Crazy Strong and Loving I


Good morning ladies,

Thanks your kind words yesterday. If I have time later, I will tell you what happend.

Today I will do M3 D 28!

PS. Not sure what happend, my thread posted before I hit enter? My computer is new and so sensitive, I don't like it! Sorry, I am missing part of the title. Awwww.......

I will be back to report my workout and catch up on personals!

Happy Monday, everyone!
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I am done with my workout. Did chest & back (disc 28) today. M3 is definitely my favorite;)

I will be back!
Ugh, I totally hate the time change in case anyone was curious. It was pitch black coming into work - not fun when you walk 3 blocks and there's pretty much no one around! I'm just going to have to keep reminding myself of the one perk - daylight at 7pm....

Needless to say, while I was up at 5am when DH got up to go swim, I did not get out of the bed. Actually, my legs are pretty heavy feeling from yesterday's leg workout. I do hope to go home and do my cardio at lunch though. I'll probably end up doing SB and abs from SJP. I really really really must find other cardio that is A) not over-the-top intense, B) still intense enough to get HR up, C) only about 50 mins. Tall order. I just don't get the calorie burn that some of you guys do unless I am doing something like Imax 2 or 3 or Cardio Fusion. So in order to burn calories, I have to workout a lot longer or do super intense workouts. Yes, I enjoy those, but I also need to lay off of them sometimes (this is me trying to be sane by the way).

Ok, rambled enough.

Happy Monday!
Good Morning,

I didn't sleep most of last night and when I did I had weird dreams and I ended up with a migraine in the middle of the night so my plans for tonite are fixing supper and then going to bed. Still fighting the dizzys to.

Heather-I hate this particular time change because I have to get up to early.

Belinda-great workout.
Heather - you crack me up, trying to stay sane, or talk yourself into it. I know what you mean. I have rest day planned for tomorrow morning that I keep trying to talk my way out of. I hate rest days!! LOL.

I hit Power this morning which was good, the instructor changed up a bunch of the tracks and subsequently, I now cannot lift my arms very high. Ouchie! ;)
LOL Belinda! I thought maybe you had a few too many last night! JK!! :p

I am back at it after two weeks off. Even last night I wasn't looking too forward to it. It's funny how easily you can get use to not working out. I enjoyed my time off. Once I got up and drank my protein shake, I was ready to go and I had an excellent workout.

I made up my own rotation using Cathe's STS Weight Training System and Gym Style workouts, posted it yesterday on the rotation forum. It's a leg blast rotation and I plan on doing a heavy day for legs and a high rep for legs each week. I need to do something to shock these flabby things into shape. Hope my hip flexor deals with it ok. We shall see...

Today was Meso 2, Week 1, Disc 13 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Wend fairly light today to get use to lifting again. I know I'm going to be in pain tomorrow if not later on today!

Flat Barbell Bench Press - 65#/12
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 70#/12

Flat Barbell Bench Press - 70# - 12
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 75# - 10
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 80# - 8

Flat Bench Chest Flyes - 25's/12
Flat Bench Chest Flyes - 25's/10
Flat Bench Chest Flyes - 25's/8

Incline Barbell Bench Press - 75#/12
Incline Barbell Bench Press - 75#/10
Incline Barbell Bench Press -75#/8

Incline Chest Flyes - 25's/12
Incline Chest Flyes - 25's/10
Incline Chest Flyes - 25's - 8

Seated Front Press Alternating Arms (Elbows Forward) - 12's/12
Seated Front Press Alternating Arms (Elbows Forward) - 12's/10
Seated Front Press Alternating Arms (Elbows Forward) - 12's/8
Seated Front Press Both Arms - 15's/10 (to failure)

Alternating One Arm Standing Lateral Raise - 8#/12
Alternating One Arm Standing Lateral Raise - 8#/10
Alternating One Arm Standing Lateral Raise - 8#/8
Seated Lateral Raise Both Arms - 8's/15 (to failure)

Seated Rear Dumbbell Flyes - 15's/12
Seated Rear Dumbbell Flyes - 15's/10
Seated Rear Dumbbell Flyes -15's/8

***This shoulder work was a killer! I'm feeling this already.

Barbell Tricep Extensions - 45#/12
Barbell Tricep Extensions - 45#/10
Barbell Tricep Extensions - 45#/8
Barbell Tricep Extensions - 45#/8 (to failure)

Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball - 15#/9
Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball - 12#/10
Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball - 12#/8

Kickbacks One Arm - 12#/12
Kickbacks One Arm - 12#/10
Kickbacks One Arm - 12#/8

Loved this workout. Very fun!!!!
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I managed to get home at lunch and opted for Athletic Step repeating the finished combos section plus C&W abs.

Belinda - good job with your workout! Glad you're liking M3. I really liked that one too.

Debbie - way to go with those "lighter" weights!!! I'm trying to focus a little more on legs too right now.

Jessica - no high fiving for you huh????

Roxie - sounds like you do just need to rest up!

Chris - what do you have in store or is it a rest day?

Wendy - I know you're working out and working hard!!

Nora - How are you doing????
Good workouts girls!!!

Belinda: Sorry you're having a hard time. Family issues are harder than anything.

