It's Hump Day MELTERS!


:)..Good Morning!

No workout for me today..I could not get back to sleep after the alarm rang, but I also could not face that KB, which was on the schedule for today....

BB in a bit

I'm back!

Hi again,

Just sitting here in the pre-dawn quiet, it's cool and the coffee tastes wonderful!..I should have done some type of workout, but there was a huge dread factor when I thought about doing the KB workout..:(..I know I should have at least done something, but this bod did not want to move today...I think it's the heat.

I have a computer type question for anyone here...does anyone know how to get the posts/screen smaller so that when reading posts, you don't have to scroll back and forth? I can put the thread in "printable version", but you lose all colors, smilies etc. It was not like this on the old forum..

Don't fret about getting up early on's just more time to do wonderful "non-work" stuff! This is from someone who maybe gets 5 hours of sleep a night..and it's interupted sleep at best. The weather around here sucks doesn;'t it? They predicted storms yesterday, but we did not get them until after 7 last night which I was happy about. I hope you were doing bread in a bread maker...unless you have air conditioning!

How are you feeling today? You have sleep apnea? So does my DH but he won;t admit it or get any treatment for it.. needless to say it drives me crazy and is part of why I can;t sleep at night! Is the eliptical you found motorized?

We should be "hair soul mates"...I feel your pain. I have thick, wavy frizzy hair!

Here is a link to a lot of "wavy medium length hair ..I hope it works. I's sure this site has the same for curly ones too. I am trying to find something that works when the humidity sets in.. my hair has been a mess this last month...I agree with Tneah, have you tried just putting in a gel when it is wet, scrunching it and letting it air dry?

There is a great site that has videos etc and wonderful product for curly hair if you want to see how easy it can be.. it's called

I think your idea on getting BIL out sooner is great! Although I would really go to the B&B..for a romantic get away!;)..did you get the clasp to work on the bracelet?

I bet the boys looked really cute in those stripped tops! I hope your DR finds out what is happening with you. Maybe you need to go to bed earlier and get more sleep at night.

DH is on Atkins? oh boy, is he liking it? Did you do CC7? I still have to go over there and buy some of those..I don't think that KB on the boat while it is moving is a good idea!..I can see that dang bell dragging you...I won't go there! DH is a "catch & release" fisherman as fishing is that that what your DH does?

I don;t think you need to worry about that laziness gene!

How cute is that...painting Emma's toenails! Little girls are so much fun..and teens driving are scary! LOL...

Hello to anyone I missed..have to get ready for work...:(

Where is everyone?

...I'm going to have to keep replying to myself to keep us on the first page~...:rolleyes:

Morning all!

Deb - we got the storms yesterday too, but they started here around 3:30 or so. Nope, the bread was by hand. We don't have a breadmaker. We do, however, have air conditioning. To make your screen smaller, you can go down to the bottom right of the screen and you should see a button that says 100% with a magnifying glass next to it. If you click on it, you'll see that you can make the screen 75% and you should be able to see everything that way, though it will be quite small. I do that at work sometimes where I have the old-style monitor. I don't have to at home, where I have a flat screen, which is bigger.

Lainie - I didn't pre-order the new Amy's.

Okay, getting ready to go do my kb (kettlebell, not kickbox) workout. We're supposed to be going to the beach today and the weather forecast is saying it's going to be nice, but it sure doesn't look like it right now!
Good morning, Melties --

My family did our 1 mile walk/run this morning in the rain -- not a downpour, but more than a sprinkle. :) I'll do Low Impact Step with the girls later, and my own workout is legs -- 4DS legs & SH legs, I think.

Deb - enjoy your rest day! That coffee in the quiet sounds really nice.

Shelley -- "Okay, getting ready to go do my kb (kettlebell, not kickbox) workout." DID YOU GET KETTLEBELLS????????

RT'ers -- Happy Packing today!!!!

Hello to everyone else!

Hello everyone :)

I'm super duper sleepy today. It's so dark and rainy out and I'd just give anything to go back to bed. It's funny because I really struggle with sleepiness on the days I don't workout before work. But it's SO hard to get up to workout lately--I'm just beyond exhausted when that alarm goes off. It actually makes me physically sick some days to get up at 4:30am. I just couldn't do it this morning--I couldn't get up early. No way, Jose. So now I'm torn because I don't think I want to go buy and pickup that elliptical this afternoon because it will mean missing my workout for the day. And I really shouldn't be spending the money. I'm totally babbling right now. Sorry.

I'll try and wake up a little more and then I'll come back. I'm so tired right now that I have no idea what I'm typing.....
Good morning, everyone!

