Hardcore check in Tues May 5th


Good Morning!!

I will try to keep this short, although I don't know if that's possible. You would not believe the week I am having. As you know, no power on Sun - 90 and humid - no work out Mon. (bad note). Well, I decided to do Boot Camp yest morning because I know push-pull is on the "easier" side and I was feeling quite energetic yest morning (good note). Anyway, again yest. we had severe T-storms (wind, hail, etc) and we lost our computers at work, which is a nightmare for me this week because I am already working like a madwoman to get caught up with a seminar on Friday - argh. THEN....I get home and no power again (bad note), but trying to stay positive I say "at least the temp is down to 54, so we can sleep tonight" :). Also, NEW DVD's - 8 of 'em......ummmmmmm......no, only 7 sent, but 8 on the packing list. AND..........they forgot Imax 2 (which Debbie said I "had to have"). Don't they know who she is???? LOL. I'm still trying to be positive and figure I will e-mail them when the power comes back on. DH decides we should go to dinner (nice), and I did fairly well (didn't eat the cheesecake), but DID eat the whole bread bowl.........oh well. Get home and the power is back on (good note). This am I tried MIC (new DVD) and am really liking it - good work - sweating - THEN...........the DVD stops completely at 29 min...........WTF.............can't forward or rewind.........try another DVD player - same thing.........ARGH.......

I had to send ANOTHER e-mail about the faulty DVD...........ok that's enough of my bi@#@ session.............I wish I had time to post more "good notes", but I'm having a week.......weak?

I doubt if we will have computers at work today, so I will not be able to post until tonight. I really hope I didn't drag anyone down this morning.....I'm still laughing, so far!!

Today was card and I did STS MMA Boxing. A pretty good workout but my HR didn't get up that high with this one. I also did the Core Conditioning at the end.

50 minutes total
8 minutes below zone
36 minutes in zone
7 minutes above zone
357 calories burned
Cheryl-It has to get better right? Sorry you are having so many frustrations, I would want to pull my hair out. I guess it's a good thing you are working out, otherwise where would all that stress go?

Debbie-nice workout. I like the boxing for days I don't want to go balls to the wall. :D

No workout for me yesterday, work was nuts and I really felt crappy all day w/ the allergy stuff. I decided to take a few day completely off as my legs are achy AGAIN. I also have to go to the dentist today, and who knows how long that will take.

I stopped the BC (Yaz) b/c it was causing me panic attacks and a myriad of other problems. I'm not sure what the chemical half life is, but decided to rest a few days to give my body time to breathe and re-coop. I also think it is responsible for my leg achiness.
Cheryl - Sorry about all your frustrations and you have a right to *itch about it. Bummer on your DVD's, but SNM is pretty good about sending stuff right out when they mess up. Not sure what to tell you about your DVD freezing. I know that was a huge problem way back when but I thought SNM got all that fixed. Hope you get new ones that work!

Theresa - Yaz could be the whole answer to the problems you've been experiencing. Don't you think? If it causes you anxiety, then I'd say it would cause you to feel like you have recently as well. I'm glad you are off of them, I've heard nothing but bad things about it. In fact, there is a class action lawsuit going on against the Yaz company. Tells me all I need to know. I think a few days off is what you need right now, pamper yourself. :)
Thanks Deb-
I don't know why it took me soooooo long to link the two together. I feel loads better already, but I thought with the continued muscle tightness, it might be a good idea to give myself a break. I will probably do yoga today and really stretch out this mess :) Yaz is truly evil, but with everything going on, people were still swearing by it. Also, my doctor said "well the FDA hasn't removed it from the market yet", Should have been my 1st clue :rolleyes:
Good Morning -

I had an interesting day yesterday, too. I started my workout (back and chest) and was really experiencing some nasty cramps. TTOTM ended a handful of days ago. It was back. :mad: This has been happening more and more often for a while now. I did have it checked about a year ago. Thought maybe it was early pre-menopause or something :eek: Doc didn’t think so and wanted to put me on hormones. Those things scare me, so I decided to just live with it. It’s gotten to the point now though, where ttotm is MOST of the time if you include symptoms like spotting and cramps. I actually had to stop working out. I don’t do that. So I called the doc. I have an appointment tonight.

I took some Advil and was trying to get some work done. Skyler was really whiney about something. I figured it might be the wind. Unbelievable yesterday (gusts up to 70 mph). I was trying to calm her down and the doorbell rang. My neighbor: “I think you need to come out here.” She looked really upset. I asked her what was wrong and she said, “Your roof. You just need to see.“ It was quite something. It always looked like individual shingles. Evidently, they lay them in sheets, which would account for the way it was PEELING off and blowing away like that. Good timing. I had to leave to get DS to a dentist appt. (They don’t take kindly to cancellations or I probably would have). More than anything, I was worried someone would get clocked by part of our roof and really hurt or something, but it seemed to be blowing off mostly into our backyard.

