Fat Loss Check In June 2013


Getting the new month started :). I finished off meso 1 today, couldn't be happier about that. My legs were toast half way through, I skipped the one leg sit & stands. I started to do the leg conditioning drills, outer thigh lift on stability ball, only made it 8 reps in, until your leg is up in the air and she says to do high end pulses. I was like "no freaking way!", that was it for me. Needless to say I again did not tack on hip thrusts so I've still not done those.

Next week is cardio only. My cardio motivation has been absent lately so hopefully I'll be able to find some somewhere.

I weighed in today, up 2 pounds from last month. My waist is .5 inch smaller, thighs & arms are slightly larger. I'm happy about the waist, trying to not let the other things bother me.

Wow, Tina, your strongest bike ride and core 1+2? You're on fire! Congrats on the 2lbs down! For reining in the sugar, be sure to check labels carefully. Last week I found that one tablespoon of catsup has 4 grams of sugar! I've fallen off the wagon again this weekend, will try try again tomorrow :)

Diana it's so great you keep getting in the water and getting out of your comfort zone! You'll do great on your tris :)

Hi Candice I hope you still have your motivation on :) Great job on a healthy dinner! You might want to think twice about putting plastic in the microwave. Steaming on the stove top is almost as easy and your chances of extra nasty chemicals on your food is way lower. But of course, pick your battles wisely, if you're working on other priorities maybe keep this in the back of your mind for later.

Here's to a great June :)
We managed to get 100 miles in this weekend. We went through 15 different towns in total. The record heat was brutal. Tomorrow is a rest day for sure. I'm looking forward to a cardio week. I plan on fitting in AB, AT, CM and some kickboxing this week.

Sue, I tried the 100 rep scarecrows with 3lb db's. It started out so easy and then BAM!, shoulders on fire. Congrats on the smaller waist! My biggest trouble area. I did well on keeping the sugar low until DH brought me an ice cream at work last night. Thanks for starting a new thread. : )

Hi to Diana, Addie and Shereta. : )
Hi Ladies,

Yesterday was a brick workout, 12 mile bike ride (tri-loop) and a 2 mile run. I felt pretty good the whole time. By the evening though, I slept like a rock.

Today is a vacation day for me to spend with my granddaughters! We are going to a local waterpark after my FB w/o.

I had a chocolate disaster yesterday....totally overdid it. I tracked everything though so hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm expecting when it comes to the scale.

I normally do a summer bootcamp class but have opted to skip June bootcamp and take an aquatic conditioning class. This class works on swimming smarter and not harder. We will work on form and endurance. This class is T/TH nights and the bootcamp class is M/TH. It's not worth spending the money if I can only go half the time. I love the bootcamp class, it's outdoors at one of our local football fields.

Tina-Wow, a 100 miles...you are amazing!!! Was this a weekend ride or was it all done in one day? Enjoy your cardio week, a nice break from STS!

Sue-Nice job, a half inch loss is awesome!! How often do you weigh? Our weight fluctuates so much. I try to weigh everyday although I know that is not recommended. You know if you gain 5#'s overnight it's probably water weight, TTOM etc. Glad you are taking measurements since that's really a better guage anyway. Pick your favorite cardio w/o's for this week to help keep you motivated. What are your favorites??

Candice-You are doing great! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate so choosing what you want to focus on is a great idea. Making a plan and sticking to it is really what we all need to do. Keep up the good work.

Whoa Diana, that brick workout sounds tough. They hold a bootcamp class over at our local Air National Guard. It's taught by a drill sargeant and looks really intense. I drive by in awe, but feel no draw to join. ; ) Our bike ride this week was split over Sat. and Sun. The longest ride we've ever done in one sitting is 85 miles. I don't really have an interest in sitting in the saddle for 5 hours, three hours is just right. That said, they're near completion of a major draw bridge that crosses over to the coastal roads of Maine, and we can't wait to take our anniversary ride to Ogunquit this year. We had to cancel it last year for the first time in 10 years. That will be an 85 mile loop, and we'll follow it up with a nice dinner out that night.

Yesterday was a great rest day. We took a two mile stroll after dinner. DH and I were passed and then looped by two of our neighbor friends, so it was truly a stroll. I'll need to kick it back into high gear today. : )

Sue, how's your cardio motivation doing? I've been thinking about adding SC this week, want to join? : )
Hi ladies! Yesterday & the day before I did walk/runs as the temps at night have been bearable. I don't expect that to last. Yesterday I also did Hard Strikes, had to take off my gloves at the 20 minute mark though. I need to do a better job building up my endurance.

