Hardcore Check in April 16,2010 Friday


Getting us started. I am going to do cardio, abs, and stretch/yoga today. Then back to getting some things done inside. I did more planting and outside stuff yesterday between taking grandchildren to school and picking up. Planted more flowers:D I love looking at all of the colors in springtime. May have to drive back to town again. My granddaughter is coming to help tomorrow.

Debbie, I don't take it the wrong way at all. I appreciate the concern and that you care. I am aware that I spend a lot of time on my workouts. Something I struggle with. I lower the time for awhile then it starts creeping back up. I have tried to incorporate more flexibility stuff to keep the cardio time lower.(the thing is I really love doing the cardio) Right now I am struggling to get my eating back on track which happens. I was doing so well through vacation. Have my good days now but keep eating way to many carbs. Not bad carbs most of the time but too many sugars as in fruits and honey etc.. This and the low calorie burns make me feel like I need more to compensate?? My BF was down to 11.2 when I left on vacation so I know eating more is probably a good thing. I was up to 14 a few months ago. Years ago I worked out 3-4 hours a day and finally realized that was not getting me anywhere at all. What a lot of wasted time:( Probably more than you wanted to know:eek: Thanks again for caring.
Hope you have a good workout Diane Sue

Hermia-Yay for the new Gym style. They are a great series. :)

I come here hanging my head in shame, as I neither worked out yesterday nor ate properly :( The allergy meds I'm taking are really not working and I have been fairly miserable. I have a headache that just won't go away, and my eyes won't stop watering. I've also been getting dizzy, so I feel everyday functions are a miracle at this point. I have plans to workout today, but I woke up the same as I have ALL WEEK. I'm angry and tired. Sorry to bitch and moan. I hope everyone has a great day.

Went to bed with a migraine threatening to start so took ibprofen. It stated again this morning before my work, took more ibprofen, got through the workout okay, and it started again after the workout. So I tool some tylenol and that seemed to finally stop it. That was as close as I have come to actually getting the migraine itself. Now I just has this weird burning sensation at the back of my neck/base of my skull. Is that normal?

Anyway, workout today was 4DS Chest & Back weights first. Did all the chest work on the floor, not the step, and subbed out a lot of the pushups. Also subbed out the overhead pulls for back. Kept the weights low for everything as well, didn't set any records.
I think I know what is irritating my neck/shoulder - my chair at work. We got new chairs about a month ago and ever since I've had problems with both my shoulder blade areas getting irritated. I've adjusted my chair several times and nothing has helped. I feel like the chair is pushing me forward and there is no lower back support.

So a friend of mine at work has one of those roundish back pillows and after my neck was killing me yesterday around noon, he let me try it. It made a tremendous difference. I have several of these pillows at home so I'll take one to work so he can have his back. I feel pretty good today, just a little tightness but no spasms so far.

Today was cardio and on the rotation is Low Max. I woke up with really bad cramps and really didn't feel like working out. But I did. I got through the first 5 step routines and blasts and then I called it a day. I had no energy towards the end and was feeling nauseous. Glad I did what I did but sometimes I feel like my body doesn't want me to workout anymore.

52 minutes total
1 minute below zone
16 minutes in zone
35 minutes above zone
424 calories burned

I'll probably die tomorrow with the workout that is planned. :D

Diane Sue - I'm glad you didn't get mad about what I said, I was worried about that all night. Your body fat is so low I honestly don't think a little bit of higher carbs will hurt you, but honestly, I know exactly what you are talking about. I battle with food every day, I hate it. I love my carbs and it's really hard for me to cut that back. But right now I have to say that even though I haven't lost the weight I've been wanting to lose, I feel pretty good about myself. And I do think this rotation I'm doing will help me lose a few pounds and I'd be ok with that. Just be careful, that's all I was trying to say. You know your body better then anyone. :)

Theresa - Sorry yesterday was a wash out but just pick yourself back up and keep going. That's all any of us can do. Don't be so hard on yourself and don't be ashamed either. This group is definitely out of the ordinary. We beat ourselves up for BEING HEALTHY! LOL!!! Next time you go to Wal Mart, look around. That should make you feel pretty darn good about yourself.

Linda - Sure hope that migraine stays away. I always take a couple Excederins when I feel those coming on. They usually help. Good workout. I love 4Ds. Looking forward to tomorrows workout that I have scheduled.