Deb - thanks for the website - I'll check it out. Smart you, taking a rest day when your body clearly tells you to do it! I'll bet you feel much better! Does your "KB" mean kettlebells or kickboxing? I really don't like kickboxing at all and go to great lengths to avoid it. :D

Shelley - Yeeha! Another pretty day for your vacation! I hope the weather guys are right!

Kristi - you're doing TWO leg workouts back to back? Owie!!! I do like to work my legs hard though, since I have to focus more on endurance at home, instead of the strength you can get at a gym. Did that make sense? :rolleyes:

Guess what??? I got a job interview, and it's TODAY after work! When I walked in the house yesterday, my answering machine was recording a call. It was the director of the place I applied to, wanting to schedule an interview. So I grabbed the phone, and we got everything worked out.

I've managed to injure myself again. I've had this problem before - some sort of sprain or tendonitis on that big tendon at the back of the thumb, where it goes down the hand to the wrist. It hurts like the dickens. It hurt all dang night, despite ibuprofen and ice. This too shall pass... eventually.
Allie -- "Wakey, wakey!!" (remember to read it with screechy "Mom" voice);)

Shannon -- YEA on the interview! GOOD LUCK!!! :D I'm sorry about your hand; sounds like you know how to take care of it. I'm doing two legs today b/c that's what my rotation calls for; I'm just very good at following directions. :eek:
Good morning, ladies!

ETA: I'm back to edit since a few folks posted while I was first typing this up!

How did everyone sleep last night? Seems like we've all been tired lately! I got up at 5:00 again this morning, but couldn't fall asleep last night. Nerves!

I'm so excited! :eek: Last night, DH told me that he really wants to do some re-arranging of rooms next week so that I have more space to work out. Right now, our office is the largest spare bedroom we have, and it has our two desks in it, but DH never uses his since he has a laptop. So I think we're going to move one desk out, and then I'll have that room as my office and workout space. (He also wants to start up with the kettlebell workouts, so he'll be able to use the space, too.) Woo hoo! Of course, it'll mean some serious cleaning out of stuff next week and is probably a two-day project, but it'll be so nice to not have to knock into things when I work out. The space I have now is reeeeaaaallly tiny. I'll have to post some photos of the before and after! :D

So does anyone know if the closing date on the STS pre-sale means that STS itself will be out soon??? I haven't been around the pre-sales long enough to know how to read that . . . .

Deb -- Sounds like you needed a rest day today, so I'm glad you took one! Overall, though, are you liking your new KB? Sounds like a peaceful morning with the coffee! I have to do the scrolling thing, too, and am not sure if we can make the screen smaller. Maybe someone else will know! I've been rating our post since that also seems to keep us on the first page!;) Yes, I got the clasp to work on the bracelet! Thanks for asking! You know, at this point, I think we really might escape to the B&B!

Shelley -- WTG on breaking your PR yesterday! You really are a cheetah, babe! Oh, I hope that nice weather pulls through for you today! Those rolls you made yesterday sound heavenly. Did Sophie get all her school supplies last weekend at Target? When does she start up again? Hooray for your Ott light!! What an awesome price on it, too. Have you been able to do any scrapbooking lately? I'd loooooove to see photos of some pages!

Lainie -- Thanks so much for offering to bring liquids in the car for me, but I think I should be good! Now you were supposed to have gotten to bed early last night, chica. No wonder you're so tired! (I hope you don't mind me lecturing you!) I ordered both of Amy's new workouts. Have you watched the clips on her website yet?

Kristi -- So who is the morning one -- Katie or Haleigh? The starfish story you posted gave me chills! I've read it before, but had forgotten about it; it's such a wonderful example of how individuals can make a difference. And please don't worry at all about thinking that you're bragging! It does NOT come across that way at all. Just the goodness of your spirit shows through! Thank you sooo much, too, for posting all the little RT tidbits! I can't even begin to tell you how helpful they've been!!! What a fun way to start the day with that run!

Allie -- So can you share your news with us, sweetie? You know we love you and are so excited for any new changes in your life! Sorry you got lousy sleep. I know what you mean about how tiredness can make you physically sick. Now listen, the elliptical is something you would use a lot and that you've been thinking about for awhile, right?? It sounds like you got the seller to give you a great price on it -- so go get it today and don't worry about missing your workout!! You will get so much use out of it!

Tneah -- Hey, sugar! Lainie mentioned those seasickness bracelets that go on your wrist pressure points, and they really work for me! I've used mine a few times on cruises, and they help. WTG on not eating the wine and pita chips yesterday!

Peggie -- Ug -- your day yesterday sounds so loooooong! Sorry that the semen-hunting was such a drag. I'm so glad that you like the Coach's oatmeal!! Isn't it the best?? I've been eating it everyday for breakfast, even though it's so hot out! Have fun with Anthony today in Newport! Kara and I both *heart* him!