Tina nice job on the hundred miles! I hope your anniversary ride goes well, it's so great you have a partner to share your love of exercise :) I dropped my calorie goal from maintenance level to weight loss for recovery week. So my cardio motivation is to be able to eat :) I'll definitely do SC, pick a day! I'm also planning on doing my tabata mix (I think it's 20 minutes) and afterburn.

Diana - you have to tell me if there's a story behind your screen name - it's so curious! Nice job on the brick workout. Don't stress over the eating disasters - we all have them, the trick is getting back on the horse. Sometimes I like to wallow in it a couple of days, I figure I've already messed up, might as well have some fun right? That kind of thinking is terrible for my waistline :) I was weighing in a couple of times a week but now I'm down to just the 1st of the month. I record weight and measurements on the Cathe calendar. I'm hoping by the end of the year I can look back and have a sense of accomplishment. My favorite cardio is walk/runs... probably because it's my choice in music (and my music ROCKS!) :)

FYI, Shereta is doing well on MFP :)

Hi Candice! I hope you're moving moving moving!!!
Hi girls! Sorry I have been absent for the first few days of this month!

Anyway summer is here and I sorted myself out of my weird funk! THANK GOODNESS! This month I decided to take a new approach...instead of extreme goals or way-too-easy goals, I think it's time I got something boring, realistic, and very midrange. The no-sweets goal I had was great but I felt like I wouldn't see any results with it.

So, I decided to join Weight Watchers online today. After doing 2 days of low-carb Atkins and getting so nauseus both days that I went to Safeway and bought a pregnancy test *just to make sure* it wasn't morning sickness, I decided that lowcarb is not for me. I felt awful and all that meat and high fat/oil was not sitting well in my stomach. I think Weight Watchers Online will offer me exactly what I need.

Anyway, checking in with a FIRM Express workout yesterday and 10 min of HC. Today is a rest day. Tomorrow will be another FE and HC day. :)

PS: I missed you girls - it made me really happy to see you guys cheering me on though!
Good morning Ladies! Yesterday was AB and today will be kickboxing and lots of abs.

Sue, would Thursday or Friday work of you for Supercuts? I'm looking forward to giving this one a go again. : )

Candice, good for you on joining WW. It's a great program, I bet you get great results.

Diana, I'm interested to know what your screen name stands for also.

Hi to Shereta and Addie. : )
Hi Ladies,

I ended up running 5 miles yesterday morning and doing Ride at the rec ctr last night. I skipped the transition training since it was raining and I've wrecked enough on my bike on dry roads. We have our last tri-training class tomorrow night, an it's more transition training and running the run portion.

This morning I did Cardio Leg Blast! I'm really looking for to weight training after this tri is over this weekend. After a week or so they I'll have to get back in tri training mode for the August triathlon.

Tina-AfterBurn is a goodie for sure! Wow, how lucky to have your DH to ride with. My DH is not active at all, but does support my efforts. Before Cathe became the Cathe Nation I had a different screen name but for whatever reason it didn't work on the new site. I simply used my Granddaughters' initials, Rylee Marie & Rallie Mae and the first letter of our last name.

Candice-I'm actually doing WW too but am going to meetings. I used to try to do it myself online but have more success going to the meetings. Good Luck. I really like the WW program. I was down 1.6#'s today for a total of loss of 5.2#'s. For me, I notice my body responds best to a balance of carbs/protein, something along the lines 40/40/20 or 35/35/30. I'm not tracking that right now though since I find hard to combine different programs. I do better when I just pick one and stick with it.

Sue-I'm a fair weather runner myself. Glad the weather has been cooperating for you. I hear you on the music. It's so strange hearing familiar music but the words are different in Cathe's newer w/o's. It finally made sense when she explained it in one of her emails. I was checking in with Shereta last year and jumped ship on WW and was following the Dukan Diet. Do you know if that worked for her? I keep looking at MFP but I can't spend all my time tracking on WW and MFP etc.

Hi girls!

Diana, Fembot - thanks for the kudos. I am on Day 2 and enjoying it. I feel like it's already working from a psychological standpoint. I don't feel like I'm going to get cancer by eating a piece of whole wheat toast. I think reading too much Atkins & Paleo/Primal literature really made me terrified of certain foods even though trying to eat that way was making me feel awful from all sides. Anyway - I am so totally loving WW...I think I found my diet soul mate. :)

Checking in w/ one of the Firm Express Sculpt workouts (~20 min) and 10 min of HC.

Sue - how is STS going for you?

