May 09 Check in Friday 29th


Good morning ladies...

It's Friday again...Wow, the week flew by! Not too much going on here at our house today..Lauren has a softball game tonight if the rain stays away..It poured here last night!

Workout today...well, I haven't decided that yet...I was thinking of doing an Amy Bento cardio...

Anyway, I will be back later..
Good Morning!!!!

Kathy yes the week did go by fast - perhaps because it was only a 4 day week ? Today is the last day of End of Grade testing so thankfully I won't have kids collapsing down for a much needed nap as soon they get home from school.

Seems the rain is coming our way - Good look to Lauren on her softball game tonight.

Cardio maybe TJ Cardio Party for me today as I haven't done that one yet and some stretching before I go out and do some grocery shopping.

So Chris how was your dinner last night?

Hottie are you feeling better? I hope so.

Big hellos to Beth & Joanne

Hey Girls!

I'm about to get started with BM2, in it's entirety, very soon!

Dinner was very nice. Moreso the beer and the conversasion. Unfortunately both mine and my husband's meats were on the dry side, as well as the potatoes. I got chicken breast w/ portobello mushrooms, red pepper and cheese...and it was just blah. In fact, I only ate my veggies and 1/2 the potato and 1/4 of the meat. But I had 2 Opa Opa Light Beers and was very happy and very FULL!

I'm going to work IT off right now, or I'll never finish!!

Oh yeah...

The boys survived fine. (who knew?). The 2 youngest went out with Michelle (the older lady sitter who we USED to use). She took them out on the town, to Big Adventures (a huge playscape type of place), where they blew the entire $40 on GAMES to win worthless TOKENS (we usually let them play $5 or less when we take them). And then she took them to her grandson's and to HER house and then to McD's for a pig-out of 6 orders of Chicken Nuggets and 3 orders of Large Fries AND shakes.... Oh my! :confused:

Zach stayed home ALONE, which he was THRILLED about (but I was nervous about), he played Tour Of Duty, made his own supper (nuked raviolis), drank Diet Orange Soda and snacks (100 cal snack packs), and talked on the phone with this friends. I think he had a better time than all of us! He was so pumped!

OH!... AND , we booked our hotel for Hershey Park!!! Come to find out it's only a 5 hour drive, instead of the 8 hours we had thought. And at the end of the journey... chocolate chocolate chocolate!!! We're going to also go to Gettysburg and the Crayola Factory ... should be fun! We leave June 23rd!

Okay, better get to BM2 or I'll be here all day!!!!
TGIF!!!! OSIF!!!!

I'm going to be soooooo happy to sleep in tomorrow! Ok, note to self here, and others..... do not wear pants that are on the looser side on plyo legs day, unless you want to work your upper body by pulling up your pants constantly.:D I am not sure I'm going to survive a six month rotation -- I am getting really ready to be done, even though I have so loved it.

Chris, I loved to hear all about your night and the boys' night and all. Too bad about the food -- but so nice to have time alone with hubby, eh? Glad things all worked out ok with Zach -- I can really understand your nervousness now -- home alone! :eek: Hottie, how did you guys celebrate?

Your vacation sounds great, too! Nice to know the drive is not so bad -- five hours is quite doable, but it's amazing how that extra just really drags on, right? My SIL moved to Vermont last year, so I was somehow hoping you would end up going there, so I could vicariously go, too. I guess I'll have to have some vicarious chocolate instead!

Kathy, wish you could send some rain here -- we are getting into fire season, which I really do not like!!

Vilma -- great to know your kids will be done, eh? Travis has his last big thing due today -- he had to finish New Moon or whatever the 4th one is last night and take his AR quiz. When I went to bed he still had about 20 pages left -- sure hope he made it! The reading stuff is 70% of their grade!

The open house was crazy last night, as usual. It's so fun to see all the families there, and the kids are all running around playing with each other -- in some ways it's just a big party, but poor Dylan. We took a really long time in Travis' classes, since he has two and they both had lots to display. I think Dylan thought we'd left without him. A friend of mine tracked us down and brought Dylan to us. He was so mad and grumpy!

I'm going on and on again! Have a great day, chiquitas!

Hi chickadees!!

Beth, be careful out there!! That's the second scary car incident you've had in the last few weeks, isn't it? Yikes! I did the last Plyo Legs today too! My pants fit OK, though. ;) I'm ready to be done. Not so much that I didn't like STS, but I'm ready to do some new stuff. One more workout to go. Is Travis reading the Twilight book for class? I thought it was just on his own. I was asking Jameson the other day why they weren't reading classics in school like we used to. It really gave me an appreciation for books that I never would have read on my own. I guess maybe it's too early - he's only in 7th. But, they did just read Frankenstein, which is kind of cool.

