June 09 Check in Thursday 18th


Good morning ladies...

Today is a cardio day..I am going to do another one off the classic DVD. I thought I would do Step Heat today..

Not too much going on today. The kids have a swim playdate at a friend's house. So, we will be there all afternoon...

Chris: Glad to read that Zach is feeling better!!!
Hi Kathy and everyone else!

I was planning on going for a run this morning. But, of course, it was storming, so no run. So, I did 40 minutes of Amy's Kickbox Surge. Tomorrow I'll try to run.

Nothing else exciting going on. Chris, how is Zach today?


(wow, a short post for me! ;))

Good morning! Kathy, I take it your weather is better? Have fun with the pool this afternoon!

Joanne, too bad about the run. Did you say you have another 5k coming up?

I did Cardio Force this morning -- second time ever only. It was just what the dr. ordered as I feel worked out (I was so sweaty!) but do not feel "beat up". You know, I think it's my glute more than my hamstring, cause hamstring curls don't bother it at all, but squats and lunges are scary. Also, just holding my body weight on just that one leg doesn't feel so great. I had to modify a couple of things.

Chris, on the eating..... I feel like I have to pay attention to what I'm eating or it's a completely slippery slope, but what I really meant was that I cannot focus on trying to lose weight, because that seems to just sabotage me. I have to just let go of it a little, pay attention, and just not go crazy. :p

Have a great day!

Beth, no, no 5K planned in the near future. There's one in September I might do. It's run by a local university and is called The Cougar Run. I have to laugh at the name! It's their mascot, but I can't help but think of the other meaning cougar has seem to have taken on lately! Cardio Force is a good one!

Well, last night I did HIS cardio and then CLX BC2. It was a nice way to end the night after all the house chores I did. This morning we woke up early but didn't get out of bed. Evee has figured out if the alarm goes off we should be out of the bed so when it went off before five, I whispered to Joe, snooze it before Evee hears! And I could hear her stretch and walk around confused. When the alarm hit the second time though we couldn't fool her. She was whining and waiting for Joe to walk her at the doggie gate we have. He took her out while I strolled about. I got a little annoyed with Joe because he wanted me to take him into work before starting my w/o so he didn't have to wait for me to finish but he lounged for 30 minutes as I did more house chores! I was like, I could have been done 80% of my workout! Either way, I dropped him off and came back and did Burn Intervals + Ab Burner from CLX. It's certainly different, and I like it, but yesterday and today my HR was having a hard time getting up there. Maybe its actually getting easier?!? I like the jumping though with the stretch bands around your legs -- it's like an extra burn that I can do and keeps me a little bit more pushed. I'm afraid I'm doing some things wrong because my lower back hurts in some of the exercises and of course, I have to shift weights because my shoulders are just too weak still.

Kathy -- I wish I had your not so filled day! I have a couple experiments going on plus a group meeting plus having to clean my house into overhaul when I get home because we have a friend staying over friday night. Enjoy Step Heat!

Joanne -- cougar run...heheheh...I wish I could get into running. I feel like Joe gets to bond more with Evee because they run together. I just like my indoor stuff I guess, but I really want to ramp up to learn how to run outside. I probably should make a more concerted effort on the treadmill and off the elliptical. Maybe as it begins to heat up here I'll use that as an excuse to do the treadmill at the gym.

Beth -- so you have a broken butt?? :) Do you have a heating pad? That may help you feel a little better. Which one is cardio force?

Chris -- so happy Zach is doing better!
Hey Guys..;

Late check in for me today. I did ALOT this morning, didn't get home until 1:30, put away groceries, ate a snack, and did 90 Minutes of Cardio!! I did Low Max and then followed it with the step only of SJP. HA!!!!!!!

Now I have to quickly shower and make supper...

I'll BB after dinner, when I can finally relax (or so I think!!)
Oh.. Zach is doing well. No fever. But feels fatigued and still has a icky cough. And his blood sugars suck, they're high 200's -300's. Crap. But he is over the hump...

I went and got all his stuff from school, saw the school nurse, and dropped off all Thank You's for the teachers and the nurse... The office helper said there were a TON of 8th Graders out the last few weeks, and they missed their huge class picnic at a fun place called High Meadows. Lots of sickies..

Oh I need to move!!! :confused::eek:
Chris, wow, 90 minutes of cardio!!! You must have been so sweaty!!! Glad to hear Zach is doing better flu-wise -- interesting that so many of them were sick at the end!

Hottie, good for you on the workouts yesterday! Yes, CLX hurt my lower back sometimes, too -- I'm not sure what I can add here to help you though. Cardio Force is -- well, I think of it as -- an "old ladies" workout. It's actually plenty tough, but just not in Cathe's league, you know? The lady who leads it is Anni Mars, and though I have no idea how old she is, she just gives you the appearance of being older.