Sidenote...another thing I am happy about w/ WW is that it seems so balanced and you know what, I lost weight before by eating a nice balance of protein/carbs/fat, allowing myself moderate treats, and working out with weights! I think that I got a little scared by reading some paleo blogs that lifting would bulk me up and I am glad I snapped out of that craziness and realized how much better I feel when I incorporate some weights.
Hi ladies! a walk/run for me today. I was looking on amazon for delivery info on slanted risers I ordered last week, saw that another seller had them for $40 less so I ordered from the other seller and cancelled my original order, which hadn't even shipped after a week! I didn't receive any confirmation on the cancel so hopefully I won't end up with two sets of risers.

Candice - good for you to keep looking for something that will work for you. I hope WW is your magic bullet :). Do you have support from friends/family? Or are they saboteurs?

Tina how about Friday for SC? I think I need a rest/stretch day tomorrow. Good job on AB! I might do it this weekend, have only done the express mix recently.

Diana you're so close to the tri! how are you feeling? confident? I can't claim to be a runner yet, the most I've run at one time was 20 minutes and that was a while back (and pretty slow too!). I will walk/run in cold weather but can't take the heat. I think Shereta is doing a modified paleo diet, she's sticking to her calories and losing weight.

I have a busy day tomorrow so prob won't check in until Friday... have a great one :)
Yesterday was KPC and STS weights and plates abs. Today was CM and Michelle Dozois' 360. It was the first time I've done 360 and it nearly did me in. I thought it looked so easy on the preview, but it really isn't. It's like yoga, pilates and planks rolled into 52 fast minutes. It moves really quick and clearly I need to work harder on my flexability. : /

Sue, SC for tomorrow sounds great. I think I'll tack on one of the core workouts with it. I hope you only rec'd one set of slanted risers. I have to rig up my Reebox step with another 4" step under it on one side to get an incline. Sometimes I even fold up two mats under the second box to make more of an angle.

Once my DD graduates from school and homeschooling is complete, I'm coming back to MFP and really buckeling down. Things are so hectic here, I can only focus on a few things. I'm so ready for summer to begin!
Hi girls -

Today was a scheduled rest day for me but I really had the urge to get moving so I did a FIRM kickbox workout. Also, WW is so far so good still :) I'm actually really enjoying it, trying to take my time getting acclimated to the site and program. I feel like I might actually experience some Fat loss this month!!

Summer is in full blast here in WA...it was actually HOT outside today!

Anyways hope all is well with you girls!
yesterday was a rest day and I did part of stretch max - really needed it. supercuts done today :) I was so awkward with a lot of those moves. I got through almost half the. pushups on my toes though!!!
premature submission... I did well eating this week until today, my hunger reared its ugly head and I caved.

Here's the deal on those stupid slanted risers. amazon said they'd ship in a week or so, I cancelled my order and they arrived the very next day! I received the email from amazon saying they had shipped AFTER they were already in my house!!! I haven't opened the box. I'm going to wait to receive my $20 set, make sure they're in good shape and send this box back.

Tina I couldn't tack on core at the end of SC. I thought of you though, I'm sure you added core work :)

Candice I'm glad you like WW, I bet they have an online community you can draw on for support. Good for you for listening to your body instead of following a schedule. sometimes life has intentions that don't coincide with our calendars :)

Diana good luck on your triathlon this weekend!!!! :)
The weather is a complete wash out, so last night I squeezed a bike ride in before dinner, where it doesn't look like we'll be riding this weekend. I fell asleep right after dinner. Maybe it was too much for one day? Today was SC premix #7, which got stuck on a constant loop of segments 2-28. I need to remember next time that it's a busted premix. Tomorrow looks like another rest day.

Sue, Amazon has done that same thing to us too. No shipping notice and here in two days. At least you can compare the two, make sure they're identical. Yay on your advanced push ups! : )

I hope you all have a great weekend! : )
Hi Ladies,

Thursday night I rode the tri route pretty much as fast as I could. It felt good to really push it. Unfortunately I did have to stop for 2 red lights. That won't happen during the race since the police will be holding the traffic for us.

Yesterday was a complete rest day, I was just too busy at work and had to be there early. Today will probably be a circuit, HSTA is a favorite of mine or perhaps one of the terminators. Tomorrow is race day!

I checked the heating and I'm in a slow heat which I'm thankful for. I may be faster than them but since I'm most nervous about the swimming I feel better knowing I'm in a slower paced heat. Our tri coach says not to worry too much about the swim as it's the smallest portion. He said for all tri's you make up your time on the bike. Not to worry if your slow in the water or running, the biking will be on your side.