Chris, sounds like you had a great time, but your boys had an even better one!! Your dinner sounded delish, too bad it wasn't so good. I can remember the first few times my parents left me home alone and I was thrilled!! The vacation sounds great. Chocolate - what more can you ask for? Actually some friends of ours went to Hershey Park last year and absolutely loved it.

Vilma, it's good to have school almost done, isn't it? Once less thing to worry about! I'm almost done with the first Twilight - I may have to go out during my lunch to get the next one! I should probably try the library, though.

Kathy, hope the rain stays away!

We have our replay of the soccer game tonight (see my rambling post yesterday ;)), then another game tomorrow if they win. Also, Jameson has two games and a soccer picnic.

Have a wonderful day all!

Hey Joanne! Travis was not exactly reading the Twilight stuff for school, but, they have somewhat heavy reading requirements this year, and so it was just yet another book he had to finish. They are using a program called Accelerated Reader which tests their comprehension and then it gives them points based on the difficulty of the book and how well they comprehended it. Then, based on what the teacher thinks the kid can do, she sets a points goal for them. In some ways it's a good program because it can get kids reading more. In some ways it's a very bad system because it is teaching the kids how to game the system, and also if they are short some points, they (well, at least Travis) reads books way below his level just to knock out some points. It's really interesting to see how the kids have figured out different ways to get ahead with it.

Lots of soccer stuff, eh? Boy, I hope they win the rematch!! Wouldn't that be awesome?!

Oh, hey, Chris, I just read in a the STS 6 month rotation burnout thread (or something like that) that Cathe's June rotation will be a non-STS rotation for those people coming off of it and wanting something different before they start again.

Beth, Colin had to read 20 minutes a night this year. Not a big deal, right? Well, I can't imagine what the teacher thought of us. He had this Elvis autobiography for kids - read that a couple times, read the Captain Underpants books a few times, some silly book about dogs, and some other choice books! I think they use the Accelerated Reading program in our school, too. I should know this, right? ;) But I believe they give the books to the kids to read. Colin just finished the Secret Garden and some other book I've heard of but can't remember now. Ian was voluntarily reading Abe Lincoln's biography the other day!

This soccer rematch should be interesting. I think the parents of the kids on the other team may be a bit miffed for our coach for ratting out the team. It's not the kids fault - it's the coach's fault (if he knew the rules). I feel kind of bad for them - they're only 3rd and 4th graders. But, it would be awesome if we made it to the championship.

I'm starving for lunch already!! Didn't bring one today, so I'm trying to figure out what I should eat. Maybe Subway....hmmm.

Hottie, hope you are feeling better.

Hey Girls!

I did BM2, ALL OF IT, this morning, and thought I was gonna die! LOL!! Mostly because about 1 hour into it, I started getting hungry. Weird. but I did it all.... Definitely worked off those beers!

Beth: Yep, even though it's only about an extra hour, I'm looking forward to NOT having to get up at 5:30a tomorrow. I do want to get a quickie run in as soon as DH comes home, though. (around 7:30a!!! :eek:) Hope I'm up for it. Ummmm...yep, you'll have to suffer and imagine swimming in Hershey Chocolate instead of up in the mountains of VT! Where in VT does your SIL live? that's weird you had an open house at the end of the year. But fun! Poor Dylan. I know, my kids get like that too. ... Oh! thanks for clarifying Cathe's June Rotation! though I was hoping it was one where she threw in a few STS workouts. Dangnabit! ... I'm getting a little leary about 6 months of STS too. Did we really say we'd do 6 months?? LOL!. ... Too funny about your Plyo pants "issue"!!! At least you're in your own home, right?

I think Zach (in 7th grade too) read "The Outsiders" this year. Other than that, I'm not sure what else was on their curriculum for books. He's not a "reader" though, he fights me on EVERY thing when it comes to reading. I don't understand, because I LOVE to read, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! ...Hurray on YOUR LAST PLYO today!! Your'e almost there!!

Vilma: Hope you had a good TJ today!

Hottie: hope your'e feeling better. You 're back at work, right?

Off to referee the showers!!
Not sure anyone will see this, but just in case..... Joanne, I was starving today, too... must have been that plyo legs. I did pretty well with the eating, but took the kids to see Night at the Museum this afternoon and totally blew it with popcorn and chocolate! Ug! Now I'm drinking water like I've drunk too much wine, hoping it'll sort of flush through me and I won't feel bad-food-hangover tomorrow. We'll see!

I'm not sure where exactly the SIL lives..... her husband is a professor there, but what I've learned is that for a tiny state, Vermont has a lot of universities!!! I'm so bad -- don't know if I have their new address even!! (unfortunately Larry and his sister have had a very volatile relationship since sometime after their dad died -- we used to all be really close. It's left a big gap, really, but it's the way it is).

Yeah, we have open house at the end of the year so the kids/teachers can show off what they've done. We have a "back to school night" the first week of school to meet the new teacher, get the lay of the land, etc.

I'm doing ccpp in the morning -- can't wait!


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