Damage Control in Feb....Sunday


Hi Girls. :)

Diana: Sorry about DS and the appendicitis. Hope he recovers quickly! The gym is actually a very good size facility. The problem is that it's in a strip mall that has a small lot. :(

Jacque: Sorry the back is still bothering you. Hope you are back to 100% quickly!

Yesterday afternoon DH and I went to the new outlets that opened up by me around Thanksgiving. Tons of stores. We could have spent alot more time there then we did but we had to get back to go to dinner with mom and her SO. Anyway, I scored a pair of shoes I'd been wanting forever and 2 more pairs of Lucky jeans. DH gave me a gift card for Lucky for Christmas. I had no trouble spending it. ;) I think I was in and out of the store in less then 10 minutes and that included trying on the jeans! :D

Dinner was fab. I love that restaurant! Mom's SO and myself split 2 pitchers of red sangria. I was feelin' no pain. After dropping them off at home DH and I headed out for some country dancing. That's always a good time for us. We didn't get home until late so I actually slept until 7:45 this morning! :eek::D

Today's work out will be either IMAX3 or Lowmax blasts only as well as one of the CLX ab work outs. I will try the other one later in the week. :)

That's about all for now....tummy is starting to grumble...better go feed it!
Hi ladies,

Todays w/o will be GS Legs and KPC. I haven't done a "real" leg workout in about 3 months and I'm really looking forward to it. I also printed off the STS exercise worksheet so I can work on the 1RM's. Not sure if I should just start at the top and work my way down, do 1 or 2 body parts, or work on the 5 stars, then 4 stars etc.

Zach is still not moving around very well. He hasn't learned to "manage his pain" or stay ahead of it. He waits until he's in so much pain and then he has to eat something before he can take the pain med. Hopefully today will be better for him.

Wendy-Nice score at the outlets. I love my lucky jeans! Fortunately I found mine at Costco for $40. Sounds to me like you are finally getting your money's worth out of Imax 3!!! Still can't believe you sold the first one.

;)Popping in to say hi with no workout on tap again today. Feeling a bit better but every here and there when I move I feel pain. Oh well, time passes quickly anyway.

Wendy - glad you had a fun night. Will think of you doing the blasts ! :eek: Haven't tried the LowMax ones yet - you are definitely a glutton for punishment (in a good way :p)

Diana - what a bummer about Zack. I soooo remember my first C-Section and how I let myself get in pain before I asked for meds. Then it took a half an hour for a nurse to come. My roommate actually started calling them cuz I had tears running down my face. It felt like I had a hot knife slicing me open and then there was the fire. Then it took another half hour for the meds to kick in. The 2nd & 3rd I took them by the clock. ;) And finally during the 2nd one I was told that they had shot me with a 24 hour dose of morphine the first time which is why I didn't have to take anything til the next morning. Well that explained it 1 1/2 years later ! :rolleyes:

Anyway - hope he figures it out soon. I was on tylenol after just a few days so it heals pretty quickly from a pain standpoint. But don't let him over do it with the recovery. That is what can set you back.

Enjoy your leg workout ! I started the 1 RM's doing the 5 stars on down and made it about 2/3 the way through. When doing the first disc I found that I had to drop my weight a bit because you do the 1 RM's when you are not tired and about half way through I couldn't barely pick up my target weight. It was a nice workout though once I figured it out.

Hey Ladies:)

I don't think I checked in yesterday...oops!:) I have been kept pretty busy all weekend. We went out for dinner on Fri night with friends......and i ate waaaaaaay to much!:mad: Ugh...my stomach was hurting! Yesterday I worked at DH's store for a couple of hours, then worked out...then off to my inlaws for another meal, where I didn't eat to much but I felt like I did! I think I was still in pain from the night before:eek: Both nights I went to bed fairly early and I feel so well rested! I am back to work in the morning so I have two early morning workouts ahead of me!

Wendy** Sounds like you had an awesome day yesterday! I need to get some nice jeans, I have lots of jeans, but they aren't super nice b/c they weren't expensive. I remember spending atleast $90 on a pair of jeans but now everything around here seems to be in the $39 range...so you know what you are getting. Also, I find jeans so uncomfortable. When I first put them on they are bar tight and an hour later they are falling off of me:mad:

Jacque** Sorry to hear you are in pain. I need catch up on the last couple of days to see whats wrong.

Diana** Enjoy your leg workout today. I put off leg workouts as much as possible! Hope zach is feeling better soon!

I should motor, DS is picking at everything and I smell poo!:eek: Yesterdays workout was BM and today I just did a 3.5 mile run on the TM and BM2 abs. Today was suppose to be a rest day but after all the eating I did this weekend I felt the need for DAMAGE CONTROL!:eek:

Hi Gals.

Opted for LM today so IM3 will get done later in the week for sure! I did the entire work out on the floor (no step) and before you ask WTH I did that for I will tell you...because I wore the X-vest!! I did the warm up and the first blast with out it but wore the vest for blasts 2-7 and YEOWZERS! Awesome burn! I followed that up with the inner thigh floor work from L&G and finally CLX Ab Burner. Nice work out if I must say so myself! ;)

Lori: I know about too much eating out. I ate out both fri and sat night. Great food but UGH is right! You mean you don't like the smell of poop!? :p

Jacque: Ya gotta do LM's blasts only! Great work out! Glad to hear you are on the mend.

