Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 4/13

Today was total body and I did Muscle Max. Still a little tension in the neck/shoulder area but did well with this workout. Went ridiculously light with the weights but broke a good sweat. I love this workout, it's been a long time since I've done it. Was able to even do the ab section as well. :D
Debbie-glad you didn't have too many hang-ups this a.m. I think light is better when you are coming back from some down time anyway :)

Yesterday I did total body using meso1 upper body and meso2 legs. I did 3 rounds of CSB, 4 rounds of BT, and 1 triset leg. I finished w/ 15 min of Walking Stronger. I didn't wear a hr monitor b/c I barely had to mojo to workout. Yesterday was a very mentally exhausting day, but hopefully things are lookin' up :)
Theresa - Wow - it sounds like you got quite the work out in today!! I'm impressed.

Debbie - I did Muscle Max today also ;) and I LOVE that work out as well. This is going to be a great rotation, although I might have to switch days as I have more time on Mon, Wed, Fri for strength training and circuit workouts. I always have to pause to change weights, etc.

I feel pretty good this morning, although I did not do well with eating yesterday. I ate an entire bag of Doritos for dinner last night - argh :mad:

Have a great day everyone!!!

Cheryl-glad you are liking Debbie's rotation. I may start that next time, it looks great :) don't sweat the doritos, just start again today :) But I understand your frustration completely w/ the food.

Fighting some kind of virus again! It's not too bad yet! Arm is sore from the shot still. Did however mange to do Hiit 30/30.
Good Morning ~

Shoulders and cardio today. I am (and have been) in something of a funk myself. Just sort of "stuck." Getting done what I really need to -- work, being a mom (and all that implies), basic maintenance chores -- but that's it. I could manage my time better and stick to a more rigid schedule if I were really motivated -- but that's not happening either :mad: Studying has been ... well, non-existent. Working out helps (grateful I'm still doing that). It gives me better energy and focus, at least for awhile, but underneath that, I always feel so tired. I've put off having a sleep study done. Maybe I'm going to have to just do it. I've had this bizarre insomnia thing for years now. Thought maybe I'd just adapted to it but maybe it's taking its toll. I'm thinking about writing out a list/schedule for the next several days, and if I can follow it, I will reward myself with some kb dvd's. Maybe that would be enough just to help me shift my course a little. I wonder if that sounds silly? or kind of childish? Self-bribery. Here's the thing though: sometimes when I'm not doing what I think I should be and get in a slump, I also get mad at myself. When I'm kicking myself, that's where my energy goes - towards that - and I don't have much left over to take action and do something different. So, I keep myself stuck. Brilliant, huh? :confused: I dunno. Mulling it over. Hope it's ok I shared this with you guys. It's just that addage: nothing changes if nothing changes or, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results (that's Einstein's definition of insanity -- different than the workout, for sure). That would be me lately. Joining this check-in was a good step for me. My work makes it easy to isolate and not really connect with other "grown ups." I hope I don't sound whiney. I just need to do some things different and am having a hard time getting motivated. I can have the tendancy to stay with something because it's familiar, even if it's not working so well. Some of you guys are facing some frustration about different issues. If nothing else, I wanted to let you know you aren't alone :) .

Anyway, hope you all have a great day!

Linda-sorry you are getting sick AGAIN :( good work on the cardio. I hope the injection helps the shoulder.

Lori-I'm sorry you are in a funk right now. First, I would say that lack of sleep does tend to make EVERYTHING more daunting. Second, I would not say that rewarding yourself is self-bribery, but more like treating yourself :) (which I am all about btw). Also, a change may be just what you need to kick start things back in to gear. I was feeling that way about 2 months ago, and I realize now I was overtraining. I am trying to find a happy balance of challenging myself but also pampering myself. My rotation is scheduled for 6 days, but I may go to a 5 day a week schedule soon. And vent away, that is what this forum is for. Hope it gets better soon :)

For my workout this morning I started with the warm up of Step Moves then I did M&F Mens magazine tabata workout 2 which was legs and calves then I finished with the first two combos of Step Moves and the stretch. That is all I had time for. Workout was 71 minutes and I burned 441 calories. My HR got up to 142 with the Tabata workout and 146 with Step Moves.
I ordered the Polar FT60 HR monitor in purple
This one has the VO 2 max feature and a lot of other features as well as being able t change the batteries. It also works with your computer if you buy the flow link.I wasted so much time this morning hunting for the piece that hooks my leg extension attachment to my Bowflex.
The Tabata workout took 40 minutes. I took 3 min breaks after most of the exercises.
all sets 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest repeat 8 times then rest 2-3 min
squats- 35# dumbbells( I figured it would be harder to put down a heavy barbell and pick it back up in those 10 second rests
Bowflex leg press- 310 #
Bowflex leg extensions 160#(these were killer my legs were on fire)
Bowflex Leg curls 1 set at 60# 7 sets at 80#
Standing calf raises 25# dumbbells (these were hard on my foot aso I didn't go real heavy)
Seated calf raise 85# barbell
Good morning ladies! Well, morning for me, but it sounds like the rest of you are well into your days and getting some great workouts in! No workout yet for me, but I'm planning on yoga class later. Last night I did one of my new birthday dvds, Gin Miller's Simply Interval. It was later than I like to do my workouts and therefore I didn't have much mental energy for trying new choreo, which is good because it's very easy choreo-wise, but when I got to combo seven, I discovered that one was a little trickier, involving turning to the side, and I just didn't feel up to thinking about it, so I stopped the dvd there and did the second abs section from Amy's Abs and Stretch.

