Damage Control....Tuesday


Good Morning Ladies.

Today is a rest day for me. TBH I didn't want to take one but I know I have to...*sigh* :rolleyes::p

On the bright side, I am getting AS today so that means I'll be all rested up to try it tmrw morning! YAY! I don't know why I am so excited about this. I guess I am the NERD of the exercise world, huh? :D

I am sore from yesterday's work out but not anything like I expected. Ofcourse there have been times where it's gotten worse as the day wore on so by this afternoon I could be popping advil and limping! AWESOME! ;)

Check in was way quiet y'day. I hope there is more action here today! Let me get this posted and see if there are any personals I didn't respond to yet.

BBIAM or from work!:cool:
Hi Ladies,

I have another busy day ahead of me. Hopefully I can work from home tomorrow and catch up on things around the house.

This morning should be Max Cardio, but I'm not sure I want to finish this rotation. I think there are 6 or 7 more workouts to go. Since I've been unable to get to the rec ctr lately I'm missing my weights terribly. Hopefully I can go to the rec ctr today and hit legs. Although I love tonique, it probably isn't going to be enough for me.

My eating has been terrible lately. Total lack of planning on my part. Time to get back into the groove and get my meals planned and prepared on Sunday's.

Wendy-enjoy your rest day.

Jacque-I also had to change my weights with BH. I started out strong/heavy and found myself going lighter and lighter.

Laura-How was your long weekend?

Lori-what do you have on tap for today?

Diana:: Hope you were able to work from home today and that you get a lot done. Enjoy rec ctr legs today if you can make it happen! Burnt out on Insanity? Skipping the last week or so is no big deal IMO. That rotation is super intense. You did good! :) I don't need to pre-plan my meals to eat well. I just need to have options in the house and when we slack on the food shopping I can tell cause my eating goes to pot. :confused: So when you say pre-plan on Sunday do you mean you create a "menu" for the week and then prepare off that menu as you go or do you actually cook everything ahead of time and store it?
Hi Girls!

Finally...a bit of peace and quiet around this joint. I came in yesterday to a flight, then more at 5:30 and 9. The 9 one decided that they wanted to watch tennis before leaving. I should have been out of here by 9:45 but instead I was stuck here until 12! Can you believe that? I was suppose to have another flight at 1:30 but it ended up canceling...but now its coming in tonight. Atleast I would have had it over with now.

DS was suppose to have his speech appt this morning but they canceled it which meant that I got my workout in. I did 20 mins on the TM, DWP and abs.

I am really on the fence about this marathon! I don't know if I wanna do it! When I signed up for this one I had no intentions of doing the Ottawa marathon but I did it anyway. Now I have to do another one? I feel as if my training hasn't been good enough. I haven't even gotten a 32 km run in yet, the furthest I have done is 28. Everytime I plan on doing a long run something else comes up. Problem is my running partner already has her hotel room booked and my sister says that if Im not going then she will cancel the trip and come home for christmas instead. I am also thinking about the financial side of things. My manager just left for head office for a few days so maybe when he gets back he will have some raise news and then I can make my decision. But seriously....I don't think my heart is into it. Although I do love braging and telling people that I have done a marathon!:eek: Who wouldn't? Its quit the accomplishment. I just feel alot of pressure from everyone and of course all I want to do is make everyone else happy....which means hurry up and make a descision.

Wendy** I work every 2nd monday! LOL So I work 50% of the mondays! I don't think you really pay attention to when I am working or not:p I use to LOVE getting new workout. Especially cathe ones b/c I could always just dive right in and do them. Now I don't even have the time to look at ordering new workouts. When did my life become this hectic? I don't really like it but that's it. I wanted to get my long run in tomorrow and now my sister wants me to go to my parents house for the night. See....can't get the stupid long run in! I don't think going tomorrow morning is an option b/c DH is working. Sounds like you are super excited about your weekend!

Diana** Since Sat night my eating as been awful as well. I don't know if its been as bad as the bloat that came along with the pms monster. That is probably the only real reason why I feel like I look pregnant right now:p;) I consumed alot of cals on Sat night and I really haven't worked them off yet! I went for a 10 miler on Sunday but I ate alot on Sunday....I think I was looking for some energy! How is your back today?

Jacque** I often forget what weights to grab as well. I am pretty safe with the heavier for chest and back but I never know with the rest of my body. I did slo mo shoulders yesterday with heavy weights and they were really burning.

I also had some nice compliments at the wedding. Some people giving me razz for running so far and I also had nice compliment on my arms. I am proud of them non the less....I work hard for it so why shouldn't I be. I am looking forward to finishing this marathon training (if I do it) so I can make up some kind of rotation.

I may bbl!

Hey Girls,

Been an uber busy day for me...didn't get home until after 7pm. One of the projects I'm working on hasn't been going well...totally turned around today. Tomorrow I will be creating and testing...I'm so excited we finally figured out a way to make it work.

This morning I forced myself to put in Max Cardio and I was fine once I got started. The Insanity rotation is wearing on me and I need to get back to weight training on a regular schedule.

I made it to the rec ctr for lunch today.....heavy legs and it was awesome. I haven't don't legs at the gym since Aug 27th...yes I keep a log! Struggled a bit on the hamstring curls and had to lower my weight. Did squats at 115, lunges at 75, leg curls 100/100/87.5/75. I also through in some plie squats using a 50# db.

Wendy-I prepare my food to take to work on Sunday. I boil a dozen eggs, get my cereal w/ protein powder, wheat germ, flax seed all measured out in containers. I usually make up 2...sometimes 3 salads so I can just grab and go. I used to cook steel cut oats, eggwhites/veggies etc but have been using fiber one cereal and boiled eggs instead. As far as dinners...its a crap shoot...never know who will be here, what time..we just play that by ear.

Lori-you should run the marathon because you want to, not because someone else wants you to. My back is feeling a little better, still sore but better. It's always nice to get compliments, you work hard and deserve them.

See you in the a.m.

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