
Good morning,

I will do cardio today! I promise I will be back for perersonals! Sorry about that, been very busy with spring cleaning. I am almost done!

Have a wonderful day and workout!
Good morning.

Workout done! I'd normally say it was a wimpy one, but when I've been away from it for awhile, the Upper Body Sculpt and Stability Ball Abs are actually a workout. Now, heading for the shower and then out the door.

Trying to get better about my eating, so stopped by Trader Joe's for more almonds and butternut squash soup (love that stuff!). Today's lunch includes leftover taco meat from last night for a taco salad.

Don't have time for personals, but missed you all and hope you are doing ok.

Here's to a sweaty workout and a clean eating day!
Morning girls,

I am done with my workout. Did an oldie today, I decited to to Power Max! Had a lot of fun and burned 439 cal. Not bad! I also did the ab workout from PS/BB.

Sherry, good for you! Getting your workout in and out of the way.

I will eat some lunch, take the dogs for a walk (hopping it will stop raining.

Man, I've got a hang over! Think i had a few two many last night. I woke up with a pounding head, dry mouth and nausea:confused: I only had three shots of whiskey, WTH?

Im hoping to get my ticker moving by saturday...i've been really good as far as eating and workouts go...will have to wait and see. I did just start a new rotation so it may take a couple of weeks for it to kick in,my body is weird like that!

anyways the rotation calls for bm2 dbl upper body premix, im surprised i don't have some doms from yesterday's L&G...i was so sore yesterday, that is usually a good sign of bad doms the next day, but no doms so far.( I want my DOMS:p)

Belinda-Nice workout and awesome calorie burn!

Sherry-I love leftover taco meat for lunch, one of my favorite lunches! WTG on your workout, good job!

Hello to everyone...bbl
Hey Everyone,

Last night I manged to get in my Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout. I am feeling it in my triceps today!

I slept in again this morning. This time change thing is making it really hard for me to get up at 5! grr Tonight I plan on doing a interval run either on the treadmill or outside with the pup. :) DH and I are going to be putting in some fence posts tonight as well...lovely.
Hey to you all!

Back in again... ;)

Yesterday was a 4miler with runnervals 2.0. Man is that tough!
Today: MM upper and abs only. shoulders are feeling it from the 20#BB Front Raises/Rear Delt Squeeze. That is a tough one!
Shaking now... ;)

Hey Sherry! I am just getting back too! It has been very wild here lately.
Awesome job! :)
Oh that soup sounds wonderful! Might have to get some tomorrow when I am up the line. I have to drop off my car for its oil change etc. There is a Trader Joe's up the road
about a mile or so. Good walking distance. ;)
I am doing the same for lunch: made beef strips last night and plan on using some left overs for a salad. ;)

Belinda: Awsome job on Power Max and your abs! :) Enjoy your day...even though it is raining. I had rain all weekend and it poured heavily Sunday through Monday. A little water in the cellar but the sump pump managed to keep up ok.

Amelia: How's the new house? I hope you didn't get any flooding! I heard you had the same rain storm that came my way for the last 4 days.
Oh too bad on not feeling all that great today. What was the occasion? ;)
Maybe a good walk outside will help clear your head. Good luck with your workout today.
Oh which rotation are you now following?

Karen: Awesome job on the diet and getting in your workouts. I hear ya on that time change. I woke today at 4 and went back to bed until 8am! I have been getting to bed rather early as well but I just feel so messed up.
Great job on your workout last night! Have a fun run!
Did you just get a new pup? ;) What kind?

Well, off to the shower and work.
Have a great day everyone!
no workout today, guess i have to do it tomorrow along with some cardio. I did complete some left over tax papers...yay! Im glad thats done!

Heidi-Nice job on your 4miler yesterday and your UB MM workout today! I know the that bb raise your talking about and i always dread it,LOL...but it burns so good! Im following FF's getting ready for summer 08, i really like it but on days like today when i don't get the workout in there hard to make up(all the workouts are around an hour) i will have to do it tomorrow along with a shorter cardio! No special occasion, just decided to have a drink:eek:

Karen-Putting in fence post is a workout in its self:confused: nice job on your workout this morning!

Hello to Sherry and Belinda! Have a good day
Hi Amelia and everyone...

Oh my shoulders! Really feeling it in my right shoulder the most. Remind me the next time I do that workout to use a much lighter BB. I used 20#'s for it today.

Oh Amelia: that is happens to the best of us. Just make tomorrow all that more tougher. ;) I will have to check-out that rotation.....I seem to remember it but it has been awhile.

Enjoy your day everyone!
Oh Wow Amelia! I see what you mean! The workouts are all up there around an hour. This ought to really get you chiseled for summer. HAHA! ;)

Have a good rest day!
YAY! Heidi and Sherry are back!! We missed you gals! :rolleyes:

Today was supposed to be HiiT 20/40 but I just did not feel like doing that one. (is it possible for these to have lost their luster already?) ANyway, I did a 30 minute interval run on the treadmill instead. (felt wonderful! I haven't run in a while) After that I took the pup (he really isn't a pup - I just call him that - he is a jack russell terrier and is almost 3yrs old) for a very long walk. It was sooo nice outside and he was bouncing off of the walls so I just kept going and going. :p

Tomorrow is legs. I am going to try my darndest to get my butt out of bed tomorrow morning!!

Good night everyone - see you tomorrow!

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