Hardcore fitness mainiacs Fri the 20th


Morining chickiess..
Are we all sleeping??
I am just getting ready to go down..
I did disk 8 last night.. I really bumped up the weight from last week. I pushed me to the can barely do the last 2 reps..

This morning it is cardio.
I got yelled at last night because he made salads and i went to work out.
I don't see him caring when he is working,,.
Tomorrow is LEGS.,..
Oh i hate legs...
Have great days everyone..
Hi Anne and Roselyn! I love the ab work in B&G. :)

I did ME upper body premix today- I have been doing so much heavy lifting since December that I kinda forgot how many stinking reps she does in an endurance workout. I about threw up after the biceps. Wow. It was weird to use lighter weights but I had to in order to get through the sets- still a good burn. Change is good and this rotation has been fun- legs twice a week and upper body twice a week. I also did TS's High Intensity Kickbox Challenge- just the 35 minute kickbox routine. Good stuff.

Have a great day everyone!
I finished my workout and am still waiting for my grandbaby to get here. I did STS disc 9 legs. Upped some of the weights. I was so stiff when I was done. Did Low Impact Circuit Cardio Blast premix. That loosened me up some. I finished with STS extended stretch and Tracey Staehle's Yoga Solutions post lower body weights stretch which really helped. It helped the low back too that has been bothering me more with all of these deadlifts. I spent a lot of time adjusting weights today. The workout took me 20 minutes longer than it was supposed to be. Usually I can get these with just 10 minutes of pauses. Thought I had everything set. THe worksheets don't always say dumbbell when you need one and I do wish they said whether it was a dumbbell or two dumbbells. I noticed the user guide has the dumbbel listed on some of the exercises that are not mentioned on the worksheets. Reps throw me off sometimes too. Like calf raises, the dvd says 40 and I counted 40. THe workout card says 16?? I burned 408 calories on STS legs, 382 calories on LIC cardio blast. Total calories with yoga and stretching was 903.

Anne, you are in for a treat with disc 9legs:p

Patti, I forgot to mention that I bought the Reebok 2# wrist weights at Target last week. I took them back because they barely fit around my wrists so the velcro could touch. Maybe they were made wrong ot something. I don't think my wrists are that big.
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Morning Maniacs! TGIF!!!!!!!!! Loves me a Friday!!!!!!

Getting ready to do Cardio Coach #5. Should be fun! :cool:

Need to clean up the land mines in the yard later. Carma have left a ton of em....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Morning Ladies.

This morn,;) I did Lowmax, I did not feel like doing anything, I had to push myself. On my home called PIAS letting him know, the weather was just to bad to drive the distances :eek: To make a long story short he sold kettlebells:eek:. Its okay;) you gotta do what you gotta do. I did a search this morning and I found these.

Let me know what you think:rolleyes: before I order them today:cool:


These are the cheapest I seen

We have two threads going on!
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Teddy, I have heard that a lot of people like the Muscle Driver kettlebells. I believe the black ones have thicker handles. The troy ones are a good price. How is the shipping charges??
Today's meals are like this (so far;))
post workout-2 of those chocolate cookies from clean eating magazine
b-Muscle chow clean fried eggs(this is a dumb recipe just fried egss and egg whites) I ate half the amount of eggs with the two pieces of ezekial bread. So 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites and I added some onion for flavor
l- left over Muscle Chow Grilled Apricot chicken skewers
d- Muscle Chow Loaded Spinach salad( I need to use these blueberries and went and purchased more asparagus yesterday. Love this with the salmon:D Last two chocolate clean eating cookies(probably will hold off making these for awhile. Everyone loved them but they are calling to me:eek:)
s-? probably will have some Twinlab PM protein powder in a shake before bed

Disc 9 went like this(feeling it already)
squat lunge sequence 8/4 no weight
1 leg sit N slide with paper plate and dumbbell 20# 15 reps
lateral step ups dumbbell 25# 15 reps
deadlifts wide stance dumbbells 31's 15 reps
side lunge onto 6 in step dumbbell 21# 15 reps(watching lateral moves on knee)
45# lunge same leg dumbbells 21# 15 reps left then right
front squats narrow stance dumbbells 31's 15 reps
static low end lunge same leg 3/1 count dumbbells 26's 15reps l then r
plie squats alternating hand dumbbell 36# 24 reps
deadlifts wide stance dumbbells 35's 15 reps
1 leg slide back lunge with paper plate dumbbells 20's 16 reps
side slide lunge with paper plate dumbbell 25# 16 reps l then r
front lunge same leg dumbbells 26's 15 reps
squats dumbbells 36's 15 reps
calf raises dumbbells 36's 40 reps
leg press high step dumbbell 26# 15 reps l then r
stiff legged deadlift on platform dumbbells 31's 15 reps
wal squats double leg(says body weight?) dumbbells 16's 8 reps
1 leg deadlift toe elevated 3/1 count dumbbell 27# 12 reps l then r
leg raises 5# ankle weights (says 24) 2 different exercises are used at 24 reps each
outer thigh 5# ankle weights says 24 reps (then there are16reps kickouts)
hamstring and glute work with plate alternating legs no weight
hamstring and glute work with plates both no weight
adductor glide ins with plates no wieght
adductor/hamstring glide ins plates no weight
glute presses I held a 20# dumbbell over hips 24 reps and hold

