Chinups Anyone???


Hey ladies!!! No chins or pullups today. I did upper body today: bench press 50# 5x5, lat row 35# 3x8, millitary press 40# 3x8, skull crushers 13.5 # 5x5 and concentration curls 20# 4x6. This seems to be working for me. I will do it for a week or two trying to increase the wt and then go back to the gym styles for a while I think. Tomorrow is B&G- probably one of the mean premixes }( }(

How is everyone else doing?

Thank you for posting this Catherine. I appreciate seeing your weights and it probably keeps you accountable eh?

I'm thinking of going to one body part at my heaviest for a while and see what happens. I continue to battle sticking with workouts and I've gained about 10 pounds over the past 6 months. It's making me really mad especially with summer coming on. To be honest...this all started when I did the triathlon. I began consuming more carbs and upping my cardio - this has been disasterous to me. Gotta get back to heavy lifting and ditch so much cardio. This isn't for everyone, but I guess it works for me. You have been so diligent with your lifting and I'm sure it's paying off Catherine.

AREN'T CARBS EVIL!!!!! There....rant over!!

Keep up the GREAT work chinners. I just did 1/2 of MM and am going down to finish shoulders, bi's and tri's (oh yeah...abs too - how could I forget). This is my break in workout and then I hope to go heavy the rest of the week:) .

I should have said..."one body part per day". (It's been tempting to do one body part per week lately x( x( x( x( ).

Did I mention that I hate CARBS, and that they are evil??? - just wanted to be sure....because they are!

Also....where't Melody? I miss Melody, twig that she is.

Briee (I'm feeling so fat today - does it show?)
Hey Catherine and Briee! I've had a stomach/intestinal bug for the past few days and have been in bed most of the time - yuk! I haven't had one of those in 5 years and this one was a doozy! I'm still not up to snuff and I have got so much freakin' Y work to do with the Ball coming up next month - aaaauuuugggghhhh!

There's my rant. Now I have a question for Briee: how do you feel about carbs?:) Maybe you should come over to my house for a while - this stomach bug will help you drop those 10 lbs in no time and then you'll have a scrawny butt again like me.:)

I'm not going to work out until at least Monday and I guess I'll start with the ever-faithful-get-back-into-it Push Pull if I can stand it after doing it all those times with my friend last month. Briee, heavy lifting seems to be the way to go for you. You always get so into it and it seems to be very motivating and effective for you. I say go for it. Catherine, you are doing awesome, girl! Your weight loads are impressive!

They're having an annual auction at my kids' school tonight - a pretty formal affair which the whole community goes to. I'm not sure if I'm going to have the energy, but I hate to have to send poor DH by himself. I just know I won't be up for eating or drinking or making endless small talk. I also don't feel like getting all dressed up after the week I've had.

Sorry to be complaining so much!:p
Hey Sooooooooooooosan!! Sorry to hear you've been feeling bad :( It sounds like you've got a lot on your plate for the next month or so. Just get back into the swing of things when you can. You know your workouts will give you the energy you need to get things done!

Briee did ya get your workout done?

Miss Joanne, where are ya hun?

Oh I posted this last week but not sure if anyone saw it. check this out:

Catherine-That video of that boy doing chins is great (I forgot to tell you that the last time I saw it). I'm still working on them but it still amazes me that people can actually do them. I can't wait for you to show me that it is possible!

Briee-I eat too many carbs too because I love them. I am reading this book "Mindless Eating". Very interesting. And, I do do a lot of mindless eating :eek:

Sooooosan-Hope you are feeling better. Have some tea, have a nap this afternoon, and maybe you feel up to going to the school for just a little while. Is it close enough to take your own car so you can leave early?

I miss Melody too!

I'm not sure what I am going to do for a workout today. Maybe, I will go for a long walk. And, of course, do a few hangs and try to pull this body up.

Soosan....big <<<<<hugs>>>>>> and I hope you are feeling better soon. Can I really come and drop 10 pounds??:7 :7 ...oooooooo that's so tempting;). I'll go book a flight out immediately. Seriously, being sick is NOT fun!! The nasty virus we had is STILL hanging on and I feel so zapped STILL.

I did MM last night, the whole thing, and am debating what to do tonight. Hmmmmmm. (okay....I skipped a few situps). Did a few, very few chins and ONE wide pullup slow.

Joanne...keep on hanging! Honestly, I wouldn't worry about chins - you're doing PLENTY of other stuff!! How is your elbow feeling?

Just went garage saling in lacrosse and ate at you guys have those??? They are just awesome, lots of veggies/black beans piled on the BEST cornchips in the world. Of course those cornchips are CARBS.............nevermind...Burrachos is EVIL. x( x( x( x( .

Did less than well with the eating yesterday. But it was Derby day for Pete's sake!! Ok I know I can always have an excuse. I really have got to tighten down on my eating. I feel my mid section getting bigger.

Today is IMAX 2 and I will hopefully do some abs and some pullups.

Sooooooooooooosan, I hope you are over your virus
Briee, Burrachos sounds great!! Maybe they were whole grain chips :p
Joanne, good for you for staying so consistent!! Keep it up!!