Roxie: Oh I feel for you on the headache/migraine in the middle of the night. Mine always come on then too . :(

Heather: You picked a good cardio! Athletic Step is fun, isn't it? ... I actually like the time change so far. The lightness later is a real mood booster to me!! During the winter months, I hibernate. Right after supper I put on my PJs!!! In the nicer weather and summer months, we'll go outside after supper or do something else! And I'm on the other end of the time change too. I have been driving to work in the dark, now it's light out!! LOVE that!

Debbie: I understand how the no workouts is nice. It gives you some extra time and I always feel like I have more to get things done. but it's also nice to get back into them too! You did great today!

Jessica: Sounds like a good workout today!

This afternoon i started week #3 of March Rotation. It's one body part a day!
I ALMOST subbed in 4DS KB, thinking I could save some time. But in the end, I did do MMA Kickbox. I'm so glad I did! I really liked it, it was perfect for a Monday cardio too. And , I got the 3rd combo!! YAY! ... Then went into S&H SHoulders. It was kind of a hard transition, haven't done slow/heavy stuff in a long time too. It was tough!! I'd be very surprised if I don't have DOMS tomorrow.

*waves* to Nora and Wendy!!!!!
Hi girls!:)

I'll quickly check in now then be back for personals.

Here's today's workout: House=22min
Calories burned= 303
Distance= 2.0 Miles
BPM= 150=84% HR in zone

STS Cardio: HiiT-30/30=30 Min
Calories burned= 349

Gym Style Chest and Triceps = 48 min
Calories burned= 373

Yep, doing cardio before weights is definitely better for me. I even had gas in the tank afterwards, which is better than the other day when I did weights first then cardio, not good. FYI I gather Chalene Johnson is going to be coming out with a new workout series offered by beachbody either late spring or this summer, its called "Turbo Fire" and its supposed to be HiiT! I'm excited about this because I love her Turbo Jam so this could be awesome. I'm getting myself in shape more before I attempt Insanity, which looks like fun too! Anyways, I'll be back later for personals. Have a great day ladies!;):)


Checking in -

Hi girls, I'm still here .... Yeah, the time change on top of the girls' sleepover this weekend has knocked me for a loop. And I looked back on my WM calendar and Saturday was my first rest day in 2 weeks! Oops!
I'm working 5 out of 6 days right now, too. I picked up 2 extra days 'cause I want a few pair of workout bottoms from Veronica at the SD RT!
Yesterday I did Disc 7 Chest/Sh/Bi - she does a TON of pushups in this one. Then I ran 3 miles on the TM.
Today I did Pyramid Hiit and then AC Med ball abs.
Getting back in the swing of things Debbie? Today was a nice day, but no time for a ride!
Roxie, take it easy. Sounds like you're modifying well.
Belinda, I hope your not feeling upset anymore.
Hello to Chris, Nora and Jessica!
I'm tired.....
Hi girls!;)

Belinda-Awesome job with STS Meso 3 Disc 28! I agree Meso 3 is the most fun of the three to do. WTG!!!:D

Heather- be careful walking to work in the am, please. I hope your legs are feeling better today and not so stiff and sore. Regarding workouts have you tried some of the premixes for BodyMax 2 its a real calorie burner or Drill Max.
4DS-Cardio Power Premix its about 53 Minutes and its both Kickbox and bootcampt done back to back. Its a killer! I'd suggest exploring some of the premixes on 4DS there's ton of them. Have fun whatever workout you do!;)

Roxie- Oh no sorry, about your headache and dizziness. I hope that you get a good nights sleep and sleep solid until the alarm clock wakes you up in the morning. I agree I hate the time change it always messes me up. Feel better!;)

Debbie- Welcome back to working out! I did check out your rotation and as usual it looks awesome. I saved it and printed out a copy. I think I want to do it but not sure when. I'm in week 2 of Cathe's March rotation 2010 and liking it so far. I've added more running to it just to help increase my cardio endurance because I'm planning to do Insanity but need to condition myself into more intense bpms that I get from Cardio Coach. My legs are feeling great since I got myself a pair of Nike Shox and been wearing my knee braces when I workout. I was really thrilled to see you'd posted another kickbutt rotation, its on my to do rotation list.

Chris- Congrats on being in Week 3 of Cathe's march rotation, I'm in week 2 of it. I really like it. I do add extra cardio by doing some Cardio Coach running on my treadmill. I'm enjoying that alot. I'm excited to learn seeing a post you made on one of the other boards that Chalene Johnson's soon to be released "Turbo Fire". I definite want to save up for that. Thanks for the news I have all of her Turbo Jam's from beachbody and really had fun with those. I'm hoping that with these being HiiT style workouts that she might have some Turbo Jam type style in there, just for maximum fun factor. Let me know if you hear any new news on Turbo Fire!

Wendy- Great workout for you today! Bravo!! Yes, I agree the time change always sucks and messes everyone up.

Jessica- Nice workout, great job. Power Hour is a tough one I know I did it the other day and had DOMS. Just hang in there and don't lift weights the next day. Take care!;)

Ok, that's it for me girls have a great evening, Hugs!!;):)


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