July 09 Checkin Thursday 2nd


Good morning ladies...

We had a great time yesterday at the zoo...The kids have the best time! My sisters and the kids are leaving this afternoon. The visit went by so fast...

Chris got picked to be on the allstar team in his league and that game is tonight...So, not sure if I can squeeze in a workout or not. I think I am going to follow Cathe's July rotation. It looks really good. I need to work on those parts...

Be back later..
Good morning Kathy and to all that follow!

Kathy -- sounds like you had a great time with your sisters! Congrats to Chris for the all star team pick. I have to look at Cathe's July rotation but i'm following the CLX thing for now...

It's cardio today. I didn't get out of the bed quite early enough but it was worth it since DH and I got do cuddle and talk a little. A chimney guy is *supposed* to come by at 7 so I think I'm going to do chores until he comes by and then do cardio we'll see. Probably Burn Intervals to follow the rotation but I sort of want something more intense. I did BC2 last night except for the lunge row thing because my back was feeling funny. I still have such a hard time with tricep pushups!
Hi Kathy & Hottie and all that follow...

Kathy that sounds wonderful about your son getting picked for the all star team enjoy your sisters visit sounds like you all are having a wonderful time together - that is so nice :)

Hottie sounds like you are coming along w/ CLX... I can't stand it when I have to wait for contractors or repairfolks to come by.

Yeah , yeah I've been pretty much MIA - feeling a bit out of the loop with you all :eek:
let me cut and paste what I posted on my other thread that I post in:

I'm feeling a bit frazzled lol

Well now that the DH is back at work I can get back to my normal crazy stuff here.

During his 'weekend' we went back to Myrtle Beach to get more fireworks the ones that give off pretty blooms in the sky and also to Lowes to look over some kitchen countertops. We decided since we are planning to put the house up for sale next year we will replace the counters and sink.

I feel like I got off a frantic roller coaster ride.

I did CCv 7 this morning and now getting ready to run some errands into town before it gets too hot.

Also my mom is coming down for a 2 week visit next week and I can not wait! I'm so excited to have her with me :D

I hope to BBL as long as my stupid internet is working ok

Hi Girls!

I slept IN today too! got up at 7am, went to the bathroom, and decided to go back to bed ... and fell back asleep until 8:20a!!!!

But now everything feels "behind", but it's ok, I'll get it done...

Going to go do an IMAX, I'm thinking the original, haven't done that one in a while...

I'll BBL to catch up!!!
Hey! It's Thursday already -- how'd that happen?! And Hottie's up way early, Chris slept in. The world is upside down. :D

Kathy, glad to hear you've had so much fun!!

Vilma, good to hear from you again -- sounds like you've been busy! Nice that your mom is coming for a good long visit! Will you do anything special while she's there, or just have time together (which is certainly nice!).

Hottie, I hate tricep pushups, just for the record. And, I hate that original imax, Chris -- is that what you picked? I'm spoiled by updated stuff, I guess! Can't get past that old look.

I did another netflix this morning -- KCM Cardio Sculpting -- I liked it! Not enough to buy, but it was a good one. And,I noticed that netflix received my lost movies -- whew! -- I was really going crazy wondering where I could have put them. Must have put them in the library bin and someone mailed them.

On tap for today: piano lessons, then the kids cannot wait to see Ice Age 3D, so I told them we could do that (I'll nap, I'm sure! ;)), then a quick trip to the other library before swim lessons. Whew! During the school year I only use one library, but this summer we've gotten going on two different ones, and it's a nightmare keeping it all straight! It's no wonder I lost the netflix envelope! :D

Ok, on to it..... I have to make sure the babysitter knows she's not supposed to show up today.

Hi ladies!

Chris - awesome on Zach's report card and honor roll!!! :) :) Very cool. See, bribery does work! ;) You should have lots of extra energy today to do that Imax! It feels so good to sleep in sometimes.

Beth, too funny about emailing the furniture and motorcycle pictures! Ha! Yes, butthead! I don't like the original Imax either. I've attempted it twice and never finished. Not cause it was too hard - I just got bored! Love the others though. I'm sure my kids will want to see Ice Age, too. Let me know how it is. It's supposed to have really good 3D effects. Or am I thinking of another movie.

Hottie, 14 days of TOM stinks! Why would that happen? I've had some wacky ones, but I attribute that to getting old and nearing menopause. Fun stuff. Not. How are you liking CLX?

Kathy, glad you had a good time with your sisters! That July rotation does look good.

Hi Vilma. Good to see you here again! How fun to have your mom come for a visit.

