clean eating - monday

Morning Kate! Sorry you were up with J in the night. Nothing worse than a coughing baby... just nothing you can do.

We had our first peaceful night in a long time. Anna's alarm didn't go off at all and she didn't even get up to go to the bathroom until 6! YAY! I stayed in bed ALL NIGHT LONG! Relief!

This morning was ME upper body split. I went as heavy as Cathe on most exercises. The bicep curls I can't do that many without a barbell so I had to use 8s instead of 10s. Otherwise, good WO. My legs are fried still from Leaner Legs so the leg work in ME was not an option.

Gotta clean my floors today. They're gross and I've been avoiding it way too long. First test tomorrow so gotta study too. I'll try to come back for personals but it's gonna be a busy day!

Have a great one!
Morning ladies! I am trying my best to come out of this funk. I slept a LOT this weekend, most likely due to my funk :-/ I've got some bizarre stuff going on with my cycle which is really aggravating because this has NEVER happened before, but now that it matters (ttc), things are all over the map. I just have to remember that God will give us a baby when He is ready for us to have one...

I did Disk 6 before church yesterday morning, then 2 mile walk/lb floor work/abs/stretch in the evening. Eats were not terrible either. YAY me.

Slurping my coffee, then off to do CCC - bbiab!

((Katie ))so sorry about you mood but hey when you least expected it...expected it. God's timing is perfect so try not to worry so.

Angie great w/o today! And congrat on dd making through the nite. Study hard today.

My eats were good but too much carbs and my weight it up 2#:rolleyes:
I wonder why I'm so sensitive to carbs. My w/o today will be 30min ellip and ME upperbody premix.
Good Morning Girls !

Kate, I hope you got back to sleep and little J is feeling better this morning.
Katie, hope this week brings you out of your funk . I hate when that happens and it happens to us all ! Good going on your eating.
Robin, that sounds like a great workout !

Today is STS Disc 10 for me, chest/shoulders/bi
and I'm adding yoga.

We made some good progress with the painting yesterday and I am taking progress pictures so I do do before & after .

Have a good one !

Hey all,

Katie, sorry you are in such a funk! I hate things like that. It's so hard when you're in it too because you know it's irrational to be funky, but somehow, that doesn't make it better. I agree with Robin though, God's timing is perfect and that little one will come your way soon enough!

Robin, great WO today. I feel like I'm not getting enough in when I compare it to how I was working out before Christmas. But, I'm focusing on just getting my 6 days in right now and maybe soon I'll up it! Sorry about the 2#!

Becky, good luck with disc 10 today! And Yay on the painting progress.

Off to read to Ellie...
Gray and wet day here. Nothing exciting planned for today, just babysitting and dance tonight. Workout will be STS disc 7 C/S/B and maybe some short cardio.

Kate, hope J is ok.

Angie, Darrin is my floor cleaner! He loves to swiffer and vacuum too! Glad to hear you and Annabel got to sleep all night. Great job on ME upper-I love that workout:)

Robin, I'm in the same boat-I gained 2 pounds over the weekend:( Back to clean eats and writing down what I eat-I need the accountability.

Becky, have a great workout!

Katie, sorry about the funk-hormonal fluctuations affect so much of our health. Great job on CCC! I've only done the premix-need to try the whole workout!
Good Morning Everyone!

I can't believe we still have some patches of snow and it is 60 degrees out this morning. Sorry I never made it here yesterday. Chris and I sat down on Saturday to create our project list and I was motivated to get some of mine done yesterday. Workout today was Disc 10 CSB. I can't believe this is the last week of Meso 1. I might do something else tonight but not likely.

Klaudia, I gray dreary Mondays. Sorry about the weight gain - hope you shed it fast.
Katie, sorry about the funk. I love CCC - it is a lot of fun.
Angie, yeah on the sleep last night. Good luck on your exam!
Becky, I can't wait to see the pictures. We put painting down as a fall project and I can't wait to spruce up the house.
Kate, hope J is feeling better this morning.
Robin, sorry about the weight gain.

b: oatmeal w/ pumpkin & almonds
l: chop suey, banana
s: blueberries & yogurt
d: either steak or salmon
Hi Colleen! I hope so too! STS seems to be going a lot faster for me this time around. Great menu!

