my HRM for the heck of it and during the dancing my HR got up to 120. I guess you could call that very slightly aerobic.

August - Yes, I have Yoga Radiance. I purchased it from Fitness Organica once when they had a special. I really like the Lunar segment on it, but I don't really use it that much. I don't really like the music on it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good DVD, but when I'm depressed, I tend to always grab my favorites. I also have a Total Yoga one with Ganga White - the Water one....but I haven't done it yet. It's on my list to get to soon though.

I guess I should tell you ladies a bit about myself so you can get to know me (anyone else feel free to share also - I tend to be longwinded and very open and honest) so -- here goes:

I guess some of my health problems aren't minor. I have severe sinus problems. Every sinus cavity in my head is full of fluid and I have polyps in my throat and sinuses and need major surgery, but I don't want it!! I couldn't smell all last Winter and it's starting again cuz it just turned really cold here. I hate when I can't smell cuz I depend on my aromatherapy for my depression. I tend to suffer from depression. I'm also a recovering drug addict - clean for about 20 years...thus the reason fitness is such a big part of my life today. I started doing Yoga regularly last year when I was diagnosed with these severe sinus problems, but I've done it off and on over the years for about the past 15 years or so. I'm 47 years old and married with 3 lovely cats!! My babies!!

Have a great day everyone and try to fit some yoga into your weekend. I know that's usually when I have time to do it!

ETA: I also should add that I have to workout around an injury. I have disc problems in my neck and have severe neck and shoulder spasms . There are certain weight exercises I'm not allowed to do and I'm not allowed to do most of the arm balances in yoga. I also can't stand on my head due to this or do fish pose. I have also been having bouts of sciatica that I think are being caused by Piriformis Syndrome...which is basically when your piriformis muscle spasms and tugs at your sciatic nerve causing sciatica (this is, of course, self diagnosed) thru researching the subject and then testing a theory.....when I rub my piriformis spasm out on the side I have the sciatica, the sciatica gets better.........who needs a physician?? LOL.
Hello, Lora,

Wow, you must have a kzillion yoga workouts! I saw a verrrry brief sample of Yoga Radiance and the music seemed to be really simple piano stuff. Is that right? The visuals were really clean and that's kind of what attracted me to it.

Sounds like you had a great yoga workout today. Today was the first time in about a week that I didn't do my Basic's TTOM and I felt fairly gross all day. Doing the stretches may have made me feel a bit better, but I just didn't find it in me. Although come to think of it, I did do a mini sun salute taking a break at work without the DVD. It was mini, but it was very relaxing, even just doing it a little.

Your sinus and polyps sound awful. Are the polyps from coughing or clearing your throat?

Congratulations for staying clean - 20 years, wow. Sounds like it's totally a problem of the past by now. Do you have good methods of dealing with your depression when it creeps on? I'll bet yoga is at least a great way to clear your thinking.

Neck and shoulder problems, too? Oh, Lora, and here you are, a Yoga-loving High Intensity Cardio Freak! :7 You seem to be getting the better of your ailments!

As I was reading around the yoga sites, I suddenly became very interested in doing a headstand. :eek: Maybe I'll make it next year's goal. You know, I'm looking around my small apartment and I don't even see wall space to practice on...

Anyway, just a bit about me - I'm a musician, am 37 and single, and live in Tokyo. I used to hate working out, but about two years ago, turned it all around and now absolutely thrive to workout and eat healthy. So happy about that! I never thought I'd get interested in yoga, but suddenly a whole week and a half ago or so, suddenly clicked.

And if nobody stops me soon from putting more and more yoga workouts on my wish list, I'm going to have a little problem. ;)
August - yes, I'm pretty picky about my music on all workouts. I tend to like the more traditional music like Shiva Rea or Rainbeau Mars uses. I think Altar of the Heart also has that kind of music. That's the only thing that give's an Eion Finn DVD a downside for me.....I don't like his music. His just sort of new agey music, but I LOVE I put up with the music.

Yes, I have LOTS of DVDs and videos....Yoga, Cardio and Weights. I think my addictive behavior comes out in the things I'm passionate about. I tend to be a very obessisve compulsive person. At least I'm not addicted to a self destructive thing any more....although my house is quite full of all of my addictions...*smile*.

As far as the depression, I just grin and bear it. It's part of this disease of addiction that I suffer from and it will be a life-long thing. Exercise really helps and yoga helps my anxiety and tight muscles (hips). I tend to have a type A personality and stress out very easily and am extremely hyper.

What instrument do you play? I love music. I'm into hard rock. My avatar is actually me with the drummer from Buckcherry (a band I love) that I got to meet back in August. I think Buckcherry is pretty popular over in Japan....have you heard of them?