Thing is, a new roof had just been put on before we bought this house. They must not have done the best of jobs. It’s ok though, at least it’s supposed to rain tonight :confused: I’ve called some company’s for estimates (and my insurance company) and my friend who’s a carpenter came to look at it last night. He said “Yup, girl. You got a mess on your hands (he’s Southern).” Helpful expert opinion. That was when I started to cry.

It's ok, though. Really. There’s some kind of tar paper (think that’s what he said) we can put on it until it’s repaired. By the time he was explaining what I’d need to do my eyes were glazing over. I will get clearer today and just do it I guess.

So. Like I said, it’s ok. Took me awhile to gain that perspective. Certainly isn’t a tragedy, just a pain in the rear. And THIS got me thinking about my sore butt yesterday - must have been a somatic premonition - trying to tell me something. My neighbor called to see how I was last night and I told her that next time I wish for a convertible, I’ll be more specific. She made a pretty good joke about going topless. An elaborate means to eek out a few mediocre jokes, but what can you do?

Anyway, that’s why I didn’t finish my workout. I’d scheduled Butts and Guts (leg blast premix) for today. Thought that was kind of interesting. When life gets complicated and the roof is caving in (so to speak), sometimes working out seems like a ridiculous thing to do. Probably I need it more now than usually, though. If it helps me center and burn off some negative emotions, I could use that. I also had some intervals scheduled for today. We’ll see how time goes. I will likely have to work tonight, depending on how long other stuff takes. My Dr. appt. is this afternoon too. This is the longest post in history huh? Sorry. Not sure how to be brief about something like this.

Looks like you guys have a lot of stuff going on, too.

Theresa - I'm glad you did some trouble shooting on your own. What is YAZ? Whatever it is, I'm glad you quit taking it. Take good care of yourself today. Must be nasty stuff.

Debbie - Thank you for telling me that (cracking you up). That made me smile, though I am sure DS would tell you not to encourage me :p. I thought about you when my neighbor and I were making stupid roof jokes. MMA Boxing doesn't do much for my HR either. It's fun, but not a great burner. Watching one's roof blow off, however, probably had me in a new training zone altogether. The fun factor was missing, though.

Cheryl - Sounds like you had "a day" too. Hope yours is calmer. There is some merit to a ho-hum routine, I am thinking now.

Linda - My son takes something like Celebrex (?) for his Osgood Schlatter (Jumper's Knee). Glad you found something that helped. Sure hope you're still feeling better today. I tried to study while DS was at the dentist's. Having a hard time concentrating, though.

Diane Sue - I will come back later to read your workout before I do mine. This will ensure I don't back out of it. Really. I could kind of see myself doing that today, but after I take a look at what you accomplish (and everyone else on this check-in), I usually find enough inspiration and "guts" to just get it in gear and do it. And I am always glad I did :D.

OK. That is quite enough for now.

Have good day,

Chicken Little (aka Lori)
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Lori-that does sound like one hell of a day ;) I hope today is better, and you keep a roof over your head :eek: Yaz is a birth control that comes w/ quite a bit of press.
My workout today was Cardio Core Circuit premix Express 34 minutes, 198 calories Max HR 159, then I did M&F Magazine Tabata shoulders, traps, and abs 45 minutes 152 calories burned, I followed this with MMA Boxing combo 3 with upper and lower, core, heavy bag, stretch 44 minutes 266 calories. Total calories today was 616. Workout was 2 hr 3 minutes.
My weights again were pretty much the same as they have been. I used the Bowflex for most of the Tabata workout. I have got to go back out and head into the city to do banking then head the opposite direction back to our local town to pick up my Actonel prescription I had transferred to out local pharmacy. Will save me that extra trip to get to a Walgreens when I don't need to go that direction. Hoping no interruptions so I can clean house and do some yardwork since this is my every other week free day. Till summer vacation anyway. I went out yesterday and bought windchimes in hopes of scaring the birds off from building a mud nest on our front door and in our fifthwheel hitch. I knocked their nest down twice yesterday. Silly birds.

Lori, it sounds like you had one of those awful days. Hopefully you can get someone reasonable and have the work lined up quickly. Our last home we had we had the wood shingles removed and put on regular shingles. It looked really weird when they took off everything to pretty much start over. Try not to worry too much. It is just one of those pain in the booty things. Maybe if you do a workout it will help clear your mind a little.

Cheryl, I hate all of those power outages. Happens here a lot. I am sure Cathe's will get right on it. They made a mistake when the shipped my Shock Cardios on the Zip Code and City so I e mailed them and they intercepted it from UPS and still got it here on time:D
I hope you have a much better day today.

Debbie, I don't get great calorie burns with the MMA workouts and I think Boxing is the lowest. Although I chose the portions of it today that I did because I wanted a little less jumping(especially after CCC) Still having problems with my foot after the vacation torture massage. Everytime I do calf raises it hurts worse for a couple of days. I am going to have to rethink my workouts a bit.