Shannon -- How is work going so far? Are things better with your co-worker? Hope so! Did you end up actually ordering any new plants yesterday? Sorry about your thumb, but CONGRATULATIONS ON THE JOB INTERVIEW! That is so fantastic! We'll be sending you positive vibes, and make sure you keep us posted, OK???

Kara -- How did the haircut go yesterday? Do you like your new pixie? You've seriously got me thinking about not growing mine out a bit longer . . . .

BreckGirl -- Where were you yesterday? Are you OK? Did you start your program? Let us know how you!!

Sending Robin positive kayaking vibes . . . .
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Just wanted to pop in and say "hi" to let ya'll know I'm awake and stuff. I've been awake for an hour--but that means I slept until 8 am. I can't believe the boys let me sleep so long, but I guess they were sleeping in, too. I didn't sleep well, though, woke up a lot.

Anyway, I'm having breakfast now (waiting for egg beater to cook) and then I'll let that settle before my workout--4DS Double Cardio, Leanne! When will you be doing it today?

OK, gotta run. BBL.
Hey Lainie -- I just posted something for you on the RT check-in about our workout today! I was thinking about starting it around 10:00 or so my time, but I can do it earlier or a bit later. What do you think?? How fun to do it "together"!! :p
Leanne, I could do 10 your time--that would be 1 my time, right? I'll just go to the post office this morning and get that out of the way, and make sure I feed the kids lunch before then. Cool.
Ok, so should I get this stinkin' elliptical or not?!?! I'm so torn. What if I don't use it? :eek: By going and getting it tonight I'm going to miss my workout for today too. :( Is it worth the $110 and the long-arse drive to pick it up and bring it home? This is what it looks like:

ETA: I just got an email from the guy selling it and he said that it's "self-propelling but does have the option of a walker that is motorized". WTH does that mean? I had figured it would be electric. Aren't all ellipticals? Shannon---I need your advice! You're the ellipticizing CC Queen!
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Allie - we must have been posting at the same time earlier. Are you awake yet? Kristi's screeching would wake the dead. :D Yes, yes, buy the elliptical!! Have you tested it? Is it comfortable? There are so many different kinds that I couldn't advise on whether the style and model are good. What do you think?

Leanne - That's great news about the workout room! YAY!!! I love rearranging furniture and stuff. With you an DH working together, you'll have a blast! Yes, the co-worker situation is better. No, I didn't order any plants - I'd rather buy them locally. And thank you for the positive vibes!

Lanie - 8 a.m.! Wow! Do you feel more rested?
Good morning everyone.

Deb - I don't know if you read my post last night. It was kind of late. On Lauren's KB DVD, there is a warm-up. When you click on the workouts, it is the first thing and is called Joint Mobility. That is the warm up and it is really good.

Shelley - WTG on the PR.

Leanne - I am getting nervous. I have to be at the airport around 6:15 a.m. I am hoping I can just carry on my bag, but I am still not sure. I will have to wait until I get there.

Kara - I will text you when I find out if I have to check my bag. That way, if I do, you can come to the baggage claim. My flight getting into Philly is NW flight #1868. It gets in at 1:45 p.m. I think when I leave on Sunday, I will just check my bag then. It will be easier than dragging it through the airport.

Tneah - Hey, how are you this morning.

Allison - What up with you. What news? I must have missed something.

Kristi - WTG on the walk this morning. I think I will try Newport today for the first time. I do need to go to Wal-Mart and buy my shower stuff. Baby wipes.

Lainie - Excited to meet you this weekend. I wish you weren't so tired. Maybe you will get more energized as the day goes on.

Shannon- That sucks about the thumb, but Good Luck with the interview. Good for you.

Hi to everyone I missed. BBL
Morning All!:p

Kristi, I hope you read my post from last night...I really meant everything I said about your wonderful charity and stuff...((hugs))oh, and I will email you from this site today!Double legs??Yowza woman, especially those workouts, but I suppose doing GS Legs and B&G together would be even crazier!:confused:

Deb, Morning love, yep, my DH hurts those poor fish with a hook in the mouth then lets them go right away. He says it doesn't hurt their mouths, but uh, why wouldn't it? The poor things, its cool, the back of our boat looks over the harbor and there is tons of mackerel swimming around at night, you can actually see them!

Shelley, have fun with your workout, you will be feeling it tomorrow for sure! I am so happy you are enjoying your little vacation, any news on the job front--meaning Chris??

Allison, get the elliptical, its a great price, you will use it with your CC for sure, and you cannot run everyday right? Or do Cathe everyday, well, we all can, but you know what I mean? Missing one workout certainly isn't going to do you any harm!