I just rec'd Ravi and Ana's newsletter. Here's what it says about Dancin with the Chakras:


This is an introduction to a six part series of articles, Dance the Chakras based on our DVD title, Dance the Chakras Yoga Workout. This DVD is divided into two 30 min. sessions, starting with a complete 30 minute Kundalini Yoga set. The 2nd set is an energetic, pulsating, sequence of mostly lead movement routines. Even if you don't have a dance background these moves are simple, fun, and easy to follow. "Shake Your Chakras," includes Tribal Dance, Funky Temple Dance and Dance of Power. These are pretty aerobic! "Rock Your Soul," includes Heart Dance, and Dance Trance. The last two segments are meditative and will definitely give you that oceanic, expansive feeling some may call "bliss." This DVD also allows you to pre-program your workout, so if you don't have time for the whole thing, you can still get your Kundalini Yoga session done in the time you have!

Dance: The Hidden Language of the Soul

It's been said that the body is a sacred garment, and that dance is the hidden language of the soul. The ancient Greeks believed that dancing was a gift from the gods and that the gods offered this gift to select mortals, who in turn taught the art of dance to humanity.

The Dance the Chakras concept is in the true spirit of the Kundalini Yoga and Tantric traditions where the bottom line is always what works. Yoga means to join. Yoke. Tantra means to weave. Through these practices we can experience the dance of life and existence, past and present, and connect to the deep places within ourselves that we have no words to express.

In ancient cultures the body was used as an expressive instrument to tell stories. Dance was very much connected to people's ongoing experience. In a similar way, the Chakras (energy centers along the spine), how we relate to them, and what our energies flow toward, communicate our story. The body reveals all, and the way we move is indicative of where we are on our own life journey.

Ancient cultures also used dance as a way of bonding and as a means to cross language barriers and communicate with each other, their ancestors, and the Unseen. Just as our native ancestors used dance as a form of invocation, or prayer--asking for help for the hunt, fertility, to empower one for battle, for love, or to commemorate victory and loss--we use dance to bond, connect, empower ourselves, inspire others, and celebrate!

To dance through the chakras is to enrich our experience of life as we know it. When we dance we are integrating our ancestral past, our deep memory, and our immediate present. We are forging a bond which is timeless. The chakras are the complete spectrum of the human (ancestral and modern day) experience. We can experience all the energies of our chakras when we dance. Grounding (1st Center), Expression, Release (2nd center), Self-Determination (3rd center) , Celebration, Love (4th Center), Communication (5th Center), Sublime Experience (6th - 8th Centers).

Dance: Sport of Spirit

Chakra dance is characterized by strong, stabilizing leg movements, hip/spinal rolls, shimmys, and shakes, and abdominal and arm moves. We utilize the whole body to simultaneously ground, strengthen, release and flow. In our chakra dance we are given structure but encouraged to experiment. When we move in new unaccustomed ways, we actually fire new neural pathways in the brain, nervous system, and muscle memory, and open windows to new ideas and possibilities.

Dance is fun! It is natural to us. We hear a beat and WANT to move. It makes us feel good, whole, expressive and connected. Dancing gives us a "Natural High" just like any other intense activity or sport, such as spinning or running. Endorphins are released which act as natural "ecstasy." This can trigger a pleasure response which keeps us wanting more! The results of this natural high are much longer lasting than any drug induced variety. Shamans used dance to drive out negative energies. We can use dance to release stored tension and negative emotions in the body. This rejuvenates us and contributes to a feeling of well being.

Dance is the perfect exercise modality to get us out of our heads--and the tendency to conceptualize--and into our bodies, i.e., to get out of our own way and truly embody what's real and true. In other words we use dance to explore the uncharted, unspoken Universe within.

When we express ourselves through movement, there is a physicality of spirit, limitless energy, a quickening of the soul, that is communicated through us into action, and since we are unique, our dance is unique. AB

To the person who asked where to get the suggested yoga workouts - can't remember the has Eion Finn's and Ana and Ravi's, as well as Shiva Rea's. I'm not sure about Rainbeau Mars. I think I usually ordered hers from, but they might have them at Amazon. is the other place I shop and that's where I found Altar of the Heart, although I believe Tilak Pyle has a website also that you can purchase it on.

I'll be back later. I've got tons of stuff to do. I sell sample packs of Limited Edition Black Phoenix oils on the weekends on Ebay (to support my Black Phoenix perfume oil addiction) I've got to get busy.

I didn't do a yoga DVD persay today, but I did do the stretch from Butts and Guts (down dog, pigeon pose) and it felt yoga like to me (does that count)? I think I'm going to be feeling this one (Butts and Guts) soon.