Theresa, I think it is a good idea that you are stopping the Yaz. You don't need something that makes things worse. Why meds have to have so many side affects is beyond me. A lot of the time I think I would rather deal with the problem I am having than the added new problems. I hope that you can find what works for you.
Lori & Cheryl - Sounds like the two of you have been having a real rough time of it lately. Hope things get better quick for both of you.

Debbie - I look forward to the day I can try the MMAs. Nice job.

Theresa - Glad that figured out what might be making you feel so lousy.

DianeSue - I'll trade you your birds for my deer, stupid things eat everything!

This morning I did Pyramid Upper Body Pyramid Up Premix. used 15,20,25 for chest & back, except I subbed straight arm lat pulldowns for the pullovers using different tension bands, matched Cathe 3,5,8 for shoulders, used 12,15,20 for biceps, and used 10,12,15 for triceps. Shoulder is not happy today.
Hi Everyone!!

I'm happy to say the computer came back up at work, although not until this afternoon.

Lori - I hate to say this.........but thanks for making my day look sooooooo much better. :confused: I feel so bad about the roof situation and hope you can get it taken care of quickly and easily. I will say a prayer for you. Also, I'm glad you are going to see a doc, and I know how you feel about that....:( I hope you can get some answers and feel better. Again, you will be in my prayers! :)

Theresa - I feel the same way about Yaz as I do about other BC pills/drugs. They all have so many side effects and really don't seem like a good idea - if you don't absolutely have to take them. I really hope you feel better.:)

Debbie - I agree MMA isn't really the "shock" workout I expected either. I do enjoy it on days I have a shorter weight workout, or as a second workout on high energy days. That's why I wanted to do MIC because I feel like I have been such a slacker for the past few days;).

Diane Sue - Again, great workout today!! Good luck with the bird situation - they made several nests at BOTH of our camps!! I hope you get all of your things done today. :)

Linda - What are we going to do with that shoulder of yours? I hope you can get some relief and get it feeling better soon. Have you gotten a second opinion?

Also, good news - SNM is going to send me the missing DVD and a replacment for the defective DVD. I just hope the rest are ok......I haven't had time to check them out yet. I promise I will be back on track tomorrow and will get in some serious workouts!!!! :)

Have a great night!

Linda, what do you do with deae. I remember my family that has farms and the deer in their fields. That would be hard. My dog caught a bird and left it by the patio. I was telling her how icky that was but then again I am trying to get rid of the bird problem. I guess it is better than the squirrels she used to bring me:eek: I just scoop up and try not to look.

Cheryl, the thing is our last house we had loads of trees. Here we don't. We have some evergreens in front away from the house. Azaleas. No big trees like the oaks and pecans. Funny that they are using our home LOL
Good deal on the dvds. I am sure all you have to do is explain that you did not have time to preview all if you find another problem.
My workout(s) are done, I made it to my Dr. appointment and my roof is patched (This is good because it may snow tomorrow). This afternoon, I did the Leg Blast premix from Butts and Guts. Linda, if you've never tried this one, you might like it. It's about 40 solid minutes of leg work with very little rest and no need for heavy weights. It's a little repetitive, don't know if that would bother you. I just finished shoulders, a bit of cardio and 10 min. practice of Turkish Get-ups (2nd workout). The roof took a long time. I learned a lot more about roofing than I really cared to know. Also learned our roof is a little steeper than it looks and I'm more afraid of heights than I realized :eek: . My Dr. appointment was ... non-conclusive (what a surprise). The Dr. suggested ... (wait for it) ... BIRTH CONTROL PILLS :p :p :p to regulate my cycle. How trendy. I don't get it. No huge interest in finding out WHY/what's going on to cause the problem, just some chemicals to cover it up :confused: BC pills really terrify me. I will not take them. I did get a sleep study scheduled though (finally).

So, my day was not too bad - it was pretty good actually, but I still have some work to do.

Theresa - LOL at "roof over head" comment :D . I didn't realize how many potential roof-oriented puns, figures of speech, etc., there were before now. It's all been very enlightening.

Diane Sue - The workout did help clear my mind. You're right. And I am worried much less now that the roof's at least protected. So far the estimates I've received today (two of them) were pretty shocking. My carpenter friend asked if I'd be up for doing it myself (with a lot of help from him). I would still pay him but his rates wouldn't be so 'through the roof (I'm sorry. I've really got to stop it :eek:).' Mostly I'd be carrying heavy stuff (new shingles up to him and old one's to a dumpster). That seems like a good idea to me. Functional fitness, I guess. I've always thought wood shingles are so pretty. Maybe not so practical, though huh?

Cheryl - Your comment was VERY funny (Glad I could help), but I don't know that my day was WORSE than yours so much as just different. Maybe surreal is the word I'm looking for :confused: Glad you got some of your problems taken care of. Things are better here now, too. And thank you for your prayers -- think they're helping already :D .

I'm not done for the night yet, so I better get to it.

Appreciate your all being so tolerant of my venting today:) .


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