+ + +GDMT ....TGIF+ + +


Good Morning GMT:)

Today was core synergistics. I am amazed I got up and did it, because I went to bed at midnight!!! I had mahjong here last night. I was happy with my stats, but now I have to do the same or better in 5 weeks!:eek:

Core Synergistics:
Stacked Ft/Stacked Hand pushups: 50 (up 1)
Leaning crescent lunges: 5#
Squat run: 5#
Sphinx pushups: 15 (same)
Lunge & Reach – 5#
Prison Cell pushups: 12 (up 1)
Side Hip Raises: 21 each side (up 1- really worked on form and felt it!)
Squat X-Press - 8#
Plank to Chaturanga Run: full minute (this was hard today)
Lunge/Kickback/Curl/Press - 10# (up 2#- I don’t think I am going to go higher than 10#- for me 10# is very effective)
Towel Hopping: full minute
Reach hi and under pushups: 9 (up 1)
Steam engine:
Dreya Roll - actually counted today-14
Plank to Chaturanga ISO - held full minute
Table Dip Leg Raise – 40 last time, lost count today!

Gin~ Did you do core synergistics, or run with your friend?

Marcy~ Did you go dancing last night?

Tracee~ HOpe you pop in today!

My in-laws are coming at noon today, so I don't know if I'll be back this weekend- I will try. I am not planning any workouts.
Have a great weekend!!

PS- I did answer the plate mates ? yesterday:)
Good Morning!

Today I did 4ds HIS w/u , 4ds Back and Bis, then Core Syn. It had been ages since I had done Core Syn. Tough stuff!:p And the chaturanga runs are the most difficult by far for me!
No walkng or running today for me. There was possible snow/ice here in the forecast, but just rain now. We thought schools might be closed..no such luck! I am ready for the sun and warmer weather!!
Today we have our Backwards at school, so I have my pants and shirt on insideout and backwards and 2 different sock, shoes and earrings. Hope I don't get stopped on the way to school! I look like a big goon!:eek:

Deanie--Great job on Core Syn. Is it your fav p90x, like Tony says? He is so corny!:7 Hope your in-law visit is a good one. I'll try to start the thread Sat and Sun just in case you guys are able to post.

Marcy--How are you?

Hi Tracee!

Have a great day!
Good Morning DGT!

This morning I did Core Syn. Slept pretty well but didn't get a lot being that I went dancing last night. Maybe the humidifier is helping after all. It's been 3 days of almost no itching. I'm almost ready to party now! Here are my stats:

Core Synergistics:
Stacked Ft/Stacked Hand pushups: 40 (up 5)
Leaning crescent lunges: 10#
Squat run: 5#
Sphinx pushups: 15 (up 2)
Lunge & Reach – 10#
Prison Cell pushups: 11 (up 1)
Side Hip Raises: 21 each side (up 9 from Tuesday but up 1 from Phase 1)
Squat X-Press - 8#
Plank to Chaturanga Run: 40 secs. ("this was hard today" - this one's always hard!) I'm always wiped out after the Squat X-Press and have to wait for my HR to go down before I do this one)
Lunge/Kickback/Curl/Press - 8# (Deanie - I guess I'll have to go up to 10# in Phase 3)
Towel Hopping: full minute (although went a little low impact toward the end)
Reach hi and under pushups: 8 (6 with leg lift)

No time for bonus round today.

Sounds like good news on the home front. My buyer's buyer told her her house was as good as sold. I thought he got the contract last week but he only got it within the last day or so. I'm hoping he'll sign within the next week and then she'll sign ours. He wants to close by the end of February so hopefully we're looking at early to mid April. I'm so tired of waiting but hopefully it won't be much longer.

Deanie - Friday is always a killer for me getting up. Great workout today! Enjoy your visit with the in-laws. That's wierd about GS. I never hear complaints about those. They're my favorites. Hope you like the hot yoga. I've never done it before. The platemates sound a little expensive being that it's only 2 1/2 pounds for $20.

Gin - You had quite a workout today! Chat runs are always the worst for me too. You always do such fun things at school. Too bad you weren't my nursery school teacher! Also, too bad you couldn't have gotten changed when you got to school or was that not allowed? I'm definitely ready for the warmer weather. This weather is downright depressing.

Hi Tracee! I hope you pop in for a visit soon.

Hi Again!

Marcy--Great news about your house. That is exciting!
Oh, I could have changed once I got to school, but it seemed like too much trouble. Some of the girls really went all out. One wore shorts on her head covering her hair, 2 different socks on her hands and a belt around her neck. One had one tap shoe on and one ballet shoe. Some of the boys didn't dress backwards at all.
It is supposed to be warmer here tomorrow!:)

Deanie--I agree about the $ of the PlateMates. That seems too high!
I have never taken a "hot" yoga class either. Isn't that the same as Bikram yoga? There is a studio not too far from me. I did take a class in the summer in an un-air conditioned building. The instructor had a fan in the room, but it was HOT in there!:p

Hi Again!

Gin - Boy, you and the other teachers sure are creative! Yes, hot yoga is bikram yoga.

I'm about to go check the blog. It's been updated with Cathe fitness gear! Maybe she'll have platemates!

YIKES STRIPES!! I am going to go broke. What does it mean when she is going to sell fitness gear that she doesn't even use now in her exsisting dvds??? AND I will need a bigger fitness area to house all of this new equipment. We better start renovating the basement for a workout room now!
I'm going broke right along with you (although I actually went broke a long time ago!) Did you see the item about the new cardio MMA? Someone over at VF said it stood for Mixed Martial Arts or More Money Gone! Don't you love the colors? So far I'd like the kiwi green stability ball, ankle weights, medicine balls... I really hope I win the lottery soon! Maybe all the instructors should go on vacation awhile so our CCds can get a break!

Renovations are definitely in order! I hope you have a big basement!


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