PYGFO Check-in for February 17-23, 2008


PYGFO Sisters:

This is another quick check-in to report my workouts for the seventh week of this challenge:

02-11-08 a.m. 4-Day Split Higher Intensity Step

02-12-08 a.m. 4-Day Split Kickbox (cardio) + Gym Style Legs (standing legs and stretch) + Core Max (first segment)

02-13-08 a.m. 4-Day Split Lower Intensity Step (cardio, shoulders, and stretch)
02-13-08 p.m. Biggest Loser Challenge (team training with Laurie)

02-14-08 a.m. 4-Day Split Boot Camp

02-15-08 a.m. Low Max

02-16-08 a.m. Kick Max (boot camp challenge premix) + Core Max (complete core premix)

02-17-08 a.m. Stretch Max (stability ball segment)

Cathe’s blog update got me all excited tonight! I hope I can calm down long enough to type straight! LOL! Wow! It looks like my prayers have been answered! I sent a PM to Cathe on Valentine’s Day suggesting that a nice gift for her forum girls would be a sneak peek at the hot guys she chose for STS. Oh my stars! I am delighted with the blog update, but it was not nice of her to get me so excited this close to bedtime. LOL! Be still my heart! STS may be my favorite series of all time! Suddenly, this cardio lover is dreaming about weights! Glory!

I am glad to see a Texas girl in there too. I hope Cathe invites the new cast members to attend the next Road Trip! I am looking forward to her 2009 Cathe calendar too!

I am going to say my bedtime prayers and repent of lust now. Sweet dreams!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good Morning PYGFOers!

Today I did GS CT and ran 3 miles. All I can say is that I did survive the drop set of pushups.}( :p ;-)
The new blog pictures have me quite skeeered and excited, too. I have NEVER done a pullup and have no place to even put a bar!

Heather--Your post cracked me up! It was good to see a Texas girl in the mix. I sent you a PM.

Michelle--Good to see you again. We've missed you around here! What have you been up to?

Hi everyone!
Have a great day!
Well Gin, since I finally found a store that carried wheat bran, I was able to try your pancakes.....and have been eating them EVERY day since. ....they are absolutely delish!:p
Good Morning!

I have been REALLY sick since last Thursday. I have Influenza Type A (even though I got the flu shot). It has been quite miserablex( I am taking today off, and hope to go back to work tomorrow. I am feeling better, but I don't think my energy will be back. Hopefully my kiddos can get through their sessions without too much direction...we'll see.
I hope to get in some lighter workouts this week as well. I have lost several pounds, and I know I need to get some of the weight back on for the baby. It shouldn't be too hard since I love food so much:9 I am still not showing at all, but I know one day I am going to wake up and have a belly.

Heather...LOL at your posts!! I agree though!! It is exciting to have new cast members and to see all of our favorites returning! I can't wait to get these and I can't wait until I can actually do them!!

Michelle...Hello!! Good to see you again!! Have you started the New Rules of Lifting yet?

Gin...I am also wondering where I would put a pull-up bar. I used to do them when I went to the gym (and lifted heavier). I know I could not do one right now (unless it was on an assisted machine). I wonder what Cathe will show as substitutions for the pull-up.

I may try to do a segment from Stretch Max later. I really want to work out, but I know my body is not ready yet.

I hope you all have a great Monday!!
Lara, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. I have been hearing on the news that the strain of flu going around is different from the vaccination everyone is getting. I guess it's just a hit or miss thing though with flu shots. :(

I have not started NRLFW yet, I will start next Monday.:)
Thanks Michelle!! I have had the flu shot the past 2 years and did not have the flu. I guess they missed the boat this year!! I am feeling better, and I think I will head back to work tomorrow.
Good luck with your new weight training program:)
Good Morning PYGFOers!

Today I did IMAX1 and Core Max #2.

Michelle--Glad that you are enjoying my pancakes.:9 I don't know anything about the New Rules of Lifting for Women. Hope you enjoy it.

Lara--So sorry that you have been feeling well. A lot of people here have had the flu and had the shot.x( Hope you are feeling better today.


Thanks Gin! I am feeling better today. I made it back to work, but had a pretty light day. Half of my patients were out with the flu. Hmmmm.....I wonder where I got it?? I guess that is the price you pay for working with kiddos. Hopefully, your pre-schoolers will stay healthy.