Hi to Hermia, Char, Lora, Lori, Roselyn and Cheryl! Not sure I'll be back today. Have a great Friday everyone!
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Good Morning ~

Theresa - You are not alone. I had a crappy day yesterday. Put on my tennies and went and stood by my bike - looked at it - sighed. Um, yah. That was my workout. Day went downhill from there. Not sure what it was. Probably not any one thing in particular. I was just letting little, inconsequential things really get under my skin -- and worrying about stuff. Over-thinking everything and had this overriding sense of futility -- a BAD ATTITUDE. I guess that sums it up. And then I sat in it. Yay me :mad: [?!!] . An incredibly effective way to approach one's day :eek: . Despite all that, think I'll try a different approach today. Think I'll do the workout I'd planned for yesterday and press on.

Linda - My DS gets migraines sometimes. They can actually be pretty scary. Hope you're better today. Your workout looked good. I'm guessing it's a sign that your shoulder's feeling better :) ?!!

Hermia - Cool. A new workout! I acquired Gym Style one at a time, too. I think the last one I got was Chest and Triceps. It's a fun series. You mentioned cross stitching projects and that stuck with me (Hmmm. No pun intended ;) ). What are you working on?

Diane Sue - I'll bet your yard is looking beautiful. Outdoor work is my favorite kind. I've been trying to catch up on some indoor chores -- I think I'm trying to "earn" the privilege of getting to the gardening and yard work. Problem is, I don't really ever catch up with ... anything :confused: . I've seen bedding plants out and for sale, may have to get started this weekend. Your posts about all the work you've been doing have me wanting to get outside - pretty motivating. Hope you enjoy your workout :) .

Debbie - I tend to throw Tabata intervals into my workout pretty regularly. Had to learn through trial and error that some things adapt to the protocal really well and others, not so much. I'm pretty sure I first read about them when I was surfing Check-Ins. You mentioned them. I looked them up and did a bunch of reading. Liked the concept in part because I'd been doing different forms of interval training on my bike since my early twenties - I think they called it fartlek training - nothing structured quite like Tabata though. I really like it.

Hi to Cheryl, Lora, Char and Rosylen (And anyone I may have forgotten).

~ Lori
Hi Everyone!!

I swear Debbie is trying to kill me with this new rotation!! LOL/J/K. I did another day of just cardio today because I have to switch the rotation days (to start on Sunday). I have more time to do strength training on M,W, F, and as I said before, I am so SLOW at changing weights, etc.

Regardless, I drank some serious wine last night (ummmmm....maybe 4 or was it 5 glasses?), but I did manage to get my hungover self up this morning and do a SC workout (HIIT - Double Wave Pyramid), which definitely worked to sweat the alcohol out of my system. I ate very well and managed to actually stay in calorie range, even with the wine, which is probably why I was so hungover.

I have been struggling with my moods lately as well - as it seems many of us have over the past few days. I made myself take a "check yourself" break last night and just count my blessings instead of focusing on "what's wrong". Of course, I would love to drop that last 5-10 lbs, have perfect hair (I've got some crazy 1980's curly blonde thing going on - God given), be the perfect wife, have the perfect house, yada, yada, yada, but REALLY - I've got what I need and I need to be grateful - as we all do.......just a thought....

Lori - I like your plan to just "move on" to today and leave yesterday where it belongs. Nothing and no one is perfect, so we just do the best we can each day. Thanks again for all of your great posts. It is always a pleasure to read your thoughts, even the negatives. ;)

Linda - Migraines are really no fun. I worked in neurology for many years, so I am VERY familiar with the signs and symptoms - YUK. Have you ever tried taking 1/4 of an aspirin per day or reading about it to prevent migraines? I have heard this works.

Diane Sue - Where do you get the energy to do all that you do in a day? I don't think I could accomplish that much in a week!!!! What is the secret?
As for clean eating, I think it is the single most difficult thing to do, but life is about balance and finding a balance we can live with. Have a great day.

Debbie- Thanks again for killing me!!:D Seriously, I am having a blast with this new rotation, although I am pretty sore today and glad I just did an extra cardio day. I'm back at it tomorrow, however. Enjoy the weekend!!

Ok....gotta get back to work....Have a great day everyone and I hope I didn't babble too much!!