Good morning, chinners and nonchinners! (In case you're wondering, I fall in the latter group:).)

I'm feeling almost 100% today. I did 40 min of power yoga yesterday and will do something light today - not sure what yet.

Briee, Burrachos sounds like my kind of place! Wish we had one around here. And I see nothing wrong with carbs in moderation - labeling a food group as evil will bring nothing but trouble, sister!:)

Catherine, you're still banging away at those chin-ups, whether in sets of 5 or singles or whatever. That kind of steadiness is really something to be proud of - you go girl!

Joanne, you don't look like you have trouble with mindless eating. And I'm with Briee, don't stress about the chin-ups - just take care of that elbow and keep doing what you like doing. It's obviously working!

Wow, I'm just full of advice today! Who do I think I am? :p

Shouting out to Melody if she's around! Hope all is well with you and your beautiful family!:)
Hey Sooooooooooooosan, glad you are feeling better. I hope things aren't too crazy for you right now. I know how far behind one can get after being ill. Thanks for your encouraging words. Truth is I am afraid not to do chinups because I know if I stop I'll lose so much ground LOL!!

Today I am doing upper body again and maybe Kickbox with my new weighted gloves ;) Of course there WILL be some ab work in there!!

> - labeling a food group as evil will bring nothing but trouble, sister!

BUT IT IS EVIL, IT IS, IT IS, IT IS, IT IS - I KNOW IT IS (Briee stamps foot like 2 year old, do ya think I need a vacation from my kids?). Soosan, of course, is very wise :7 :7 :7 :7 . I swear...I really don't get into chocolate much, but the day Melanie (from my fitmoms checkin of old) decided we needed to live without it for a few weeks - THAT'S ALL I COULD THINK OF, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.

But NOT SO with carbs....I'm living without them, and that's that!!!! I just made the protein brownie that someone posted last week sometime and it really IS pretty good!! carbs!! I can just feel my abs returning (I have an incredible imagination:p ). workouts. I DID BM2 IN IT'S ENTIRETY on Saturday. I saw the thread regarding how many cal's burned and several heart rate monitor wearers said they burned 700-1000 cals doing this. Now...I don't believe them because that seems way too high, (Lauramax said she burned about 400 before the upperbod section) but still one can only hope and I'm determined to shed this weight. I did a few chins also. Did B&G timesaver this morning and I'm scheduled for class tonight with the ladies and TaeKwonDo. All this with very few carbs "HA - I laugh in fats face. I thumb my nose to my pudgy accumulated layer - I'm waving good bye and singing nananana nananana, hey hey hey goodbye"

(and I haven't even had coffee yet today)

Joanne, I'm getting that mindless eating book too!! Being that I'm frequently mindless and also eat - sounds like it was written for me.

Maybe I need that mindless eating book!!!

I got on my sisters scale this weekend and I weighed 10 pounds more than I thought o: o: Now I think her scales are WRONG!!! LOL I really do. I won't get on mine now. I do see a shift in my midsection that I do not like, but 10 pounds??? I don't know- my clothes all fit the same. I'm cornfused- scratches head??

Yesterday I did upper body again. Doing 3-4sets of 6-8 reps of each exercise and went heavier on most of the weights. I am afraid to increase my bench without DH there to spot me so I stuck with 50#. But this time I did 8 reps x 3 with no problem (last time I struggled to do 5 sets of 5 reps. Anywhoo, I am trying to do upper body like this twice a week and then S&H leg once a week and some version of B&G once a week. Of course along with some cardio and abs. Oh and of course chinups and pullups- which I will be doing tomorrow with legs.

Now that I've bored you to death with every tiny detail of my w/o's -
How's ya'll doing???

Briee, I am so impressed with your workouts!!

Hey Soooooooooooosan, how's your mom?

Joanne, are ya getting excited about the RT???? Only about 3 more months!!

Catherine you are too sweet. Don't be impressed as they are so incredibly inconsistant - MAKES ME CRAZY.

THEN..when I have a great day of workouts, like today for instance, then I wonder why I ever skip a day. Isn't that post workout feeling incredible!!! Okay..there lies my problem....I have short term memory.

Catherine...keep posting details - they help me!! You are SO encouraging.

We did KPC tonight with the ladies. I'm TIRED!!! You guys have a great night!!

Catherine-Yes, I am sooo excited about the road trip. And, I can't wait to meet you! I know I am not going to arm wrestle with you :)

Briee-I see there is a bike ride in Chippewa Falls on Sunday May 20th. Have you ever done that one? I would love to ride in it if I could get my DH to go with me. It is hard to get him to do stuff other than fish when May comes. Plus, it is about two hours from me but I would love to go their on Saturday and stay the night. Well, we will see.

Sooooosan-Thanks for the compliment the other day about me looking like I don't mindless eat. You're so nice. Hope you're feeling completely better.

Well, I am going to try to get some upper body in today as I haven't done any weights in almost a week. It is so hard for me to stay indoors and work out when it is nice out. And, today is going to be beautiful. Yesterday, I rode my bike to work - it was great. I try to do that at least once a week. I really like BM2 upper body so I'm off to go do that.

You gals are great!


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