Oh, Jameson is just fine. He doesn't have pneumomia. DH said they were thinking about admitting him he sounded so bad. But after an albuterol treatment in the office he sounded better and the xray was clear. So he's home having treatments every four hours. They did also put him on an antibiotic. He seemed to be feeling fine last night - he was up and about. I feel bad cause he was going to march in our 4th of July parade with his school's band. But he had to miss the first two practices since he was sick. I may try to take him tonight to the last practice if he's feeling OK and see if he can still participate.

Today's workout was Butts and Guts. I thought I might struggle a bit, since I haven't done any all leg workouts since STS. But it felt about the same as when I used to do it. Still tough, though! I'm going to do an itread during my lunch.

Any fun 4th of July plans? We don't really have any - maybe go to SILs house. I need to get the house in order. I coming home to a messy house from vacation.

OK, babbling again...must go do work...

I did do the Original IMAX, and sweat BUCKETS. (I know the higher humidity has a bit to do with that too).

I need to find someone who LIKES this workout! I loved it! It's simple enough so I can kick it up on the intervals and "relax" during the step portions. And i love the Plyo stuff! Yes, it is outdated, but I kind of have gotten used to the goofy music and the workout outweighs the outfits...

Kathy: Sounds like a great week with your family! WTG on Chris being an All Star!!! That's very cool!

Hottie: Snuggling and talking sound like just what the doctor ordered for you and Joe! So there! Hope you get your cardio in, ... what's wrong with your chimney?

Beth: I know, craziness here! Sleeping in, loving IMAX... who knew?? That Intensity Series rotation looks, well, intense! But I HAVE to have my rest day on a sunday, so it wouldn't work for me. Bummer... I'm glad your Netflix got back! I do "stupid" stuff like that all the time when I run around with my head cut off. Sounds like a busy day for you guys! You inspired me to take the boys to the movies today. they weren't so thrilled with the Ice Age suggestion (Well, Zach wasn't and he was the only one in the room when I offered), so we settled for Night at the Museum 2. Sadly enough, i went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of movie 'candy'. Hopefully I'll just eat one box of "DOTS" and be good! (BA-HAHAHA).

Joanne: Good to hear Jameison is ok! how scary. did you say he has a history of asthma? Alex has allergy induced asthma, and had to go once to the ER for a treatment. And that was scary enough. Hope he gets to be in the parade! I don't think I've done Butts & guts for forEVER! And I haven't done a lower body workout since STS either. Full body or Circuits.

No big 4th Plans for us. The boys really want to see the fireworks tomorrow night at the park. the only problem is, Greg has to work, so he wouldn't be able to go ... and it's too weird for me to go just with the boys and leave Greg home.... I am working Sat and Sun nights, as usual.
Just finished itread 14 - 45 minutes. I'm trying to go through all the itreads I have and do them all at least once. Felt good today. I was worried my legs wouldn't hold out after B&G. I'm sure I'll be feeling it later.

Chris, no, Jameson doesn't have asthma. At least not officially diagnosed. He's had a few episodes where he's had to use the nebulizer during colds, but not for a few years. His band teacher emailed me and said if he can make it to the practice tonight he can march in the parade. So, that's good. Way to go with Imax!! I'm sure there are lots of people who like it! Maybe I need to try it again sometime. Couldn't you start the Intensity rotation on a different day so that your rest day falls on a Sunday? My DH works nights, so he misses alot of the holiday type stuff, too. Well, mostly New Year's eve and fireworks. It usually works out OK for other holidays. I know what you mean, I've taken the kids to fireworks many times without DH and it is kind of weird. This year he's actually off the 3rd and 4th, so we'll probably all go.

Back to work...

::sigh:: I hate our city inspector. I just hate her. And I knew I would. Why? Because that was the ONE aspect of the house buying that Joe took care of...and I knew it was going to bite my later.

This woman tells us in this report that we have to fix a couple things -- broken windows and some water damage and that's pretty much it. There were two things that we had to do after we got the house. Do paperwork for an after the fact permit that the water heater was moved and to renew a permit from *1992* for this chimney. Well, it turns out the water heater is out of code that I got her to slide on which would have cost me several K to put into code...but now...it wasn't that we just renewed a permit for the chimney. It's so out of code that its going to cost us $20K to fix it. Of course, we both are balking at this and super pissed because we were never told it was OUT OF CODE by the city inspector. We're trying to just make it a nonoperational decorative thing (which btw, is how the listing said it was -- we found out only later that there was a functioning gas line). That will cost us about 2-3K. I'm literally shaking from the shock.