Diane Sue if you are feeling it i am going to die..
Think i will save it for tomorrow after work.. So i can not die tomorrow..
Diane: Awesome Leg work!:) I ordered from Muscle Driver :) Even tho, Troy's is cheaper. Shipping was not bad either, only $14.13 for both. Not bad, huh:) And here I thought MD was going to go deep into my pockets.

I am going to order again would like to have 2/20's and 2/15's. But, need to save some money :confused::D I've been shopping to much:eek:
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Anne, even my quads are sore. It has just been hamstrings and glutes till this time. I laid down this morning with a book for a bit and boy did I notice my legs when I stood up.

Teddy, that is not bad for shipping. I paid somewhere around that for my 35# GoFIT on shipping from Amazon. Cost me over 70 dollars with shipping for that 1 kettlebell:eek: I should have shopped around more.
Hi all! Sounds to me like Disc 9 is something I have to look forward to when I start STS.

Today was leg day for me:
Warmed-up w/Single-leg Pelvic Tilts - 3 sets, 15 per side
Sumo Squats: 95# (75# db w/20# vest) 4 sets of 15
Bulgarian Squats: 50# (25#db) 6 sets of 8 per leg.
*focused on going slow and DEEP...definetly felt these!
BB Front Squats: 95# - 15, 85# - 15, 75# - 20/20/20
Single Leg Romain Deadlifts: 50# (25db) 4 sets of 15 *felt these too!
Standing Leg Curls: 20# 4 sets of 10
Unilateral Calf Raise: 40# 4 sets of 15
Calf Raises: 60# (30#db) 3 sets of 10

Meals for today (high carb day)
M1: 5 egg whites, 1 egg, 1/2 cup oatmeal and blueberries
M2: Surge, apple
M3: 5 oz chicken, 1 cup brown rice
M4: Protein Shake, 1 cup strawberries
M6: Protein Shake, almonds (if I'm hungry....cuz I plan on chowing down on my cheat meal!)

DS has baseball game today. For the next 3 months my life will be comsumed with baseball. It's alot of fun though. Not braggin, ok yes, I am, :p but DS is an awesome baseball player!

Catch ya all later.
Hi Ladies! I had a very busy. This morning I did legs and abs.


squats - 50# Barbell and 14# vest
3 sets of 12

Bulgarian split squats with 4 risers
50# Barbell and 14# vest
3 sets of 12
Really felt these - hope to get sore!!!

static lunges
50# Barbell and 14# vest
3 sets of 10
was going to do reverse lunges but my left knee has been complaining!

step ups
50 # barbell no vest
3 sets of 10

Hanging Ab Raises 3x15
vups 3 x 15
reverse curl - with 3 lb ankle weights - 3x15

It was a great workout.
Yesterday was yoga abs - should have done more than that one but time was short. Then did my own mix of TM, bike and SM, knowing today was STS legs. I was really looking forward to a tough one - it was fun - no doubt about that but not as hard as I had a anticipated. Of course, we are in the car for 4 hours so I may feel it when I step out ;)

Diane Sue - I am looking for a Clean Eating magazine to check out those chocolate cookies! Were they really good? I am going to order Eat Clean cookbooks with Muscle Chow. Looking forward to some new options.
Shana, I think if you order Oxygen Eat clean stuff you need to pay attention to how many carbs are in your recipe as opposed to what you want to eat in a day. They are devoted to healthy eating so I never feel really bad eating their recipes, but if you are really trying to lean out you need to know that some do have a lot of carbs and fats(healthy fats) incorporated. I look at these and try to decipher if I need changes. Like if a recipe would be a high protein recipe if I eliminated the rice they were going to add to it.(sometimes I double the protein and eliminate the rice. I felt the cookies were not bad because they did not have lots of starchy carbs and sweetner that did not have the insulin response. They were also more protein than an average cookie. Yes, they were awesome. My grandchildren were begging for more, my son came in and ate some. This was in the Jan/Feb issue. They were chewy and fudgy:) Also a lot of calories. I have saved a lot of recipes that I loved from these magazines. One of the fat loss ones is where I got my chicken curry recipe. I use it a lot. Loved the cashew chicken stew too.

BTW , If I have your e mail address I can send you the cookie recipe.
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