Hardcore Fitness Maniacs - Mon 3-1


Morning Maniacs -

Ugh...morning shift most of the week...after all nights last week. The life of retail! I was NOT motivated this AM, but I did Kelly Coffey's Muscle Definition 2 with my own warmup and a double stretch. Workout was 55" and I burned 379 calories. I sparked with a teensy bit of cardio....Glided to one rock song before I stretched. I should have gone longer, but had to get ready for work.

I got some news from my manager at work the other day. Maybe I shouldn't be sharing until it transpires, as I never really believe things before they happen, but my manager tells me that she and the store manager had a conversation about me the other day. They are giving me the choice to promote into handbags (as it is a promotional dept - which I have no desire to do) or to stay in fragrance and be made Counter Manager and also take over the Clarins Counter at the same time.

If you're not familiar with Clarins, it is a French Botanical line that is more focused on skin care than colour. At first, I was really nervous and not sure if I could do it, but the more I think about it --this is exactly what I've wished for, as I really love fragrance and wasn't sure I wanted to leave fragrance to promote to another cosmetic counter and give up fragrance all together.

This is sort of the best of both worlds (if I can learn it and do it - as it will be a lot more pressure/sales, etc). I can still sell fragrance (my passion) and also do make up and facials and sell skin care and make up (my other passion). Since I've sold Arbonne before (and it was a botanical line) - I think this is right up my ally. I usually approach my job with the same intensity that I approach my workouts......so I should be okay, right? I'm scared......and excited....but I won't believe it until it actually transpires, as talk is cheap....so we shall see!

Have great workouts everyone.........and thanks for listening to my ramblings.

(ETA - oh...of course - there is no raise with this unless I make my numbers at my next review in June....but it gives me a chance to sell more with the added line)
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No workouts for me this weekend. I have a rather pesky GI bug that is making life rather difficult at the moment.

Lora-that does seem like a double edged sword with more sales pressure but a "promotion". It doesn't sound like a bad opprtunity and I guess you won't know whether it works or not unless you give it a try. Good luck no matter what you decide. I hope the best for you. :D

Also, as a side note, I am rather unmotivated to work out lately. I don't know what's going on b/c usually I can talk myself into working out and feel better after I do, but lately I am soooo blah :confused: I saw the March rotation that Cathe made, and it seems to mix it up a bit, I don't know if that's what I need or not. My key issues are the same issues that have been with me which is an overall need to reduce body fat and lose some weight. the stuff I gave up for Lent is making a difference b/c I lost 1.5# last week, but I know I would be doing so much better w/ more butt-kickin' workouts. Sorry for my vent

Ahhhh, it was so nice sleeping in this morning. Loved it!!!

Lora - I say if that promotion is offered, take it. It will only look good on your resume, raise nor not raise. Good luck!

Theresa - I wish I could help you with you motivation. Are you still working with Olysea? Not sure I spelled her name right.
Debbie-Yay for sleeping in :rolleyes: I am not working w/ O at the moment, it was getting a little expensive and now that we owe the government money, I will continue to fly solo for some time. I don't know what the deal is lately, I just have NO mojo. I think I am just going to do whatever I want for 2 weeks and then get on a plan.

I got a new book over the weekend called Power Eating that deals w/ everything from supplements to cutting diets. It is very informative and very easy to use. She does not really restrict what you can and cannot eat, but helps you figure out how many macros are generally in certain foods and helps you come up w/ an eating plan. It is not that far off from O, it is just up to me how and when I want to eat.

My workout is done. I need to go wash the car and pick up some groceries. Hopefully I can get grapefruit. They were out at Target when I went there last.
Workout was STS disc 16 chest, shoulders, and triceps 64 minutes and I burned 346 calories, then I did Gym Style Calves and Tibialis Toe pulls twice using 20 and 25# dumbbells for the calves 14 minutes and 69 calories.
I followed with Kelly Coffey's 30 minutes to Fitness Cardio Blas Plyo Blast Mix 41 minutes and burned 365 calories Max HR was 158. I still felt I needed a stretch so did Tracey's Yoga Solutions post cardio which is really a leg and hip stretch and added some rolling on the back and shoulder area.
Total calories burned was 816. Wanted to keep this under 2 hrs but adding the extra stretch made it 2 hr 14 minutes. I will be running out the door in the mornings the rest of the week so will probably have shorter workouts anyway
Lora, getting a promotion sounds like a good thing. It seems like something that you would enjoy as much as you love makeup. Good luck with it.