On Evee waking up early..... I worried about that when we first got Gina -- that I'd have to take her out and it would cut into my exercise time, etc. Well, turns out she is not a morning dog! It's the craziest thing -- she just lazes around in the morning and sometimes even "goes back to bed" after getting up when Larry finally gets up. The other bonus with Gina is that I worried we'd have to take her out -- that she might run away if we didn't take her on a leash, but it's great -- she just sticks close to the house and comes back.

I just took the boys to see Up. I loved it! I'm such a sap, or maybe I'm getting PMS, but I was bawling during the beginning when it showed the course of their relationship.

Joanne, funny about the cougar run. Cougar is the mascot for the kids' school, and the front of their yearbook says "Proud Cougars" and one time I looked at it sitting on the counter without realizing what it was and I thought "what the heck?!"

Yes, I have a broken butt! I feel like I have to train myself to run on the elliptical -- somehow I think that might feel better on it, so I'm going to try it sometime in the next few days. I think I will hate it -- I just love being outside, but that just feels to hard on my broken butt lately.

Beth, so sorry about your "broken butt". ;) Seriously, it sounds annoying. Maybe you need to avoid any type of exercise that aggravates it for a few weeks or however long it takes to stop hurting. Tully is not a morning dog either. She doesn't even get up when I workout anymore in the morning. She'll lay around till DH gets home and then meander downstairs. Such a life, huh? We saw Up, too. I thought the beginning was really cute.

Chris, so glad to hear Zach is feeling better. Hope those sugars go where they are supposed to, though. Wow, 90 minutes!! :) You go girl!!

Hottie, I remember CLX being a bit hard on my back, too. You really have to watch your form. I did like all the band work, though. I enjoy the treadmill more than the elliptical. Maybe you could take Evee for some run/walks? Run a block, walk a block, etc.

I'm so tired today - can't keep my eyes open. Can't wait to get on the train and take a nap! Have a great evening all!

Hey Girls!...

kathy... which step did you end up doing? I contemplated doing one of the oldies, but then i was skimming the rotations to see examples of good cardio, and i saw this "Long Cardio Challenge" on one of Cathe's rotations, and it was Lowmax followed by Step of SJP! Cool! I wish we could get some swimming weather here. It has NOT been yet! Today is poured rain ALL day! Miserable!

Joanne: Kickbox Surge sounds like a good cardio!. I know, I have NOT run AT ALL this week due to the crappyass weather! :mad: But I have HUGE DOMS in my ARSE from Lalo yesterday. OW! :eek: I don't know how I eeked out LowMax today!! I love the name of the Cougar Run! Maybe they have a hottie like Lalo for the "cougars" to run after ??? ;)

Beth: I'm drinking White Tea as I type! It's not a bad tea. Tastes like Green Tea, actually. Though I have plain, they have flavored too..... Get some! LOL!... Good for you for gettting in the perfect cardio today! It's hard when we hurt. The roller thingie sounds good, you SHOULD do it a couple times a day. Oh, Okay! I gotcha on the eating now. I was misunderstanding you!! I've heard that the movie UP is a tear jerker for parents! LOL!..You're not the only one. If we go see it, Ill make sure I have tissues! ... hey.. Bike Riding would be a good outside exercise and easy on the butt!... Oh I was a TON sweaty after 90 minutes. But going into SJP Step wasn't too bad, that is THE funnest step, i swear! And the insensity doesn't go up until you get into the Hi/Lo on that one.

Hottie: Good for you for getting your workouts in! Joe is a "man"..enough said!!! Jumping with a band sounds like a lot of fun, but back and shoulder soreness does not. take it easy, you!!! LOL @ you tricking Evee!!

I went and bought new shorts today for myself. 2 new pair. I actually fit into 6's! I don't know how that works, since my 6's at home are too tight! But I also bought a new style. The bermuda length. Ooooh I like that! I really hate my legs..varicose veins, ick. these cover more of them up! Plus they're cute!!
Thought I'd share what I had for supper tonight, (*I made Shepherd's Pie for the boys, since Zach requested it*). But it was easy enough to make it on the side for me...

Creamy Cheese Capellini
1/2 pound whole-wheat capellini
2 teaspoons extra-Virgin olive oil
3 plum tomatoes -- diced
2 garlic cloves -- crushed through a press
6 ounces baby spinach -- (bag)
1 cup fat-free ricotta cheese
1 cup shredded fat-free mozzarella cheese
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Cook the capellini according to package directions, omitting the salt if desired. Drain, reserving 1/4 c. of the cooking liquid.

2. While the water for the pasta is heating up, heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the tomatoes and garlic. Cook, stirring frequently, until the tomatoes are softened, about 2 minutes. Add the spinach in batches, stirring just until each batch is wilted.

3. Add the capellini, reserved cooking liquid, cheeses, and salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until the cheeses are melted. Serve at once.

338 CAL 4 G FAT, 1 G SAT FAT, 0 G TRANS FAT, 11 MG CHOL, 914 MG SOD, 53 G CARB, 6 G FIB, 26 G PROT, 422 MG CALC.

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