The fitbit flex I ordered should be delivered today!!! Fitbit

Tina-Wow, you home school? I can't even imagine. My kids High School classes are much tougher than what mine were. I'm going to check out MD 360. I feel like I'm flexible until I try to do yoga!:D Skipping discs are the worse....that happened to my LowMax disc. It had a scratch and I couldn't buff it out, finally had to order a new one.

Sue-sorry about the eating issue. It's a constant struggle for me too. I try to have tons of veggies available for when that happens. Also, some low calorie candy in a pinch seems to work too. I'm still nervous about the tri, but will do my best. I've done it before so I shouldn't be so nervous. I never get this worked up over running races, it's my swim anxiety I think. Supercuts sneaks up on you...Nice Job:D...it's starts off fairly easy then suddenly pushups/situps oh my!!!

Candice-Good for you for working out because you felt like it, on your scheduled rest day no less!:D I don't schedule my rest days, they just fall on days I need to be to work early or I get up late etc. WW seems to be working for me too. Trust me, you will be eating more fruits and veggies than you ever though you would.

Need to get busy on Sat chores...laundry is at the top of the list.
Diana, good luck with your race! I'll be thinking of you. I hope you have a nice treat planned after it's over. : )

We managed a short bike ride in the rain this morning. Tomorrow is now going to be clear, so we plan a nice long bike ride first thing in the morning. The school I clean for has started their camp schedule for the summer, which reduces the number of rooms they use, so my hours have gone from 16 to 12 for the weekends. I am so HAPPY! Summer is so close now, yipee!
evening ladies :). today I did the 1-10 timesaver premix of Afterburn. That workout just doesn't get any easier! it probably doesn't help that I hadn't done it in a while. That's the end of my recovery week, I'm so excited to begin meso 2 tomorrow!!!

Tina I hope the weather has cooperated and you got your riding in today! Do you subject DS to year-round schooling or does he get the summer off? :) Tomorrow's the first day of m2 - yippee!!!

Diana - I keep veggies on hand, my problem is they need to be prepared so when I'm rushed or lazy I'll grab something sugar-laden as a quick fix. I need to get the vegs prepared in advance so I can grab and go. That's a good project for tomorrow. How was your tri?!? can't wait for the blow by blow :)

Hi Candice - you done w your semester yet? still liking WW?

Here's to another grey week for us all :)
Hi Ladies,

Today was a vacation day to watch my granddaughters. We went to our local waterpark that they love. During their quiet time I did Xtrain CSB. Time to get back on the weight lifiting band wagon before training for the next tri starts.

I am so pleased with my tri-results. I beat my last years time by a whopping 7 minutes and 10 seconds!!! The swim was okay, and I was in a lane with 3 other ladies and our timing couldn't have been better. We lined ourselved up perfectly and no one ran into anyone or had to pass. It worked out great. I'm sure my time improvement was due to the bike...I worked my a$$ off on the bike and it paid off. The run was average, but it always is. I'm not a fast runner, but enjoy running so I do it when I can. I'm not out to beat anyone, just do the best for me.

Tina-you rode in the rain.....I'm to afraid to ride in the rain. Hope the weather was much better for you today. We are in the high 90's this week, it's way to early too be this hot. My son has been out of school since May27th.

Sue-you are correct, no matter how many times you do it...AB is still tough. I struggle with the mountain climbers on the disc...those get me every time. Meso 2 is my favorite, sometimes I just do M2. I have grapes, cherries, baby carrots and celery. I do wash and cut up the celery but rest I just wash in bulk and sometimes throw together a few containers so I can just grab them as needed. Don't get me wrong, I also have bad habits like eating a spoon(s) full of peanut butter, or a handful(s) of chocolate chips.

Candice-how is school coming along? Will you be taking classes during the summer? If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying? I didn't get my degree until I was older and had a family, it was a real struggle for sure. It's so important though, stick with it. I'm still tracking on WW and so far, so good.

I forgot to hit submit on my post this morning, bah! Yesterday was a 50 miler in perfect weather. We rode a new route and managed to get lost at one point. We really need to get a GPS/Garmin for one of our bikes. Today was M2D12 and it felt great! I really missed weight training last week. I also added on the Michelle Dozois 360 workout after. I love the core work on this disc.

Diana, congratulations on your tri time, that's fantastic! You should be so proud. Are you really doing another one soon? You are amazing! And then to workout today? I'd still be sleeping.

Sue, you are so right about AB, it gets me every time. We do not homeschool through the summer. We're accidental homeschoolers (yes, that's an actual term), so we follow the public school schedule. I need eight weeks to plan and purchase the curriculum for the following year, so I'm grateful for the summers.

Candice, I hope you're done with school. Have you decided where you're going to live yet?

Hi to Shereta and Addie. : )

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