Theresa, sorry you have a GI bug. That probabaly does not help motivation. Good job with the weight loss;)

Debbie, it is so nice to be able to sleep in. Emjoy your recovery time, I know you will be back hard at it soon enough:)
Hey maniacs! Just dropping in to say hello. Hope things are well with all of you! Things are going well here. Still bulking....2 more weeks before I start to cut. Looking forward to this as I would like to be able to fit more comfortably in my jeans! :p I have gained 8 lbs (pre-contest) which I know the majority is muscle. Anxious to start "unwrapping" to see just how much! Olesya will have me doing giant sets on my next training plan.

Diane Sue....love the new avi. Checked out your pics! You look GREAT!
Theresa...trust me we all get in a funk and struggle with motivation issues at times!
Debbie....nothing better than sleeping in....one of my favorite things to do!!!!!!
Lora....good luck with your job situation.
diane sue-nice workout as usual :D

Sonya-wow :eek: it sounds like the bulking plan is going well. I'm sure you will look amazing. When is your next contest? How are the legs looking?
Still sticking it out with Insanity. Today was the Fit Test which was nice as there is at least a minutes rest between each "test". So it seemed a little easier, but by no means easy. I also managed to increase my numbers on all the test, not by much though!
Sonya, thanks on the avi:D It sounds like you packed on some good size. Can't wait to see the end result. I bet it will be fun doing the cutting and seeing your results show.

Linda, good job on your Fit test and increasing the results.
Diane Sue - did you do a rotation with STS and what kind of results did you get? I've been toying with the idea of trying a rotation.....and was waiting for the cardio to get here.....and now i have both...but not sure I want to commit. Also, if you did a rotation, did you enjoy it? get bored? or sub anything?

Re: the Job -- well it looks like the Clarins counter is mine. I got thrown into it today with presale goals and all and my manager can't answer any of my questions.....JOY! I already have an event scheduled to do facials and makeup....guess I better get crackin' on brushing up with my skills and learning the nine zillion products in the line. Yikes....I have NO self confidence! I wish I did...but I've always been this way.
Hi everyone!

Lora, hope the official word on that promotion comes soon! It sounds like a good move. Personally, I wouldn't be able to stand the stress of sales, but you've been at it for a while, so I'm sure you're good at it, and if you've got another line to sell, then you've got more clientele!

Theresa, hope you feel better soon. Sorry you owe the govt money; I probably will too. I do every year. Something with having more than one job, I think. I now have more money coming out of one of my checks, though, so I hope it's not as bad as it has been in the past. =(

Well, I went to yoga class today. I also got a new pair of workout shoes, yay. There wasn't much of a selection at all; there were rykas, which the guy said he didn't think were that great, then asics, so I got asics. =)
Lora, I did two STS rotation doing the whole series. The first time I did the heavy legs in meso 3 then added a couple of extra weeks mixing in the plyo legs. The second time through I did Plyo legs and incorporated more Bowflex for the upper. I have used some of them off and on. The second time through I was starting to get a little tired of it. This is a great workout series though. I did get results. This time I am doing 2 weeks of each mesocycle so it will bring me to the week I leave on vacation. I am also trying to do one extra day of circuit or some other weighted workout sometime during that week. I don't think I would be able to mush myself through the whole 3 mesocycles again for awhile. I am able to lift a little heavier this time through than the last time:D

Hermia, I usually order my shoe at Zappos.com . They are fast and returns are easy if the shoe isn't right. I like Brooks shoes a lot. I just got a pair of Ryka Assist XT Crosstrainers which are nice. I really like them. I also purchased some Nike Moto 7 Running shoes for the treadmill
I have only worn them twice. I think there is not enough padding under the front of my foot. I think most of these companies have some shoes that are made much better than some others they carry. You just have to find what is right for your foot. I read all of the reviews on the shoes at Zappos before I choose a shoe.

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