Cheryl :)
My accomplishment plans for today sure changed. I was doing my workout when my son in law called saying he was sick and could I come and get the grandbaby. I told him to let me finish up and I wanted to stop to pick up some red wine for a Buckwheat Meatballs in Tomato Sauce recipe from the Healthy Slow Cooker cookbook.
Anyway workout was Jari's Extremely Ripped 1000 Cardio Mix which is the w/up, cardio 37 min, pushup/abs segment 7 min and str 56 min. burning 358 calories, Max HR was 166. I also added in weights and plates abe stopping at the plate 12 min and 48 calories. Workout was 68 min total calories 400. Cardio was intensity level 1 5:30 min (w/up) level 2 4:46 min, lavel 3 30:05 min 16% fat calories burned. 43% fat calories duing abs and push ups. I enjoyed using my new HR monitor. I set my VO2 Max (which was elite even for someone much younger than me:D) and workout intensities. Forgot to do the ownzone this morning though. It has a weight diary to track loss and gain. I will have to check it out more. This watch has a lot of different features. You can get a foot pod to use with it that makes it track distance and speed.
Edited to add as far as eating I had no breakfast and was sure tempted to stop somewhere by the time I picked up grandbaby and went to the store I was really hungry. But I made it home and ate a half an apple I had in the refrigerator and steamed some wild salmon and made salad. Had to feed the baby first. Dinner will be those meatballs if I ever get them in the slow cooker.
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Debbie, I say things and then worry that someone will be offended. Nothing to worry about here;) I will be trying to fit the Tabata workout in next week 4 days again. Friday I pick up dh from the airport right after I take the girls to school so I won't have that much workout time before I shower and leave. It took me a bit to get motivated this morning and I really did want to fit in some good stretching and yoga but didn't happen.

Cheryl, that was a pretty intense workout for a hungover self;) I was wondering what I was going to do with the rest of that bottle of wine after I make the meatballs LOL Good for you setting back and looking for the good things. I tend to get obsessive with stuff and then feel irritable if things don't get done the way I had planned. I am better handling things if I am not tired.

Lori, I have been doing inside extra things too. Last night I bathed the dog and washed her bedding and crate out and got the shower cleaned out before going to bed. I found that those bedding plants really get picked over quick. I was surprised that it has only been a matter of a little over a week since I bought the first bunch and a lot were gone or what was left looked a little bedraggled.

Theresa, I hate those allergies. Everytime I come in from working outside I am miserable. I don't take the meds they gave me though. The doctor gave me a whole bag of samples to try because she knows if I feel weird or they affect my workouts I won't keep taking them. I hope this passes quickly for you.

Linda, I know exactly what you are talking about with the neck/base of the skull. I always thought that might be more tension or that I have stressed the muscle there and that is what may have caused the migraine to hit. Not sure why that happens though.
Linda, I wanted to add that something I have found helps that feeling in the neck lower part of the head area is to use ice packs. That sometimes will completely get rid of it.

Hermia, I forgot to mention that you seem to take quite the variety of yoga classes. I have read up on them and was really surprised on the different types of yoga practices.

Took me a long time to get that recipe prepared and in the slow cooker. Not a quick menu item but I am sure I will be able to freeze some and use it for awhile since I prepared the whole 8 servings.
My son in law just called and asked if I wanted to go to El Chico since it was El Chico night for dd's school:eek: Not sure I will go but since he has been sick all day maybe I should.
I hope everyone has some FUN planned for the weekend!! Tomorrow is supposed to be my "rest" day, but I am changing up the workout and will do
4DS Bootcamp Circuit upper premix and then on Sun. will do Step Moves + Abs according to Debbie's rotation. This should get me back on track to strength training M, W and F and cardio Tues, Thurs and Sat, which seems to work better. I also might throw in my "rest" day during the week because it gets pretty tiresome getting up EVERY DAY at 2:30 am to work out from 3am - 4 or 4:30, then off to walk the dogs, then back to shower and off to work - I think I'm nuts. :rolleyes:

I also want to try Tabata. I have been reading about it and it really looks intense. Any suggestions for a beginner as far as which exercises are best to start with? Thanks.

Cheryl :)

P.S. Diane Sue - Those meatballs sound YUMMY - send some my way!! I wish I could make time to cook, but alas my DH is a great cook (albeit not always making the most healthy recipes). I can't even think about wine tonight....LOL
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Hi everyone!

Lori, here's the cross stitch I'm working on: http://www.stitchesnthings.com/detail.cfm?ID=14888

It's for a friend's wedding, which was actually a while ago, but these things take time, lol. I'm between a third and half there.

Diane, the studio I go to is a chain; it's called Yoga Works and there in southern and northern California and also New York, I believe. They have *tons* of classes, and actually, the one I go to seems to have fewer than others. So far I've been to their standard yoga class, Iyengar, and Anusara. One of the teachers said once that one of *his* teachers, an Indian yogi, said it's just a western thing to divide yoga into different styles...I guess in India it's just yoga.

Debbie, that's good to hear the pillow made such a great difference! I wonder if any of your co-workers are having problems, too.