So I did HIS and Burn Intervals and Ab burner in that order. HIS usually picks me up but it really sucked. Didn't have the energy, my HR wasn't going up, and I was shaking a bit too. But I powered through Burn Intervals and finally felt better when I got my heart rate up to 85% of its max. I think whatever metabolic switch that happens there is awesome. In fact, I think I'm addicted to it...Ran late into lab (literally cursing as I walked into the door but that had to do with the fact that my family really feels the need to make everything harder than necessary some times). Trying to be productive...I've been damned upset with myself for being so useless at work. I think, since I don't have a job where certain tasks need to get done per day but large projects, I've just been slumping around for the most part. I used to be super high efficiency lady. But now, lab is sort the only place my mind can chill and home I have so much stuff to do. But we'll see...

4th of July -- Painting, lab, housework. Not exciting in one way but exciting in others. I do like to see the house take shape. I actually like the bigger house projects a lot...its all those chores that have tripled that bog me down that get me when my DH is being a bum. But two days in a row -- no computer game! And he did do chores two days ago but slacked a little last night. We'll see about today.

Vilma -- what kind of countertops are you going to get? We have white corian ones at our place. I actually kinda like the corian ones...

Beth -- ha ha -- I'm trying to get up early!! It'll happen. Just like those ten pounds coming off at one point...so what I meant about the Intensity Series is that I think Cathe losing the pregnancy weight was stuff like the Intensity series, but a lot probably with her own metabolism and discipline. I actually think the Intensity Series from what I have is advanced intermediate to advanced and not everyone can jump right into it and for people who can, I just don't see 10lbs melting off from just doing the workouts if you can start it all from the get go. I think all of Cathe's workout do great to stimulate endurance and strength but I think its only really 1/3 of the picture (where metabolism and discipline and diet are the other 2/3). I say this partly because I know my metabolism has only recently started to pick up whereas other friends I see respond mostly quicker (though some slower). Rambly rambly...but I guess I'm saying that Intensity Series does not necessarily = -10lb.

Chris -- Yeah, I'm on day 15 of TOM now. I have problems with my hormones (and thus my weight at times)...I once had a period that lasted 13 mos. It sucked it sucked it sucked. I really was a shell of who I could be...I'm anemic now without having it as bad and taking iron supplements but then it was WORSE. This is not common...I should only be going on for 9-10 days but I think its petering off and should be done Sat/Sun. If not, straight back to the ob/gyn. But its really important that if I can move during my period, that I do. I hate the way I feel when I have no exercises but there are times where I can't do anything and I'm just in bed all day.

Joanne -- so good to hear that Jameson is ok!! I'm glad that it is "dealable." I'm actually a little glad to be done the Burn month. I have to uber careful about my back since the doc said that I'm experiencing "fatigue" where I'm having the weird sensation. There are some aspects I like, and then there are moments where I wonder, How would Cathe be teaching me? I do think this is a nice primer into heavier lifting though so I hope it preps me for STS. I am planning on getting that (if i can still afford it) at the end of August for Joe's bday. I know its sort of for me too but Joe started CLX but he really doesn't care for Chalene and moans (literally) for Cathe instead though I think his biggest issue is that there are so many lunges and he hates them.

...I don't know how to explain what I'm doing guys but I'm waiting for a gel to polymerize and its taking longer than usual and the only thing I can describe it -- it's akin to watching paint dry...
Hey I'm back. Yes, Kathy, very cool about the all stars -- can't remember if I congratulated you on that. And Chris -- what a report card! Are you really going to buy a laptop then? Was that the deal?

Joanne, good news on Jameson! Did I already say that? I feel in some sort of fog of not being home all day.

Hottie, I think you should talk to someone with some pull in the city -- somehow -- about that chimney. I have a good friend who bought a house that after they were in it and starting to do some work found out about a lot of things that weren't to code. Long story short, they took the previous owners to court and while they didn't get a whole lot of money from them, they got some to help cover some of the costs of bringing things to code at least, so that they could move forward with projects they wanted to do. Now, I know given the situation you are not going to get a penny from the previous owner, but, the judge in my friend's case said the city had huge responsibility in all of it, too. Maybe if you could get someone with some authority to see the situation clearly, you could just do the smaller piece of work to it, and have it non-functional.

That's what I thought you meant on the intensity series comment. Personally, the older I get and the more I workout, the more I realize it's all about disciplined eating habits.....

Ice Age was actually fun -- I didn't even doze off! I sure wanted to doze off later at the pool though! I am pooped now, and have a headache (probably from the popcorn and sitting in the sun!).

Tomorrow I'm going back to the boot camp at the school and the zumba woman will be there again -- can't wait! Oh, 4th plans.... we are going to friends for a bbq and I was going to bring a dish that calls for farro (a grain) and I couldn't find farro anywhere today, so I'm not sure what I'll take. We are so lame about getting the kids to fireworks -- we never really have, if you can believe that. I think we probably cannot skirt it this year. I just hate crowds/traffic.


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