Diana: My opinnion is that you should do the 1RM exercises rated highest in importance first and go down from there. What can I say, sometimes it takes me a while to warm up to a work out (IM3)! LOL :p So have you stopped doing CLX altogether now? Enjoy GS Legs!
Beautiful Sunday!

Hiya Damage Controllers.....

I am so NOT in damage control mode. I had wayyyy to many CABs Friday night and ate pizza with spinach dip and crackers for dinner last night....no CABs though.:eek: Who knows how today will end up but it is rest day and I kinda let things go on Sunday.....uh, like I haven't been doing that since Friday. *lol*

Skiing was great. Oh my, my calves were huring the next day but not my glutes or hammies, which kinda surprised me. I was also surprised that I didn't biff it even once.....but came close a couple of times. My butt and calves were screaming at me yesterday b/c I did STS legs disc 3 on Friday. Ouchie! Overall though, I'm not really super impressed with the ab routines so far. I think ARX is actually a better ab routine than anything I've done on STS abs so far, but I haven't tried them all yet either.

Wendy - Your night last night sounds great! It's nice to get out with DH and let it all hang out.:D Yikes! It sounds like a tortourous workout today. Have you started with CLX yet?
Nice score at the store.

Diana - So sorry to hear about Zach. Hope he does well soon. I don't know what it is about the men, but they always seem to be more stubborn about taking pain meds....typically they wait until it is too late....it used to drive me nuts when I was working at the hospital. The older men are the worst though....there's just no talking any sense into them. *lol* OK - they aren't ALL that bad.;)
When doing my 1RM's, I started with the 4&5 star and that's really all I did. I really should finish them all up, but I think I will just enter the others as I go along now. I just did 10 a day and staggered muscle groups so as not to fatigue one group and then enter inaccurate 1RMs. Hope that makes sense.:confused:

Jacque - Sorry to hear about the sore back. Hope is heals up quick.
I'm still waiting on getting my tax stuff back. Michigan changed the business tax last year but failed to get the new tax forms out and approved yet.:eek::rolleyes::mad: Damn legislators can't think ahead at all. I mean, hey, let's change the tax but lets not get the forms out there and approved before tax season eh? Geez - what a mess! Plus, I can't do our personal taxes until our business taxes are done.....so I wait.:(
Ah yes, the spring type weather is here...for a while anyways. It's in the 40-50's today and the snow is melting fast! We're supposed to get rain on Weds or Thursday. Plus nascar started back up last night so I'm am definitely getting spring fever. Wish I could go to Daytona for the big race next weekend, but I will be watching that from the couch with a mittful of CABs.;) How's the hockey season panning out?

Lori - I had to LMAO at this: DS is picking at everything and I smell poo!:eek: Yesterdays workout was BM. LOL!! Loved the pun.:D
My boys are way to old to be smelling like poo, but they still do!:eek: Why oh why do males think that farting is just the funniest thing on the face of the planet????:rolleyes: Hopefully the males in your house will be much more mature than the ones in my house.
I hear you for the need for damage control. When I went skiing last week, I was hoping DH would make leftovers and clean out the frig....but no, he took the boys out to eat.:confused: I was like WTH?? So this is how it's gonna be if I die huh? DH chuckled and said I'd better have good life insurance b/c it sure is gonna get expensive eating out every night.:rolleyes: Men! *lol* I haven't really cooked a "real" meal since Wednesday.:confused::eek: I need to clean out the frig and get some meal planning done today.

Ok - gotta go and update some workout cards, plan some meals, and finish laundry..... Catch ya'll later

Hey ladies,

I'm beat.... I did GS legs then decided to do some 1RM's. The list was short for chest so I did those first. Then I ended up doing alternating Bicep and Tricep exercises. I finished triceps but there are more biceps to go. I figure on Wednesday I can do Back & Biceps and that will finish those up. I will knock out the shoulder exercises a few at time this week. It actually didn't take as long as I thought it would. I also did KPC. My legs were shaking in KPC. I am so tired now.

Before starting CLX I was used to doing longer workouts. 6 weeks of shorter workers has really decreased my endurance. :mad:

Wendy-I chose to do 1 body part at a time, kind of. I did all the chest 1RM's then alternated bicep and tricep exercises. Wow, can't imagine wearing the x-vest for lowmax, great job. I've stopped CLX for now, I need way more cardio than an hour and 15 min per week. I do like the weight w/o but need more leg work than CLX provides. I did see on one of the forums that some folks separated the compound exercises. For example deadlifts and rear delt flyes. I did them with 12lb db's, but I guess some did the deadlifts first with a heavy bb and then did the flyes with a lighter weight db's.

Lori-How's it going at DH's store. Are you looking to leave your current job-I know you do shift work?? Would you be able to make as much money and work less hours than you do now? Your legs get worked with all the running you do!!

Jacque-I hurt my back getting up from doing the floor work GS legs today. No, not during an exercise but simply getting up off the floor. The left side is a little tender but I don't think it's anything serious. Would you consider starting STS next week? I think I read that's when Cathe would be starting the rotation.

I need to be productive and get started on cleanmax, making food for the week, laundry etc but all I really want to do is take a nap!

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