I did Kari Anderson's Reach. I haven't done that one in about a year. It was good for a light workout day. I won't be able to work out tomorrow. It is a long work day followed by a hair appointment. I hope to get back to Cathe on Thursday. I miss my workouts!!

Have a great day!
Hello, friends.

Still thinking of you girls but with not much time to check in. Also, I have to walk across the lawn to get on the internet, so it's not quite as convenient as having it in my bedroom in Fort Worth!

I've settled into a sort of CTX rotation. I'm doing one or two body parts per day, plus 30 to 45 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week.

Today was triceps, and then I split my time between the stair climber and the eliptical machine. Tomorrow is no cardio, just legs and abs. May I just say that I LOVE the smith machine. It's so great to do those static lunges and have the bar stabilized for you. I know that I miss some of the benefit of using my own stabilizer muscles, but I can go heavier on the lunges and isolate the real muscles being used more. I like that.

Hope Lara and any other sickly folks feel better. I have a a tiny scratch in my throat and am praying it stops there and doesn't develop into anything more!!

Hi girls! Sorry I have been so bad at checking in. I have been sick for the longest time and have not been able to work out at all, so I really haven't had much to post. :( My doctor put me on a second antibiotic when the first round did nothing. I thought I was going to end up with bronchitis, but the new antibiotic seems to have cleared things up. I'm still sniffing and coughing, but I think I really am on the mend now. I am trying to psych myself up to do some yoga tonight. I've gotten used to be a lazy sloth lately. Not to mention my eating has been HORRIBLE!!! I've become a sugar-aholic all of a sudden.

Anyways, enough about me! Heather, I am so excited about STS too! Especially with all of the pictures. I'm hoping that having the guys in the workout will help my DH want to workout with me more.

Lara - I'm so sorry you have been sick! I hope you are feeling better now. How hard to have the flu and be pregnant! :O

Laura - I will pray that that scratch does not turn into anything else. Load up on the vitamin C, Calcium, and Vitamin E. That's what my doctor told me to do. Of course, I've been sick since Christmas, so maybe you shouldn't listen to me!!!

Hi Michelle & Gin!!!

Are any of you gals on Facebook? I just started a page and am having so much fun with a bunch of the other ladies there. Let me know if any of you have a page. It's all private. Only your friends can see your page. :)

I am home early from work!! I think I will rest a little and then workout. I may try the new one I just got (low intensity step). I was saving it for when I got further into my pregnancy, but it has been a week since I did any cardio because I was sick. I don't think I will be up for an IMAX or anything quite yet!!

Laura... I am with you on the Smith machine. My legs always look toned and I feel so much stonger when I use the Smith machine consistently (which hasn't been for awhile). I hope you aren't getting sick!!

Liann...Sorry you have been so sick lately. I am glad you are on the mend. It has been a miserable week here. The flu is going around like crazy. It is hard to make myself workout today. I think I got used to being lazy also. At least we have had a good excuse...right??

Stay well everyone :)
Well, here I am. Better late than never, right. You'd think I'd have more time to play on the computer, being home all day. I've been trying to avoid it though. It's just such a non-productive time waster.

I've been doing well with my workouts. My knee is creeping along. I have a feeling it will always be a little tight and creaky now. I've been alternating between cardio workouts on the stationary bike and upper body weight work all week. Next week I'm planning on trying some step workouts on about 6 inches and maybe a lower body workout.

Lara, I'm so sorry you got hit with the flu. My DD and DH had it. I don't know how I avoided it, but I did.

Liann, there must be something in the air. I had been doing so well with my diet, then the sugar-bug bit and it's been downhill ever since. Maybe I'm starting to get bored with my at home days. I'm glad your illness is finally clearing up. How much snow did you get from Friday's storm? We got about 5 inches.

Michelle, well, so far, I've avoided preordering STS. I would love to, but DH keeps saying no, we can't afford it. I'm not sure I'd really make use of it, but it is soooo tempting.

Heather, it doesn't help that you are so excited about the new series! Everytime I see you post about it, I start to salivate. I guess I'll have to keep wearing away at my DH.

Hi Laura. How much longer do you have in the states? Time sure flies, doesn't it? I can't believe this is my last week off from work. I'm not real thrilled with having to go back, but I guess I'll get used to it.

Hi to Gin, Carolyn, Vickie and any other PYGFOers. See you next week!

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