I have wood to stack outside with DH. Hope I can manage...

HI! I did Baron Baptist Power Yoga Level 2 today. It was very nice. There is a standing and floor backbending sequence which feels so gooood. It is very challenging as you have to stand on your tiptoes and squat down while leaning back and holding abdominal locks ect. I felt stronger and more alive after this session- Baptiste is a good instructor, very motivating. I also felt much more stretched!:) :) :*
Ok, I am back and much more awake and together now. Tonight's workout was Cardio and Weights and Gym Style. I did the step portion only of Cardio & Weights twice, once with just the platform and the second time with one riser level. (I just taped it off FitTV and I am still learning the routine.) I did Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Biceps, all of the workout except the warm-up. I previewed BodyMax 2. It looked great and I wanted to do it, but I am going to do my best to stay in my current Gym Style rotation for another week or two.

No yoga today, but I did preview MTV Power Yoga with Kristin McGee (received from Netflix) and may do it tomorrow. I usually workout six days a week and make Sunday my off day, but I missed 3 days this week because of working late, so I certainly cannot skip tomorrow. Anyway, I thought the music on the MTV workout was really cool and the set was absolutely gorgeous, but Kristin is a little too chatty for me and the "relaxation" at the end was non-existent. It did look well-sequenced, so I am willing to give it a try. Anyone else seen or done this one? What were your thoughts on it?

What is the music like on Rainbeau's DVDs?

About me-I am 35 and married. My husband and I have been married for 6 yrs, but dated 4 yrs prior to that, so we have been together 10 years total. It's his second marriage. We are currently trying to have a baby. He had his vasectomy reversed in August of this year and the original "fix" was done many years our changes are supposedly not very good and it will take at least 9 months to a year if it happens at keep your fingers crossed for me. In the meantime, we stay busy with our 3 dogs-a jack russell/chow mix and 2 bassett hounds. I also suffer from mild depression and was on Effexor at one point a few years ago. I had really bad side effects from it and it was causing more tension in my marriage, so I came off of it without a doctor's help-DO NOT DO THIS-it was not smart. I now get better results from exercise than medication and feel much better. I have been working the past 8 years as Human Resources and Finance Director for a sleep center. My job is very tough, but I really love it, too.

Lora-I am with you on the chanting song stuff. I am open to very many things, but I just don't feel ready for still feels a little too corny or something. Just wondering about the connection between aromatherapy and depression. What works for you in that regard? What scents make you feel better? What is your treatment regimen like?

August-Sorry about TTOM. It makes me feel yucky, too. It was great that you at least did something today....I normally skip on my most heavy day. Were you born in Tokyo or have you relocated from somewhere else?

Hello to Jeanette and Starla! Jeanette-Butts and Gutts and then another workout in the form of stacking wood-will you be able to walk tomorrow? :) Starla-I have Baron Baptist Power 2 and also think he is a very good instructor! Do you have his Journey into Power (or something like that) series? If you do, how is it?

Janie-if you post today-I would love to hear about the Mantra Girl workout. I had read some reviews that said it was a little outlandish-because of the outfits or something and also the camera work was a little sexy, but the music was good. How do you like the workout? Is it one you reach for often?

Megadoo-Following up from yesterday on mudras-I would add to Lora's excellent description that they are not all that mystical and you are probably already doing them at the end of your yoga workout. One example would be the typical hand posture during meditation when you sit crossed legged and rest your hands palms up on your knees-many instructors have you connect your thumb to your index finger-that's a mudra. Another simple mudra is simply putting your hands together in prayer pose. It is supposed to seal in energy from your practice and keep your energy circulating. Some books I have read refer to it as yoga for your hands. Each mudra means something different. There's a website, I think it's Art of Yoga but let me check on it-that has the books I have read. The lady is a little out there, but it's still facinating!

Have a great evening everyone!
Lora - Woah, thanks for taking the time to type out all that! Come to think of it, I should sign up for Ravi and Ana's email newsletter. That's great that you were able to meet the drummer of Buckcherry. Anyway, it's great that you've found such a great outlet in yoga and health. I'm really looking forward to getting more into it myself.

I previewed a few more yoga previews and was completely turned off by all the dijiridoo (music instrument that sounds like your stomach growling). Man, I hope the ones I'm thinking to get don't have that dang instrument.

Jen - Hey there, I'm actually from Oregon. You know, I think I found a sample of Mantra Girl on their homepage, if you take a look there, you might be able to view it. Something about it for me didn't click. Maybe too flowery for me? I saw so many, I might be thinking something else though! :)

I wish I could comment on other things yoga, but I only started this up like a week and a half ago, so I can't! x( But gimme a couple months! }(

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