Shannon, I actually do not like kickbox anymore either for some reason. Since my hip operation, I have lost my kicking style for some reason, and now look like a total dorkster doing kickbox! Yipeee!!! I am excited for your new job prospect, if it is meant to happen it will, you have laid the foundation and "put it out there" so let the Universe take care of the rest right? ;)

Leanne, yep, we have those little arm bands and they do work, I managed to put them on while I was wobbling around the boat. Wow, I am so embarassed by my lack of sea-legs and sea-tummy!:eek: Yeah for your new workout space!! I am so happy for you, plus I really think DH will love to kettlebell, I can totally see how guys would be drawn to this workout, I adore them so much, I want to do them instead of weight training!:eek:

Lainie, sounds like you got a bit more sleep, good for you, and good little munchkins that let you sleep in!

Pegster, missed you yesterday while you were out on your "Semen Hunt" like Leanne said, but as Lainie told you, we did have alot of fun saying "semen" yesterday!:D

BG, where are thou oh fitness queen??

Hugs and hello's to our nature girl Robin today, we miss ya!

Today's workout is an itrain and the Squeeze workout. Since I am doing a kettlebell week, I am skipping the weights, I swear those kettlebell workouts work every single inch of your body, I am feeling yesterday's workout even as I sit here...bbl ladies..
Allie - No, all ellpticals are not electric. Mine isn't! Mine uses what is called magnetic resistance. Don't ask me what that is... there's some sort of belt in that big back casing, and when you adjust the resistance, it gets tighter, I think. Anyhow... mine does require batteries for the console, where you adjust the resistance and get all your readings.
Hey ladies!

Just got done putting all my workout clothes for the weekend into ziplock bags. I'm thinking of just doing two outfits total for Saturday -- one for the morning classes, and one for the post-lunch class. I know Kristi said that she changed between morning classes, but I'm not sure if I'll have room for more stuff! How many pairs of sneakers are you gals bringing? Should I bring two pairs???

Anyone else want to join Lainie and me to do 4DS Double Cardio at 1:00 EST? :)

Allie -- I don't know anything about ellipticals, but I'm sure that you'd use it! Can you at least go try it out today and see how it feels? And don't worry about missing your workout if you do go -- just skip your rest day this week!

Tneah -- Glad those bracelets work. Are you going to be OK with the seasickness once the new boat arrives? Will you be taking it out really far every day? Aren't the KB workouts fantastic?? Like you said, they work every inch of you, and I really always feel it in my core! Do you want to join Lainie and me for cardio today? :)

Lainie -- Hooray! It's a date for 10:00 this morning! How cool that we'll be working out at the same time! Fun, fun!!:p

Peggie -- Let us know how you like Newport! It kicks butt! Kara said that the three of us can share a ride back to the airport on Sunday! Cool! I'm so nervous, too!

Shannon -- Glad things are better with the co-worker, and how fun that you'll be able to plan a plant-shopping trip!
Okay, now to do a proper post... I just wanted to get Allie's reply in there really quick in case she was reading. For some reason, I keep missing Allie's this morning!

Peggie - deep breath. It'll be okay. Have fun on the RT!

Tneah - yep, the Universe will take care of the rest. :D It usually does! So, you're a kettlebell convert, huh? They must be really good to drag you away from weights! Hey, maybe if you take the boat out to sea more often, you'll get your "sea legs" or whatever and won't be seasick anymore! :confused: Does this guy look like he's about ready to hurl?

I just previewed Amy B's ASC III. It looks like fun - I preordered it a while back, so hopefully it'll be here soon! As for Rumble... boooooring! Of course, it's another kickboxing routine, so I'm not touching it! :eek:

And now I'm back to edit, since Leanne was posting at the same time...

Leanne - I can't imagine the logistics of packing enough workout clothes for all those workouts. I don't have enough! I had enough trouble when I went to visit Shelley. As for shoes... just one pair of workout shoes should do it, I would think. Have fun!
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Ok, I'm not getting the elliptical. I just can't manage it right now. Plus I don't think I have the room for it in my apt., anyway. :( Oh well.

I'm trying to fit in so much stuff tonight and I'm stressing out so badly. My sister just emailed me and said she's coming home from Boston tonight for a few nights and now I have to see her. But Jim and I are house sitting this week and he was going to make dinner. But my sister is going to help me with a project for school and stuff so I need to see her but tonight is already jam packed full of stuff. And I completely forgot that I promised my other sister that I'd watch her 5 year old daughter this weekend while she and her DH are away. UGH! Why do I commit to things I can't stay committed to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my upper body is so sore from PUB yesterday I can barely move. My shoulders and neck hurt so badly I can't touch them or even turn my head. I don't think that's good.....

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