Linda, I hope things can get fixed up for you without surgery!

Lori, I totally agree with what Theresa said above. Also, I do the same thing with getting mad at myself and diverting a lot of energy to that. For me, it's mostly when it comes to finishing bigger projects, like my dissertation and my current cross-stitch project. I think it comes from having a *lot* of things on your plate, and I've also wondered before if it might come from expecting too much of ourselves; there's only so many hours in the day, afterall. It's so hard to balance everything. To respond to your question from the other day, yes, I do have MTV Yoga and also MTV Power Yoga. I like them both a lot. The regular yoga one I've done the most. It seems to me well-rounded and somewhat similar to the yoga classes I take, it's just that they don't hold things for as long as they tend to in classes. Of course, it's only about a 40/45 min workout and classes are around 90 min. It has a great soundtrack, too, IMHO.
Theresa - Nice workout yesterday, I like that combo. Very cool!

Cheryl - I usually go into my workout room the night before and set up my weights and step. That way I'm pretty ready for at least the first few exercises and that saves me a lot of time. MM is a great workout!

Linda - Akkkk on the virus again!!! Geez, I sure hope you don't get it bad again. That's terrible. :) I'm still fighting my sinus infection but at least it's not as bad as it was a month ago.

Lori - You defninitely don't sound whiney. I think we all need structure to some point. That's why I'm constantly following a rotation. If not, I'm lost. Just give yourself a break. Have you tried any sleep meds to help you sleep? That has to be aweful to not be able to sleep. I just told one of my friends here at work that I slept like the dead last night. When my alarm clock went off it felt like I had just laid down. I've always been blessed with good sleeping patterns. I hope they continue. If not, I'll get a lot of reading done! LOL!

Diane Sue - I'm trying to remember when I did Tabata but I don't think my calorie burns were all that high either. Do you like it so far?

Hermia - I hate learning new chore, it is just annoying to me! LOL!!! But then it's fun when you catch on and finally get it. Nice workout!
Shoulder workout done. Also did calves. I'm waiting for a phone call and don't want to be in the middle of cardio when it comes, so ...

Theresa - Thank you so much. I've actually wondered about over-training. Think I tend to use working out as a way to plug in - recharge and get centered. But like you said, there's a balance. There can be a fine line between where exercise revitalizes vs drains your energy, I suppose. Sometimes I miss the obvious because I don't particularly WANT to see it :eek: . Appreciate your thoughts and support though - very much. Also, I really like the way you pulled STS together into a full body workout. Looked really good :D !

Debbie - Glad Muscle Max went well today. Like I said, that one was my introduction to Cathe. I think I have it on my calendar in a couple days. I agree about the structure. I've been lucky in many ways to have a flexible work schedule so I can adjust my time around my son, but it can have its drawbacks, too. I work a lot of hours over the weekends and evenings -- and then I fit in 2 - 5 hour chunks during the day. Just start to feel scattered. I've tried sleep meds and have a really bad reaction to them. I sleepwalk :confused: That just gets a little too wierd (and scary) for me. But, I've had a DR (more than once) suggest a sleep study. I don't know ... I just didn't want to bother with it. I may need to re-think that attitude.

Hermia - I think I just have the regular MTV yoga. I like the soundtrack, too. Wow on the 90 minute classes! Thanks for taking time to respond to my post :) . Yah, balance is tricky. I know I'm not alone in my struggles with it. Most of the problem is likely in how I'm thinking about things and I really just need to re-evaluate and be willing to try some diffent approaches to how I THINK I have to do things. I have a list of "home improvement" projects that just keeps getting longer - and a bunch great, creative ideas :rolleyes: . But I never seem to get to them. My expectations might be unrealistic. You're right. My time management skills could maybe use some work too, though :eek: . I didn't realize you were working on a dissertation. That alone can leave one's plate pretty full. Good luck!

Cheryl - Glad you feel ok today. I've been there. For Easter "dinner", I must have eaten almost half a jar of peanut butter :eek: :eek: !!! I felt kinda ugghh for a couple days after that. Hope you don't beat yourself up over it -- !!! In my experience, that doesn't work. Be good to yourself today (take my advice, I'm not using it ;) ) !!

Linda - Geeez. You've had a rough go lately. Hope whatever it is passes and you don't get sick :) . 30/30 on top of it all is no easy feat. Keeping you in my best thoughts.

Diane Sue - Great workout. Looked tough! The heart rate monitor sounds really cool. Hope you have a great day :D

Lora - Hope you had a good day!

Ok. Back to work for me. I will make myself a "schedule" tonight ;) .

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