My eats:

B-oatmeal w/1 T. flaxseed and 1 T. wheat germ, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 orange, coffee w/cream and sugar
L-salad w/tuna fish, tomato, and cuke and light balsamic
D-leftover chicken salsa verde
s-apple or pear, almonds
Disc 10 is HISTORY!

Breakfast : eggbeaters w/spinach mushrooms & a little salsa
Lunch : tuna sandwich, orange
snack : not sure
Dinner chicken breast & veggies
Kate, hope she is feeling better and you can get some rest today.

Katie, I am sorry for issues now that you are ttc. I know it has to be hard, but your attitude of it will happen in God’s time is a good one :)

Angie, glad you got an uninterrupted night of sleep. Good luck w/your test :)

Robin, sorry about the scale:( Do you get bloating from the carbs?

Klaudia, it is wet and dreary here too. Sorry about the scale for you too:( I am also finding that STS is going by faster, I am enjoying having the cardio to go along with it

Colleen, glad you were able to get started on your projects, getting things done like that can really make you feel accomplished :)

Becky, good job on dics 10!

Can you say OVERSLEPT?!?! Raced Gina to school, got some groceries, now I need to pick up from the AM hurricane!

Will BBL!

Thanks for the thoughts towards Julia - she is doing ok....just congested.
Kate it was a bad storm down her too.

Becky your breakfast sounds good. I love spinach.

Angie congrat on the good night.

Klaudia I hear ya with the good eats. If I don't write things this weekend feast..I would have no idea of what I ate.

Clintonya I think it is bloat but nothing 2L of water can't flush out. Get it flush:D, What's your w/o today?

I ended up doing ME lower body and core premix.
b-egg whites and turkey
l-chicken salad sandwich
s-? fruits and PB
d-bake ziti with lite cheese
i am eating too much garbage, and i do not even want to!! i slept less than 2 hrs last night:mad: on the plus side, i ran 10 miles. also, my cals are not overly high yet, so i can pick up the day.

klaudia, great great menu!!

katie, ccc is a fantastic wo i think.

angie, glad you had a good night.

colleen, it feels so good to get stuff done.

clintonya, hope work goes well.

robin, i am pounding h2o too, but it is making my belly so big.

kate, hope j feels better.

Kate, glad Julia isn’t feeling too bad, good job on making it on time :)

Robin, today will be disc 10. I am really feeling the weekend workouts, so today will be fun! Tomorrow is a rest day though.

Nina, sorry about the lack of sleep. I know I am no good w/out sleep, so I hope the day goes by fast for you. Thx, the day is going pretty well for a Mon :)

Klaudia, I keep forgetting to answer your question from yesterday – I think fusion is harder because it includes more than just the usual kickboxing that I am used to doing.

Workout is done! Man, there's A LOT of push ups in Meso 1! Eats are good and I may even have a Dove dark chocolate tonight:) Skipping dance-the girls lost the privilege for not doing the one job they have-cleaning the basement-and for argueing. I think it punishes me more cause now I have to listen to them all night!

Nina, you ran 10+ miles on 2 hours of sleep?! Wow! I can make a mean menu-it's sticking to it that I can't seem to do! The blondies I made with Nevena have been tormenting me all day!

Clintonya, thanks! From the looks of the clip, I think I'll like it best:)

So look what Kate and I are going to try and do:
I'm crazy excited!!

ETA: I had 3 cheese crackers with my salad at lunch and just had a handful of blue corn tortilla chips with some guac (homemade):eek:
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klaudia, guac is so good, and good for you! great wo. sorry for the punishment.

not much time here, but eats have been cleaned up, and i got core and legs in. and my house is clean again. i cannot wait for bed! see you all in the am
Sleep good Nina ! I imagine you'll pass OUT !!!!!! and you deserve a good, long , solid sleep !!

I had a busy day, but still got in 40 min. of yoga this afternoon.

24 tonight ! Does anyone else watch ????

Klaudia, we have done that miss dance thing in our house too ;)

Nina, you had a productive afternoon and evening :) Hope you sleep better tonight!

Becky, good job on getting in your yoga :) I haven’t watched it in quite a while, my sched keeps changing and I just gave up on trying to catch most tv shows :)

Workout and dance pickup are done. Feeling kind of flu-y and have a temp so am going to try to rest now. Hope everyone has a good night!


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