Hard Core Fitness Maniacs for Thurs Oct 20

Today I did STS Back and Triceps. Only one more workout and I'm done with endurance. Thank the dear Lord. I had a good workout today I'm pretty sure I'll feel it tomorrow.

Still debating on working out tomorrow. I have a Pampered Chef party to get ready for, an interview and grocery shopping. I'm thinking unless I get up at 5:30 (no thanks!) then I won't have time to workout. I guess I'll do STS Legs on Saturday. Then I have a week active recovery. I forgot about that. I'll concentrate on cardio next week and hope to get in some good hour long workouts.
My workout this morning was Tracey's Bootcamp Strength #1, 40 minutes, 285 calories. I used 25 and 31 lb kettlebells, and 15lb dumbbellls for the front back lunge nad bridge shoulder press, 12lb for the squat thrust overhead press. I then did STS Total Body lower 22 min, 158 calories. I finished with TRX Force Workout#1 which is a lot lower body with some biceps, triceps and abs included. I have been wanting to repeat this one. This has some good TRX moves in it. Workout was 34 min and calories burned was 176. Total time was 96 min and calories burned 619.
Weights on STS Total Body were a little heavier on a lot of moves but by the last deadlift segment my lower right back area was pinching. I lowered to 25# dumbbells instead. The wide stance always gives me some discomfort.

Debbie, enjoy your active recovery and knowing you get to do less reps:D I would definitely wait on the legs workout. Getting up early really is tough. I was able to get up at 6 this morning and had so much more energy and time to prepare.

Roselyn, I have never done a Michelle Dozios workout. You seem to like them. Are they pretty much cardio. Hi/Lo??

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