Crazy Strong and Loving It for Jun 6, 2009


Hi and good morning,

I am not sure if I will take a rest day (Cathe has one scheduled for today?) Or do a workout today? I see how I feel after my coffee. Right now it’s raining outside, so no walking for me at this moment.

I will be back later! Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Belinda!

I'm not sure what I'll do today- we have a family reunion to go to so I may do something later when we get home. Or it may be a rest day and I'll do something tomorrow. I start Cathe's June rotation on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Today was supersetting Legs. This is my last workout for the 4 weeks and I've decided to do another 4 weeks. I will come up with different exercises and supersets. I am enjoying this one.

Had an excellent workout. I added an additional set to each superset.

8 minute warmup on treadmill.

45 second rest between supersets.

SS #1
Squats: 80# - 8/8/8/8
superset w/
Elevated SLDL's: 75# - 8/8/8/8
***My hips and low back were really tight here. Had a hard time going to parellel with the squats.

SS #2
Leg Press Station: 170# - 10/10/10/10
superset w/
Hamstring Curls: 45# - 10/10/10/10
***Good superset. I like this one. Hamstrings felt fine with the hamstring curls. They must be getting better finally.

SS #3
Leg Extensions: 85# - 12/12/12/12
superset w/
Barbell Calf Raises: 130# - 12/12/12/12
***Calf raises about killed me. Could have gone heavier with the leg extensions but my right knee was bothering me.

That is all....
Good morning. I did Imax 2 this morning. This is one of my favorite Cathe workouts and I haven't done it in ages so I was happy to see it on the rotation! I was sweating buckets which is a great way to start the weekend. Went to Panera afterwards and celebrated with a whole grain bagel. There goes my cheat for the weekend.

Have a good weekend.

Hey Everyone..

I did Intervals 6-10 of IMAX 2 and then Med Ball Abs. It was kind of cool having more energy for those intervals than I usually do when they fall on the second half of the workout! Fun!

Off to do CleanMax!
Good Morning,

Today I have to make up Lean Circuit 3 the kids came over last nite, and then do 4ds LIS cardio only and some kind of ab work. I need alot of advice on eats and workouts for the next two months, DD and her DH have decided for her b-day in Aug. they want both families to go to a water park together so I want to look good in a bathing suit need to drop 5lbs and tighten my abs.

Belinda-enjoy whatever you decide to do.

Patti-I would just take a rest day today sounds like you have alot going on today.

Bev-good job on the workout that one is a toughie.

Debbie-good job as always and I am glad you are enjoying your workouts.
Here are my stats for today:

Lean Circuit 3
Squat with Cross Body Chop-12lbs/6reps each side
Reverse Lunge & Arnold Press-10lbs/24reps 3 arnold press slow
Chest Fly with Hip Lift-12lbs/12reps 3 flys slow
Kneeling Overhead Press & Center Crunch-10lbs/12reps
Pushups Side Plank-10reps on knees
Dead Lift Frontal Press-10lbs/10reps
Traveling Pushups-12 stayed stationary on knees
Chest Fly Abduction-10lbs/12reps
Army Crawl-12
This is the 4th time this week shoulders have been worked I think Chalene is obsessed with shoulders and pushups.

4ds LIS
32 min
31 in the zone
159 min hr
182 max hr
267 cals burned.

Still need to work abs sometime today.
Checking in -

Today became an unexpected rest day. After work, my girls, grammy and I met to see a play. It was 3 HOURS LONG! REALLY!?!? The movie wasn't even that long!
It was, however, a lovely afternoon. I am tired. Enjoy your weekend, ladies!
Good evening ladies~:D

I'm here, but really late with the check in.

Here's my workout for today:

Jillian Michaels-iFit Card-Lose Wt= Level 2, Week 2, Program 3= 30 minutes.

Distance= 2.67 miles
Calories burned= 411
This was a bit of power walking then jogging. 2.5-6.0 MPH incline from 1% to 6%.
BPM's= 135,141,143,148,151,152,154,155=75% to 87% of My max heart rate in the zone.

Jillian Michael's is definitely a tough trainer!

Muscle Max= 68 minutes
Calories burned= 528

I did notice that after doing STS that I have no problem lifting what Cathe and the gang did. I even had to go heavier on some of them. I'm happy about that because I could not use the weights they did in Muscle Max always having to go much lighter. But, I'm happy to report post STS that I can do the weights they are in Muscle Max infact I can now go heavier thanks to strength gained from STS. Thanks Cathe and STS!!!

That's it for me today! I'm scheduled to do some yoga tomorrow so, I'll be checking tomorrow with that. Have a great weekend!



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