Crazy strong and loving it for April 17, 2010


Good morning,

My morning is starting out not so great:mad: Got an phone call from DH around 4 am my time, saying someone hacked into my hotmail/facebook account:mad: I can no longer get into my hotmail account. My DH and kids knew what happend before I did:confused: I glad they knew first, they changed all my accounts, canceled my credit cards. Hotmail isn't much help at all. I just hope they are not doing to much damage with my info. Kids changed my amazon/ebay/hotmail/facebook account. You name it! I lost all my CC's:confused: I emailed Sean, to let him know what happend! I also contacted I don't want anyone going shopping on my account:confused: this is crazy!

I am not even sure if my DH is coming home tomorrow, he is in the states. With that volcano in Iceland, no flights to Frankfurt or Munich:confused:

I am so tired, maybe i will try to get some more sleep!
OMG, Belinda! that's horrible!!! And I thought my morning wasn't going great (our microwave died!)

Busy day today here . Not sure I'll get in a workout. It's SUPPOSED to be KPC. But ya know what? I'm kind of pissed at my workouts, since the scale STILL hasn't budged. (Just sayin'). I did eat a different breakfast this morning, instead of my usual oatmeal, I had scrambled egg beaters on a whole wheat pita with a tomato.

Have to deliver newspapers and get Zach to have his baseball pictures taken by 10:30 , which is going to be tricky!!!

Good Morning,

Belinda-that is awful makes me nervous hotmail hasn't been working all that great lately.

Chris-our ceiling fan died during the night and I have a hard time sleeping without it.

I am suppose to do MM but I think my body is trying to tell me I need a break so if I do anything today it will be a walk unless Dh decideds to go play golf then I will go to the fitness center and do the wt machines.
Today was a circuit workout and I did 4-Day Split Bootcamp & Upper Body Circuit premix. Very fun workout, I haven't done a circuit workout in probably 5 years. My endurance SUCKS! The drills were bootcamp type drills and luckily not too long. There were twelve drills. Inbetween about 3 drills each a couple of the 4DS exercises were stuck in there. Very fun and the time went by really fast. This workout even had an ab workout at the end. So that was a bonus for me.

1 hr. 7 minutes total
7 minutes below zone
27 minutes in zone
34 minutes above zone
515 calories burned

Very happy with this. Now I need to concentrate on eating good today. I'm allowing one cheat meal and one cheat snack.

Belinda - I got that email too. I deleted it right away because I knew it wasn't good. I'm hoping I don't have a virus or anything. So far so good.

Happy weekend everyone!
I never got a nap in today. I just fineshed D3! I burned 395 cal. I am still so mad! Just to top things off, DH isn't coming until next week!

Debbie, glad you deleted the email! Sorry, for all of this! I hope you didn't get a virus, My kids and Dh didn't get one! Thank goodness!
Hi ladies.

Belinda - good job with the workout. so sorry to hear about your account being hacked! HUGS

Debbie - glad you enjoyed the workout today!

Chris - hopefully shaking things up with the meals will help!

Roxie - enjoy whatever you do end up doing!

Today was Day 1 of Week 3. The sets go up this week. Today was 4 sets of 5 reps:

Double arm rows - 35's
DB bench press - 40's (very proud of being able to use the 40's on this)
Squats - 100#
Deadlifts - 40's
Alternating bicep curls - 21.5's
Close grip press (for tris) - 20 then up to 21.5's
Step ups - 80#
Lateral raises - 15's

Also added in 3 sets of 10 plie squats using 20# vest and 40# weight. I know I can go heavier, but I don't have a bar...

I also did MMA Kickboxing just for fun.

My dad and sis came up and we had a great lunch. It's been a good Saturday for me so far.

Hope everyone has a great weekend (and if it's not great right now, it turns around).
Hi girls.

What a drag Belinda! Sorry about ur accounts
and sorry about ur DH. I hope ur day ended well.
Debbie I love circuits. Glad u enjoyed that today.
Jessica. I'm at the Black Rose having a Guinness.
Sorry girls. Trying to type on my new iPhone
Last nights workout was 75 min on the recumbent
bike watching my DVRd What Not To Wears and drinking
wine. Really
have a good weekend
Hi girls!;)

I decided to not workout today and let my knees rest today. I'll probably spend a lot of time icing them etc... I might try working out tomorrow to make up for not working out today, we'll see.

Belinda- Extra hugs to you about your accounts. I hope your DH can return to you soon. ;):)

Debbie- nice workout today!

Chris- Hugs to you as well. I totally am right there with you being pissed that the scale isn't going down inspite of the workouts, ugh! Its a viscious cycle I have a love hate relationship with the scale mostly hate. LOL!!! Hang in there kiddo and hugs!;):)

Heather- Bravo! What a great kick butt workout for you today, your a legend!;)

Wendy- Enjoy your Guiness and have fun with your new iPhone. Have a great weekend!;):)

Roxie- I hope your having a nice and relaxing weekend, take care!;)

Ok, that's it for me today not sure if I'll be working out tomorrow or not, but either way have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you at monday's check in.;)



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