I hope those of you who aren't feeling well get some rest, and no worries to not work out when you feel like awful! =)

My workout today was Tracey's Glute Camp. The weekend is going to be kind of busy, but hopefully I'll get something in and a rest day too.
Workout done. I did 5 Tabata rounds back to back: bike, abs, bike, squats, abs. I only used a pair of 30 lb db’s on the squat round (close-stance with every other set heels elevated). Also, I said "back to back," but I did take about a three minute break between bike and squats. My legs were pretty tired (understatement). Those last couple squat rounds got "in there." Then, I re-set my timer for 45 rounds 25/15 (work rest). I really like that division. The extra five seconds makes a big difference. It can almost seem like too long when I don’t sequence the exercises very well. Interval training has really given me a different relationship to time. Seconds can go so fast or last forever. I was really happy with the sequencing this time. It was just tough enough. I actually wanted to do it again :eek: . Total workout was only about 55 minutes actual work (not counting warm up). I may get something else in tonight.

I really needed that. To me, it feels like I get negative energy or emotions or …. whatever almost stored in my muscles. I can feel it there but can’t really work through it with thinking very effectively. But, if I just get moving, I can burn it off ("work it out," so to speak) physically. Or it works itself out and I can proceed from there. I "know" this - it’s evidenced itself over and over for years. For the most part that awareness has just become a part of me - days like yesterday though - YIKES :confused: . Glad they don’t happen very often.

Diane Sue - Geez. You really are one of the most productive people I've encountered. And you're always busy with such interesting stuff, too. I appreciate that you share your days the way you do -- helps motivate me sometimes. Or, at the very least lets me see how much really can get accomplished in a day. I have a couple Jari Love workouts. Not the one you mentioned - definitely endurance (sometimes wonder about the “end” part :confused: ). I like her stuff once in awhile but wonder if I’d get tired of it if I did it very often. The workouts I own don't have premixes, though. Those help. Great workout today, nonetheless :D -

Cheryl - Ugghh. Working out with a hangover - a good one too (the workout, I mean - not the hangover). I’m glad you joined the check-in and yes, gratitude helps. Years ago, someone recommended making a daily gratitude list. I tried it for awhile but felt kind of silly. Still do them in my head, though. It only takes a quick minute to realize the list is very long and my biggest problem is … me. Thanks for the reminder.

Hermia - Thanks for the link. it made my jaw drop -- Holy cow -- quite a project (very lovely though)! You must be quite talented. Really. How long have you been doing stuff like that??!!! Was the Tracey in your workout Tracey Long? Hope you enjoy your weekend and it's not too busy :) .

Debbie - It would be great if your neck problems could be solved with a different chair! Glad you figured that out when you did.

Guess that's all for now

~ Lori
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Well, I went to El Chico. I had a chicken chipoltle dish. I think it should not have been too bad but I will not go check it out. Besides I ate chips and salsa. Why do they take so long bringing the food out??? :eek:
OK I had a small snack of one meat ball. It was pretty good. I had a little extra sauce that did not fit in my smaller slow cooker so I saved it for a chicken dish. The meatballs have a little cinnamon in them and it adds an interesting flavor with the onion and garlic. I have found this in a lot of Asian dishes. I changed up the recipe though and used half super lean ground beef and half ground turkey. I should be headed to bed since my granddaughter will be here tomorrow to help get some work done. Hope the rain lets up at least a little.

Hermia, that is interesting that it is all called yoga in India. I know it seems that a lot of the moves are basic then there are different additions. That cross stich is pretty. I really like Tracey Staehle's Glute Camp. I did the balance mix from that one not too long ago. But really wanted to do that stuff with the versa loop and dumbbell. I like that part of the workout.

Lori, Jari's newest workouts are better planned and have premixes. I am not really that enthusiastic about the Body Rock which is her last one. It is ok but not something I want to go to much. Get Ripped Extreme and Ripped Extreme 1000 are my favorites. I have all but the first one. Ripped Extreme gets my HR up with no cardio. Just weights. Extremely Ripped 1000 is more cardio with the weights added in. I want to do these more often than her others. To be honest once I did Ripped Extreme 1000 I knew I would probably not want to touch the other Ripped 1000 again.
Hi Lori, thanks about the cross stitch. I've been cross stitching since I was ten, but I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew, not skill-wise, but just big projects that take waaaay longer than I thought they would. And really, I don't have a lot of time to work on them. Cross stitching is easy; the big projects don't really seem like a skill thing to me, but more of a patience thing.

It's Tracey Staehle, not Tracy Long (but I have some of Tracy Long's workouts, too). Tracey hasn't put out a ton of stuff recently due to becoming a mother, but she did do a new kickbox workout, which I think I've heard Debbie (?) talk about, and a treadmill workout. She, Amy Bento, and Cathe are the three main instructors whose tapes I do. =)

Diane, the part with the versa loop and dumbbell is great! I'm so glad it's at the very beginning when I have energy, lol.

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